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TwilightCircuits Amazing Story Part 9. Aftermath...

Twilight Circuits


Did you know that you based my last blog entry on pre-existing ideas and notions about a certain and/or particular subject? You see, I created the title Haters Only!. But you notice that i didn't direct the title to any pony? That means that you automatically created the idea that because the blog post title and blog are here on mlpforums, I must have been talking about brony haters. But what if I wasn't? I acknowledged that there has been some forms of pain given to bronies by those that don't have knowledge of love and affection. But what about some pony that hates anything? That means the same message can be applied to anything you might hate! This is why this all so great! Because I have just introduced the idea that you trolled yourself into believing what you wanted to believe! And not only that, you disregarded warnings which i predicted that you would, so i chose to acknowledge that you would also ignore those warnings and continue on. Your very disappointment in the results at the end were very dependent upon the kind of experience you were expecting based upon not only the knowledge you had created, but also the knowledge you already had in your mind about the word hate. You were the cause and your own effect. I was nothing more than a medium that brought those together. Now, you could have hated dried out pizza crust and it might have been so heavily on your mind that it wouldn't leave you alone and it starts to get you depressed. You might be thinking "Twilight, pizza crust... Seriously?" Absolutely! I'm not judging you whom you are! But there are things that challenged my ideas about on what my awareness level's are, on various aspects that make up my life. Which means that it doesn't matter what it was at that point. The lesson here is that I had to find a way to tell myself to quash those ideas so i can concentrate on having an open enough mind to at least consider someone else's way of thinking. Which would allow me to decide for myself whether this new information might have merit and is worth pursuing and even relevant to something else I may wish to understand.

What you may not consider right now. Is that i mentioned that can go back at any time of my choosing, and alter any blog post at my command. Which means, that i can alter the haters only post to cater to anybody on anything! Might want to consider that point for a while....

This whole polarity thing is important right this second. Let me ask you this question: Do you hate something more then it's polar opposite? What is that you hate? And what would the polar opposite of that be? When you figure that out. Please keep the better idea rather than the negative idea after carefully considering how the new idea will benefit others and yourself. Which is why I share this information in this blog for free! That's right. A lot of this information costs people many hundreds of thousands of dollars! It all depends on whom it is that is selling the information. The real trick to it is convincing you that their material has enough merit for you to buy their material. Which might make you wonder... Is there good material out there? As a matter of fact there is! How else did you think I became a master myself bonehead? lol Did you really think that all of this information shared with you is nothing more than abstract concepts and ideas that came to me on a whim and I'm simply babbling on about them here? I can assure you I am not. As a matter of fact, I have already stated previously in a blog entry that taking the mastery from one material and applying it over and over, means that it's repetition increases the person's awareness, until they too, become masters of that very material. The idea that you might not be thinking about or considering here, is that it doesn't mean it's going to be the best forever! No! Why do you think the same material shows up through the course of history? It's because just like all things, mastery means to come up with something better then the material that made you a master. Which also includes being able to teach it to another being in a way that they too can become a master of your now, better material. When that's figured out and oneself is actually duplicatable based upon one's personal study of the material over and over and over and over and over etc. That, is why I call myself a Master.

Even more interesting, is that I even asked in earnest to those fellow masters, if I could use their material for free, and cater to only bronies. The most loving people in the world! How do i know that? That awareness thing that your working on... Yeah, I use that. Now, I actually did reach a few barriers. One responded the other didn't. The one that did explained why they couldn't assist me. Not only did they do that, they even offered up some of their product for nothing for me to give away to my fellow bronies which I will do in the future! So you see, that's love!

It does sadden me though that the master in which i had the most faith in, has not responded to my requests, and in fact, keeps trying to sell me something. Now, what you don't know, but is true, is that I had a particular friend that met him face to face. What she came back with was astounding! She said that, and i quote her quote "All your paying for is my name. It doesn't matter if you're using the material or not, your money is just for the use of my name." Now, you see, I said I was a Master of the Law of Attraction. Which means, that my interpretation of what he said may not be the same as yours. At this point I can only tell you what it meant to me. That is simply "I don't love my material anymore, just give me your money and let's get this over with." Thus, I did not give them my money. Money is not love, or at least not true love. Why? because it takes away your ability to understand love from all aspects of life. And a wise person studies all aspects of every kind of material before arriving at what they consider the truth to be. The problem is, we never seem to ask ourselves the right questions. What are the right questions? We've talked enough in this entry and thus, I'll save them for another day.

