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The Batbrony's Thoughts And Musings When He's Not Fighting Crime

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Batbrony Reviews "S02:E22 - Hurricane Fluttershy"

After a string of a few episodes of largely normal quality for Season 2, we got... well, a special episode. A dang special episode. In fact, it's probably the best episode in the closing episodes of Season 2 until the season finale. "Hurricane Fluttershy" is one of those perfect episodes that just seems to get everything right. A great lesson, good pacing, sweet thrills and fun laughs, and most importantly, great friendship all around. Without further ado, let's take a look at the awesomeness th



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E21 - Dragon Quest"

The second Spike-centric episode of Season 2, "Dragon Quest" is a pretty normal, run-of-the-mill episode by the season's standards. Besides trying to tackle a fairly serious topic, that being Spike's journey of self-identity (arguably the most serious topic of any Spike-centric episode to date, even if I think this particular episode is inferior to "Secret of My Excess"), along with having some cool additions to the MLP canon, there's nothing particularly groundbreaking about this episode. So le



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E19 - Putting Your Hoof Down"

Ahhhhh, "Putting Your Hoof Down", or as I like to call it, "The Return of Flutterb*tch"!!! Come on, you know as well as I do we all had a deliciously gratuitous chuckle when we saw that side of Fluttershy return in this episode. Alright, in all seriousness, there's a lot of good to be said about this episode, so let's get right on down to the meat of this review.   So "Putting Your Hoof Down" is the first Fluttershy-centric episode of Season 2, the first actually since "A Bird in the Hoof" ba



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E20 - It's About Time"

"It's About Time"... so this episode's all kinds of fun! I mean how can it not be? It's time travel mixed with ponies for crying out loud, you know without a doubt after reading that premise that you're going to have a blast! So as you can tell, I certainly like this episode a lot. It's not my favorite episode of Season 2 by any means, but there's still plenty here that works and on the whole it hits all the right notes. Let's begin.   Ughhh, good job Twilight, you've created a t



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E18 - A Friend in Deed"

Smile. It's a simple enough of a word. It's a pretty straightforward concept. The corners of your mouth turn up when you feel happy, elated, get a chuckle, etc. Most of the time we don't think twice about it when we do it. But in MLP, a show that by this point in its canon had already redefined for many of its viewers the measure we held for friendship in our own lives, "A Friend in Deed" took the simplest of friendly gestures, making someone smile, and turned it on its head, showing viewer



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E17 - Hearts and Hooves Day"

Just as we were getting back into the swing of things with the Mane 6, Studio B went and threw another CMC and holiday episode at us all at once in the episode "Hearts and Hooves Day"! Hearts and Hooves Day, an obviously ponified holiday that is to Valentines Day what Nightmare Night and Hearth's Warming Eve were to Halloween and Christmas, respectively, is a fun little pony holiday, and while we get far fewer details concerning this holiday (all we know about it really is that it's a special h



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E16 - Read It and Weep"

As far as episodes go, "Read It and Weep" is pretty standard fare for Season 2, which I'd say is slightly better than an episode typical of Season 1, but not much more exceptional than that. That's not to say it's not a delightful episode, it's just there's nothing that really makes it stand out or a really outstanding episode. So then, what do we got here? Well, Rainbow Dash discovers the joys of reading; that's pretty much the entire episode in a nutshell. This lesson has appeared in quite



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E15 - The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000"

Oh nelly, "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000"! This is a fun episode, to say the least, namely because it added a very fun fact to MLP canon: ponies like their liquor! Yes, it appears that the ponies of Equestria have a nigh unquenchable thirst for what appears to be hard cider, to the point that apparently every single pony in all of Ponyville foregoes all of their business for days on end just to partake in Cider Season and get some delicious Sweet Apple Cider. Can't really blame them, s



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E14 - The Last Roundup"

BEST EPISODE EVER!!! Ok, that might be exaggerating just a little bit, but I think it's safe to say that within the first two minutes this episode was already amazing. I've written extensively in the past about why I love this scene so much and what it meant for the fandom, so I won't go into it too much here, but I can't properly review "The Last Roundup" without covering it a little bit. Derpy's first and, to date, only talking scene was nothing short of amazing. First of all, Derpy hersel



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E13 - Baby Cakes"

What the heck is she doing?   I have no idea. Ah, "Baby Cakes", this is a fun episode! Don't have too much to say about it since so much of it revolves around shenanigans and physical humor, but I still got plenty of positive points to highlight, so let's begin. First, I guess I'll start by saying that, out of all of Pinkie Pie's episode, I actually think that this one has the best lesson of all, if only because it's actually touching on a fairly mature subject: responsibility,



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E12 - Family Appreciation Day"

Of all the episodes in Season 2, I would say that none turned out to be more surprising than "Family Appreciation Day". The interesting thing about the episode is that, while most of it is largely average, it still contains one of the most beautiful scenes in MLP history, a wonderful addition to MLP canon that makes this episode truly standout when it easily could've just been a forgettable episode. So let's jump right into this review! Let's cover the standard fare of this episode first, tha



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E11 - Heath's Warming Eve"

"Hearth's Warming Eve" is a brilliant episode in MLP canon, and that's saying something considering it's really a holiday episode in every sense of the word. The entire episode is focused on the origins of the Hearth's Warming Eve holiday, and Equestria as well, and usually an episode like that in most other kids shows would end up being just a filler episode with average quality at best or substandard quality at the worst. But with "Hearth's Warming Eve", Studio B gave us a highly entertainin



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E10 - Secret of My Excess"

