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What I discovered on kings day yesterday



Well for those who like to hear it, I recently learned somewhat of a life lesson I guess, and I'd like to share it ^^ I know it I'm boring :P


So here goes kingsday is basically a day where we celebrate our king. It used to be queens day, but recently she passed the crown on to her son, and now we'll have a king!


Normally our country isn't really nationalistic but heck on kings day, they do know how to be! :P


Orange (Dutch national color and the color of our king) and our flag where everywhere. Nearly every house hang a flag outside and the streets where literally littered with orange people confetti just everything. And that internally made me smile really I was just so happy for them all having fun! :)


But somewhat later, as I returned to home, that internal smile quickly faded away. The smell of beer and cannabis was really everywhere, it was getting quite late and drunk people where literally swooshing around the streets bumping into objects etc. I also saw some people who had something completely different than alcohol just staring into somewhere with an empty look in their eyes. I shook my head and though: "Well, so this is what it actually means to be Dutch then?"


But while cycling to home, I also saw how much fun these people where all having, laughing together and just having a good time. That made me think: "So yeah, they're having a bit of fun. They might be annoying to other people but right now none of them is actually doing something really wrong right?"


So yeah, I came to the conclusion quite quickly after that that there are just many ways of entertaining yourselves. And even though some might not be as common or accepted as others we should still not judge from a first glance but get to know people better before you judge about them. Maybe to you that group seems like a group of drunk bastards, but they might actually be a group of friends who knew each other since they where like 6 years old just deciding to put it on a drink for once!


I know my way of making conclusions is quite weird :P

  • Brohoof 2

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Kidding of course XD you better steer away from Bavaria then  XD damn..  i have someone who can teach me how to party now XD

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