But there is something that you should know because it's the truth. I sacrificed my father's inheritance to bring this information to you. Why? Because I know how his love made this possible. And since I know exactly how to explain it in a way that makes complete sense, everypony can now benefit. You're just going to have to learn it my way, as now matter how many times i go over it, there is only one way. It's the most completely selfless act I can possibly give you. Perhaps now that you know that, calling me a troll might not be so nice now it seems huh... and maybe, just maybe... There might be a lot good information and knowledge to be obtained if you would simply read my blog in the proper order until the video's come out. Until then, please enjoy this loving video!



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well i'm too lazy to read all that. btw i took the title of you're last blog not directed at people hating bronies but at hating you, so every one who click would be a Twilight Circuits hater and thus you can be all smug and superior, hence the loss of respect (if there was ever any to begin with )


sugar coat it any way you want shallow is still shallow

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well i'm too lazy to read all that. btw i took the title of you're last blog not directed at people hating bronies but at hating you, so every one who click would be a Twilight Circuits hater and thus you can be all smug and superior, hence the loss of respect (if there was ever any to begin with )


sugar coat it any way you want shallow is still shallow


Well, that's interesting you would say that. As since we're all so tolertating on the forums, I actually have no clue who hates me. Now, I wasn't lieing in that i have been nothing but nice on the forum. Which means, there has been little to no cause for someone to hate me other then a different view point on something. Which from my observation, has not produced any discord at all. But your discord... is making you lazy. Might just want to tell Discord to shut up. And i mean discord, not you personally.


I don't know why you are calling me shallow. I'm doing nothing then sharing information freely over the internet. Just like anypony else, you can take what you like, leave what you don't feel you need. Attacking me proves nothing more then a closed mind.

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well i'm too lazy to read all that. btw i took the title of you're last blog not directed at people hating bronies but at hating you, so every one who click would be a Twilight Circuits hater and thus you can be all smug and superior, hence the loss of respect (if there was ever any to begin with )


sugar coat it any way you want shallow is still shallow



Too bad. :( I'm sorry. Hug?

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Well, that's interesting you would say that. As since we're all so tolertating on the forums, I actually have no clue who hates me. Now, I wasn't lieing in that i have been nothing but nice on the forum. Which means, there has been little to no cause for someone to hate me other then a different view point on something. Which from my observation, has not produced any discord at all. But your discord... is making you lazy. Might just want to tell Discord to shut up. And i mean discord, not you personally.


I don't know why you are calling me shallow. I'm doing nothing then sharing information freely over the internet. Just like anypony else, you can take what you like, leave what you don't feel you need. Attacking me proves nothing more then a closed mind.


there is a difference between attack and expressing an opinion.

with you're last blog anyone who was to click to read it would immediacy be classed as a hater (on the point of clicking a link directed at hater)

and all you said in that blog would have been directed at them thus you are pretty much informing the reader that you are better then them hence why my self and another member saw it as shallow.


and now the point of this blog is saying "hay look i made some people mad look at me"


or this could all be another flare up from me, in which case good job, two more and i might as well consider leaving

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there is a difference between attack and expressing an opinion.

with you're last blog anyone who was to click to read it would immediacy be classed as a hater (on the point of clicking a link directed at hater)

and all you said in that blog would have been directed at them thus you are pretty much informing the reader that you are better then them hence why my self and another member saw it as shallow.


You even thought it might be shallow of you to not understand there might be bronies out there that link to that page outside the forum? And that they might feel that what i have to say might help them to express their feelings to someone that wronged them? The blog title that made you click was posted on the forums was nothing more then something i had no control over. I can't control that. I even stated that I was taking one for the team, so-to-speak.

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You even thought it might be shallow of you to not understand there might be bronies out there that link to that page outside the forum? And that they might feel that what i have to say might help them to express their feelings to someone that wronged them? The blog title that made you click was posted on the forums was nothing more then something i had no control over. I can't control that. I even stated that I was taking one for the team, so-to-speak.

well i can only speak from my own perception on the situation creating my opinion. and my perception is that you made a blog to insult and poke at those who click it. one of them being someone who already suffers from temper issues and which you continued to prod at.

stop acting like you're so much better and were just retards who don't fucking understand its i personality trite that i despise.

