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What happens everyday in my life. Or I will make entries for questions or other stuff

Entries in this blog

This is my last entry

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and just saying that this is gonna be my last blog entry well at least for this blog. I am growing bored of this blog and I am always forgetting to update it. So I hope you have all enjoyed my entry's that I have submitted in this blog. Thank you for the views and the comments, and I might see you in a different blog here maybe somewhere else I dont know, Have a good day, afternoon, or night depending when you read this and time zones and all. Goodbye V(^-^




Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and I know it has been a while and it is due to the fact I have been caught up in some stuff. I got my first boyfriends . As you all know or at least I hope you know I am bisexual. And I love my new boyfriend he is a mlpforumer. He is so sweet and all that but besides that nothing else has held me back from updating this I am so sorry. Well that is all I wanted to say.



Cold morning

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I woke up an hour before 8:00. I don't know just felt like you needed to know that XD. Anyway today is a huge chore day. I have to pick up over an acre of sticks this time due to my yard's and I decided to help another friend today with yard work . Also I would like to know why my lazy day posts and my im bored post get a lot more views than when I actually do stuff? I post about playing the same game or just sleeping all day 60 views. I post about me



Poor blood circulation?

Helllllo everypppony Bronyccchan121444 here. I am freezing cold . I have been cold almost the whole summer now. I have 3 thick covers on a jacket zipped up.Socks, thick pants and I am shivering cold. I asked my mother who is also concerned. She said it could be due to poor blood circulation. My best friend I guess also has this cause when he walks outside he has to wear a coat.....so do I.   I walked with him yesterday we talked about it. He said he has been cold almost all his life and so ha



Gaming lazy day again....

I apologize for being boring but this is what I have done all day. I have done mlp forums all day, going to play some minecraft after this, been playing borderlands 2, and have been playing some spore. Sorry just another boring lazy day. I want to walk to a friends house but it is so hot outside right now. Well not hot...humid. Anypony want to chat? I am so bored :okiedokielokie:.



Another lazy day... YAY!

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I have been pretty bored and just sitting around all day. I have also noticed my more boring post get like 60 views but when I actually did something yesterday I got 26 views...I guess being boring is interesting. Anyway just been play borderlands 2 and just doing some chores and cleaning up the house because my brother and mother are out of the house. I am basically alone because my sister never leaves her room unless for bathroom breaks and food. Al



Helping friends out!

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I am going to talk about why I didn't post yesterday. I just finished picking up another acre of sticks at my house and got back inside. I received a message from a friend on skype asking if I wanted to come over and help him do some yard work. I obviously accepted and I got a ride over there. I picked up the sticks and rocks and leaves in his front yard back yard and his sides of his yard. And I had to follow complicated boundary lines that he set up



I Am GOiNg CraZY!?

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I am going to talk about ghosties. I have been noticing figures or just shadows or like stuff out the corners of my eyes for all my life. I think I am seeing ghosts. I have felt something touch my back before and I am the only one in the house. I have heard voices and whispers in my ears when at night and people are all asleep except me because I am nocturnal. I have seen things fall over with out nothing touching them.   Or I could be going crazy!



Friends coming over

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I will inform you about the exciting night of fun I had last night. I had a friend over last night and it was so fun. We played game ate some pizza and I actually beat him in his best fighting game...a lot. I learn games pretty fast and in half an hour he was actually getting mad because he was trying against me. It was very funny. He also brought over call of duty modern warfare 3, and wwe smack down something forgot the number. Anyway of course he w



I hate walmart

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I am gonna complain about walmart. I hate this place so much. As you all know that I am the happy not mean and a friendly person. I let the people go in front of me I go off to sides to avoid getting stuck with other shoppers and I let people pass by the isle before I go after them. Or I move so that whatever the person is trying to get behind my cart they can get it. But whenever I do this my mother says that I am a shopper to and I respond with I am




Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and I was playing spore all night and day for the past 3 days? maybe? Anyway (wow I say that a lot) I have played up until the finishing of creature stage on one of the games. I completely started the creature over and made a raptor . I was thinking of something awesome for him/her and I am glad I used it turned out awesome. I no longer can remember my spore account and I might make another for you to see my creations but I might not because I usually just play



I am a creator

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today is a short post just about some stuff...I guess. Lol these past days all I have been doing is drawing for some reason I cant stop . I have mostly just done some pokemon and the main 6 some background ponies and a bat pony oc (best race btw). I tried using a sharpie to make my picture turn out to be darker so I could see it but the sharpie just ran together and ruined one of my pictures it totally sucked . I am most comfortable with a pencil but I draw




Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and I am just giving some updates. About everything my life and how it is going the mentioned art blog that I might start still not sure about it. And my other blog.   1. My life has actually started to look up . My father has gotten anew butchering job that pays like 20 bucks on hour and that is alot more than his old job witch paid I think like 15 or 16 bucks. Anyway we have gotten feedback a couple of times on my mothers disability place. I am not sure wha



art blog?

