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Disclaimer: not everything involves rhymes

Entries in this blog

That Shifty Old Bastard

Really hoping the title doesn't bring about unnecessary warning points...   Here's one poem written in two different forms. Comment, brohoof, criticize, and/or name your favorite barn animal.   The clock on the wall is quite shifty indeed. He goes back on his promises forth on his greed. He’ll yell out the hour then, just as you turn. The minutes will crumble The seconds will burn. ----------------------- The clock Selfish and cruel A prank where you’re the fool Addictive to subm



Nature's Dogma

Think about it...       I sit alone; a man, a stone. What nature calls it’s own.




Just a thought that popped into my head. This isn't a random sentence, however. There's a definite meaning to it.       I find there is a simple sort of elegance in the angel’s broken wings



Midnight's Burden

CamRad18 rhymes again!         Each night I raise failure; beauty, scarred. My artwork corrupted; essence, marred.   My Magnum Opus; night’s gem, dusk’s pearl. a former prison; greed’s wings, unfurled.   Black canvas flaunts ego; power, abused. The dreamer’s haven; sanctum, misused.   Come dawn I snuff exile; choices, bold. My signature piece; distant, cold.




brohoofs are nice, but comments would be most appreciated.     Five stood ‘round one graveside Tears in their eyes “Kindness may pass but never truly dies”   Four sat ‘round one graveside Near another old plot “Keep Ponyville laughing That’s what she would want”   Three knelt ‘round one graveside Their sextet now halved “Death took the one thing She’d have taken back”   Two lay ‘round one graveside Near four aging stones “A hard truth to swallow; she found her way home”  




Here comes the feels train! Have some rhymes n' stuff.         when Kindness withers and Laughter dies Generosity ages Honesty says goodbye Magic stayed longer soon to perish what good is Loyalty With no one to cherish?



Master of Chaos

It's sort of about Discord but not really. Let me put it this way, when I wrote it I didn't intend it to have a Discord vibe.   It would be super awesome if you left a comment about what you liked, didn't like, etc.     The Master of Chaos does as he wants an imbalanced equation brought to life his mind a place filled with erratic thoughts a paradox and contradiction spliced no rule can bind, no law can keep him back like capturing the fog using a net too many definitions to keep trac



Read Around the Words

Hey guys! Just adding this poem to my blog. You may have seen it in a topic already (probably not).   Brohoof, comment, and criticize please.       All of my poetry has the same mood and rhyme   fourteen syllables in every line even stanzas somber mood   what a metaphor for life ruts and grooves press repeat playback   what a metaphor for life ruts and grooves press repe-stop!   bre ak the rules frac ture the monotony   be spontaneous and unpredictable



A Flash of Silver

The poem you never knew you loved, now in blog form!     The flick of a thumb A silent wish Sent sailing through the air   A flash of silver Bright and bold Into the stony lair   It brushed past hopes Skimmed empty wants And grazed by dreams long held   Plinked off regrets Crashed into lies And chipped old promises   A flash of silver Bright and bold Led on by gravity   And when echoed a Tiny splash It didn’t change a thing



Choices (a poem)

Want to read another poem I wrote? ...Too bad, I'm posting it anyway. (Criticism highly encouraged!)   Choices choices choices Whizzing by now gone Chances chances chances Hope there's more than one   An on-rails adventure Going faster than You'd like   Growing pains abound Maturing quicker than Is right   Choices choices choices Whizzing by now gone Chances chances chances Hope there's more than one



The Unworthy Leader (a poem)

Hey guys! I figured I'd start dropping some poems here since I haven't really used this blog at all. I'd appreciate some criticism.   Born as a leader But not equipped to be one Taking the follower Down dangerous paths Forging ahead With blind mistakes and follies The pathway scares him But he cannot go back The errors leave marks And create wounds slow to heal Leader warns follower Blood drawn all the same Not wanting this role Yet behind footsteps echo The unworthy leader Feel



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