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S1E05: "Griffon the Brush Off"



Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!








Oh, crap, that was yesterday, wasn't it?








Uh, happy...Black Friday? :kindness:


It's Fluttershy so it's cute.


Alright, everyone, time to delve into the next episode of season one of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. This is a fan cited favorite...I think...of the first handful of episodes. It's called "Griffon the Jack Off." In it, there's a griffon named Gilda who's just a complete jack-off. Who'da thunk? She brings havoc to our little utopia, Ponyville, which is almost always the site for some kind of mega-crisis, but I digress. Will Pinkie Pie slap the bitch silly? Will Rainbow Dash and Gilda fall in love and have little pony-griffon hybrid children? How does that even work? All questions will be answered in this episode of...


...My Little Pony...








and Order.
This a spoilers review, so if you haven't seen this episode, you better griffon the f**k off! *LAUGH TRACK*
























Alright, let's rock and roll, music!


The episode starts off with Rainbow Dash running away from Pinkie Pie. They embark on the biggest chase sequence all around Equestria, but Pinkie has magic Pinkie skills that allow her to catch up in a matter of seconds. After Dashie grows tired of running for no reason, Pinkie reveals that she just wants some help pranking Spike. They end up pranking Spike and it has the same amount of humor value as my jokes.


Spike_hiccuping_scrolls_away_S1E05.pngThat's what you get for going to Taco Bell on Thanksgiving.


Rainbow Dash realizes that Pinkie Pie is actually fun to be around and they go off to prank some more asswipes. They start with Rarity, obviously, and make her sneeze with sneezing powder, because sneezing = comedy. That's okay, Rarity's last frame makes her look like she's just finished snorting some coke. Anorexic whore. Next, they prank Twilight and Applejack, but their pranks manage to be even less amusing. Finally, Pinkie pranks Rainbow when acting like they're gonna prank Fluttershy, 'cause Pinkie Pie's just the pony embodiment of Eric Cartman. Having run out of friends, they decide to call it a days end at some point, and later, Pinkie Pie finds Rainbow Dash with her old friend Gilda.


Gilda_giving_Rainbow_Dash_a_hug_S1E5.pngI love you, you love me, let's have sex...................................................................


Dash says that she'd rather spend the day with Gilda than Pinkie Pie (well, in a nutshell), and that depresses Pinkie. She then commits suicide.








The End.








So Pinkie won't quit annoying the shit out of Gilda the bitch and Rainbow won't switch, so Pinkie still tries while Rainbow Dash flies as actions of which annoy Gilda the bitch. /END POEM As Pinkie Pie's religion of friendship is shattered by Gilda's mean attitude, she complains to Twilight whom has given so much of a crap so far. Of course, Twilight just assumes Pinkie Pie is insane and says that she's just jealous. OH THE IRONY, TWILIGHT, JUST YOU WAIT UNTIL YOU GET JEALOUS IN SEASON FIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Pinkie_Pie_super_frustrated_S1E05.pngWhy, you...YOU'RE GONNA BE A HYPOCRITE IN ABOUT A YEAR OR SO!


Pinkie Pie considers that she is just being jealous and that Gilda totally didn't physically and verbally abuse her. Then the griffon makes the biggest mistake ever. She messed with Fluttershy. She messed with Fluttershy! You don't mess with Fwuttershai!!!YOU DON'T F**K WITH FLUTTERSHY DAMMI-She does anyway. This is when Pinkie Pie devises a plan to give griffon the jack off some payback. :sneer:


Damn, dude. Do you brush your teeth?


There's only one way Pinkie Pie know's how to dish some revenge: a party! As we learn that Fluttershy is a year older than Pinkie, Gilda arrives for the festivities! There's tons of games at this party, such as "Get Electrocuted by the Hoof Buzzer," "Eat Spicy-Ass Lemon Drops," "Drink the Punch from the Dribble Glass," "Open a Snake Nut Can," "Blow Trick Candles," and the always popular "Walk the Wrong Way While Pinning the Tail on the Pony!" All of these incredible pranks are offensive to Gilda, kind of like how Americans get offended by anything, and constantly confronts Pinkie Pie that she knows what she's up to. However, after she fucks up the "Pin the Tail" game, she's had enough and cusses Pinkie out!


Gilda doesn't have time for your*Saves Draft*shit, Pinkie Pie!


But now we're in for a plot twist. You see, Pinkie Pie only hosted this party. All the fun pranks that Gilda had to undergo? They were RAINBOW DASH'S IDEA! It's too late at this point, though. Gilda has exposed her jackassery in front of everyone, and has certainly pissed off Rainbow Dash by calling Pinkie Pie a loser for Dashie's pranks. Rainbow Dash prepares a griffon the tell off for Gilda (*LAUGH TRACK FOR 5 MINUTES*) and at long last, the evil griffon bitch leaves Ponyville. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash create a very strong friendship from that point on as Twilight monologues about how it's impossible to control your own behavior. The End!


Princess_Celestia_S1E05.pngDear Twilight, tell Spike I said thank you for hiccuping 1,000 blank scrolls to me. Now I can finally write back to people.


And that was "Griffon the Jack Off." How does it hold up?


While I know a lot of people like this episode from what I can tell, I don't think it was that great. By no means is it bad, it's just the first instance chronologically in the show where I was pretty bored by the story. "The Ticket Master" had a pretty weak plot too, but at least that was a bit more entertaining than this. "Griffon the Brush Off" is just sort of dull all around, and I don't feel like I've accomplished anything by episode's end. Again, this feels like an episode out of a teen sitcom.


In fact, let's bring back iCarly as an example. That show has this exact same episode, where one of Carly's old friends from wherever the fuck she lived came to Seattle, and she was a jackass to Sam, but Carly didn't believe her until she was exposed, and then Sam and Freddie send her on a cruise where she becomes sea-sick as revenge. Same plotline, just no pranks or ponies involved. So, the fact that I've seen this kind of story before lead to it being kind of predictable and dull.


I did like, however, the dynamic of Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie in this episode, and thought it did help develop their dynamic for the future series to come. Therefore, I will only be giving this episode a 7/10 for at least doing something beneficial in that regard. The rest of the episode is just really uninteresting. I will however, recommend the KroboProductions YouTube Poop of this episode, "Friendship is Gic 2: Pinkie Pie tlt uolliaC," which is a masterpiece that deserves an 11/10 of it's own. In fact, I'll just let you guys go watch that for yourself. I shan't link it because gay, but it'll make your re-think your own existence. I hope you laugh your griffon the ass off. (*LAUGH TRACK FOR 3 DAYS*)

  • Brohoof 2


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