Hello everypony just wanted your opinions on if I should do an art blog. I will take requests. And do you guys know of any website that can actual make my pictures clear and lookable. Made an entry before and the picture didn't look very good.... Well have an awesome day ! Feeling artsy Bronychan1214 V(^-^)V




Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I wanted to talk I guess the outdoors. Since for awhile all I did was go outside and walk but I was going to try to go to a friends house because I have nothing else to do today. Chores are done and if I play diablo I really dont want to bore you with diablo. If I keep talking about it this will kinda turn into a mini gaming journal blog for a bit. Anyway right before I get started I wanted to say sorry for not many post in my other blog this is becau



I swear if I dont do anything else

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and again today I am talking about diablo 3...Sorry. I just love this game so much and it is all I have done for the past 3 days. None of my friends are talking to me for some reason or are not on skype at all sometimes. But on a happier note I beat diablo for the first time last night around 3 in the morning. I have to say that was one of the least challenging boss fights in the whole game. Maybe because of being the witch doctor with meat shields and ranged a



Diablo 3 again...

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and again today I want to talk about Diablo 3 again. I played this all day again because it is such an awesome game. I also wanted to talk about this because of two amazing things happened to me today on it . I was fighting a demon skeleton horde and I got two legendary's in the same exact horde. One was a ring and the other was the two handed axe that I am using to kill diablos minions. It is an axe that bleeds! ah the game is so much fun but I probably dont n



Diablo 3

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I want to talk about diablo 3. I have started to play it again and after I got past the first act I got really into it. I got really bored in the first act but when I got past it I really started to love it . I actually played it all day and got past the lord of lies sorry forgot his name. I was planning on walking to my friends house to play some games but he didn't answer his phone or his skype so I just decided to play it again. And I am glad I di



Kick in the knee

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I want to talk about.....I am not sure. All I have really accomplished is almost 500 profile views Thnx guys so much!! But I have not slept all night and I am still going strong. Helped out around the house. Might play games with my friend again since it is raining and I can't walked ;-;. Eh how have you guys been? lol so boring talk in the chat if you like. Also toribash is fun new account.....(so bored) lol hopefully someone talks to me today sor




Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today I wanted to talk about emulators. I have started to download pokemon black 2 since I have always wanted to play this one. I know not everypony likes emulators but I think they are fun and kinda a way to experience the game before actually buying it. I have already played pokemon black so I think black 2 is gonna be fun .   I hope my computer does not have viruses because it has been running really slow lately. Even on flash games. But my brothers ru



Gravity hates me...

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and today me and gravity had a fight. Since someone was going to check out the house we had to clean it up. I had to bring down a big fan so I did. And while going back up the stairs I caught the stair with my foot and fell down them. I escaped with just a bloody knee. I think I should have gotten worse since they are concrete stairs. Heh I am very clumsy at first I fell up the stairs and then fell back and fell down the stairs. And when the real estate lady ca



Stress relieveing walks

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here and I have been taking a lot of walks away from home. Since we have some people coming by to look at the house we have to do a lot of cleaning Since a lot of my family gets really mad easily I have left the house to cool down myself. Sometimes I just take walks to get away from everyone either being mad at me or me being mad at someone. It is just nice to go to the creek everyday just to smell the nice water and throw some rocks into it.   Last night was a bi



Father's birth day (and yesterday friends house)

Hello everypony Bronychan1214 here today and today is my father's birthday. He is so hard to but for he has like every toll in existence and he usally never eats any of his cake. So my mother and brother have gone off to get his cake and some other things that we need. I stayed here because...I wanted to. I was thinking of just giving him some money since whatever we get him he turns the good times into bad times by saying something negative. Lol I will see how it goes hopefully well.   I was



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