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well i can only speak from my own perception on the situation creating my opinion. and my perception is that you made a blog to insult and poke at those who click it. one of them being someone who already suffers from temper issues and which you continued to prod at.

stop acting like you're so much better and were just retards who don't fucking understand its i personality trite that i despise.

This is great! I'm learning so much about you that this is fantastic! It's kinda too bad you keep telling me about the negative side of you. What's the positive side of you?

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well I can only ever get show my nice qualities to people who don't stroke there ego and since you decided to make an entire blog dedicated to an other blog you made that is actually shorter you not likely to see those nice qualities.

and you have made it very clear you don't give a fuck about others

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well I can only ever get show my nice qualities to people who don't stroke there ego and since you decided to make an entire blog dedicated to an other blog you made that is actually shorter you not likely to see those nice qualities.

and you have made it very clear you don't give a fuck about others


Actually that's not true at all. In fact, I even wrote about how I used to feel about certain things and that there are in fact others that probably still feel exactly the same way. This included some things I encountered on my journey to grasp this knowledge. Which was basicaly, as one tries to share their knowledge and make a better life for themselves, they will be met with resistance from all corners and sides. Which was why I quoted from my other blog. Which from your reaction means you didn't read that post. That's ok. 13:16 Understoodeth the Law of Forgiveness,

13:19 For the Discorded pony knows not what they do.

3:06 Don't be shy. Let a good friend show you the way if they know how.

3:13 Cause sometimes the only way to change is together.

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If you took the time to see his philosophy you would see that your negative feelings towards him are unnecessary and only hurtful towards yourself. Your negative energy of him is mostly imagined and by broadcasting that to the world you only amplify the negativity and make you feel worse. I think you overreacted to his post directed towards Haters, if you read carefully you might have noticed most of blogs are in reference to a predicted audience, which means his prediction of you being a hater has come to fruition. I think its best if you just take the situation at hand and realize there really isn't nothing to be mad about, even if his ego is a little bit larger than life. You gotta be positive and not start flame wars over such triteness. I don't really know why you say he doesn't care about anyone, he is a really caring person.

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you know what i don't rely care about the point of this because the result was me switching from nice and calm to angry as hell to depressed to the point of self harm so fuck you, that's all i can rely say at this point now

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you know what i don't rely care about the point of this because the result was me switching from nice and calm to angry as hell to depressed to the point of self harm so fuck you, that's all i can rely say at this point now


I know that feel bro. That's why write about it in entry 3. I've commited suicide, i've been on wealthfare, i've had no job nothing. I've crawled my way out from being so close to living on the street. I've battle alcohol, drugs, depression. All manner of things. So i really do know what it's like to be picked on by people or even feel like was picked on when I wasn't. So if you can trust me for just as single moment in time. Please read entry3.http://mlpforums.com/blog/358/entry-1365-twilightcircuits-amazing-story-part-3-discretion-advised/



Pleeeease give it a chance... :(

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you know what i don't rely care about the point of this because the result was me switching from nice and calm to angry as hell to depressed to the point of self harm so fuck you, that's all i can rely say at this point now



Can you please direct me to the source of your anger? Was it blog 8? I didn't read that.

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you know what i don't rely care about the point of this because the result was me switching from nice and calm to angry as hell to depressed to the point of self harm so fuck you, that's all i can rely say at this point now


Just in case you read this. It's a quote from entry3: Everypony has their private world where they can be alone but sometimes i wonder; Are you calling me? Are you trying to get through? Are you reaching out for me? Cause this whole time, I've been reaching out to you.

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Twilight has been teaching me his material outside of this forum and he is very good at it. If you would actually give him half a chance despite the novel it seems he's writing, :D rather then one single blog post, it's just like he says. You won't understand unless you read it from the beginning. It's too bad your too lazy to read which only shows that a pony is the first cause of their own problem like he's taught me. Which means the decisions and reactions were all made by you. I believe when his video's come out they really will empower you. I'm enjoying them so far, even if I admit that I too, ignored his warnings.

Keep it up Twilight! I'm loving this so far!

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