Uh oh, watch out everypony, here comes SPIKEZILLA!!!   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnK0IFyiAts   Besides of course how simply awesome he is in "The Crystal Empire: Part 1 and Part 2", "Secret of My Excess" is probably Spike's best episode to date, for good reason. It's a very fun episode, but also a very revealing one, with some interesting revelations about dragon behavior in MLP canon, some very great developments in character relationships, particularly between Spike and Rari



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E09 - Sweet and Elite"

Oh boy, "Sweet and Elite", hmmm... remember how I said back in my "Sisterhooves Social" review that I have a love-hate relationship with Rarity's starring roles in Season 2? Well, that applies to this episode as well just as much, if not more so, than it did in "Sisterhooves Social". So, rather than focus on the good in this episode first, let's look at just what the devil is wrong with Rarity in this episode.   Hey Rarity, wanna troll bronies by acting like a terrible friend this episode



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E08 - The Mysterious Mare Do Well"

Oh boy, controversial episode ahoy!!! "The Mysterious Mare Do Well"... where do I begin? I suppose I should start by saying that I absolutely adore this episode, but that's not to say that there isn't plenty wrong with it. My adoration largely stems from all of the superhero references: there's (1) at least one Spiderman reference, (2) a very blatant Darkwing Duck reference in the costume design (never watched that show myself but the reference is still awesome), and (3) TONS of Batman: The A



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E07 - May the Best Pet Win"

"May the Best Pet Win"... *nostalgic sigh* I like this episode... I like this episode A LOT!!! Not just because it's a damn good episode, which it is, but this episode holds a very special place in my heart for nostalgic purposes. But we'll get to that in a little bit. "May the Best Win" is the first of two Rainbow Dash-centered episodes in a row in Season 2, and admittedly, probably the better of the two. It was also the first RD centered episode since "Sonic Rainboom" way back in the middl



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E06 - The Cutie Pox"

Alrighty, this should be a fairly short review seeing as "The Cutie Pox" is hardly what I'd call one of the greatest episodes of MLP. Don't get me wrong, this is a fine, run-of-the-mill, normal episode, but it's definitely the first of Season 2 that did not overtly impress me in some way, shape, or form. It plays a fine role as a comedy episode with a good CMC lesson to boot, but other than that, there's not too much to say about it, and the fact that it's somewhat of a chore to rewatch definite



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E05 - Sisterhooves Social"

"Sisterhooves Social" is the last of the homeruns that we got at the beginning of Season 2; I consider these first five episodes to be among some of the best in MLP canon for varying reasons. Each one made their own unique contributions to the show, from starting the season off with a bang, introducing a new format or character to the show, and/or adding to or expanding upon the MLP universe. "Sisterhooves Social", while definitely the most normal episode out of these first five, qualifies as a



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E04 - Luna Eclipsed"

"Luna Eclipsed" was... a welcome breath of fresh air. Not that the first three episodes of Season 2 were bad by any means, no no, I consider them to be among MLP's finest episodes, same with this one. But "Luna Eclipsed" was really unlike any episode MLP had ever had before. We had (1) a new pony holiday, the first we'd really seen since "Winter Wrap Up" way back in Season 1 (and no, I'm not counting the Grand Galloping Gala, that's a formal state event, not a holiday), (2) an episode taking pla



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E03 - Lesson Zero"

Welcome back everypony for another Batbrony review of "My Little Pony: OCD is Magic"!!! Oh wait... that's not the name of the show. Well, given how this episode plays out, it might as well be.   Alrighty, "Lesson Zero", the first standard, one-shot episode of Season 2! So, just how does this episode hold up? Well, I'll start by saying something I meant to say in the last review; Season 2 got off to about the most fantastic start it possibly could have. Similar to how I said at the end of my S



Batbrony Reviews "S02:E01+E02 - Return of Harmony"

WOOHOO, NEW SEASON!!! OK, not really seeing as it is already over two years old, but still, I'm starting to review a fresh, new season and it's an exciting occasion, especially considering that it's Season 2! To start my Season 2 reviews off, I'll begin by saying that personally, I hold Season 2 to be the best complete season of MLP thus far. That's somewhat unfair to Season 3 seeing as it was only half as long as the previous two, but to that I can only say tough break Season 3, that's the name



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E26 - The Best Night Ever"

The last episode of Season 1, "The Best Night Ever" is undoubtedly one of the most important episodes in MLP: FiM history! Whether or not the show would leave viewers wanting more after the end of Season 1 very much hinged on how well this first season finale did, and it most certainly did not disappoint in every single way imaginable. So, let's look at what makes "The Best Night Ever"... well, the best night ever.   So first off, the animation was probably the best we'd seen in the series th



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E25 - Party of One"

As I said in the last two reviews, there are three of the last four episodes in Season 1 that I consider to be among the show's finest; "Party of One" is MOST DEFINITELY one of them! Oh wow, where to even begin on this episode. I guess let's start with the obvious: Pinkie Pie.   Of Pinkie Pie's episodes, I would definitely say with the utmost confidence that this is hands down easily her funniest episode to date! Of the Season 1 episodes, it's a little trickier if this is the funniest; for me



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E24 - Owl's Well That Ends Well"

Ya know how in my last review I said that I consider three of the last four episodes of Season 1 to be among the show's finest? Well... this is the episode that's not. If I'm being completely honest, it's one of my least favorite episodes in the whole show; not that I hate it or anything, but, it simply just doesn't really do anything for me. But, let's start with the positives first.   The best thing that I can say about this episode is that it's a great Spike episode, at least, in the sense



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E23 - The Cutie Mark Chronicles"

"The Cutie Mark Chronicles" is honestly a fantastic episode! I consider three of the last four episodes of Season 1 to be among some of the finest in the series' entire history, and "Cutie Mark Chronicles" is most definitely one of those three. So, just what makes this particular episode so good? I think when you get down to it, the thing that really makes this episode stand out is that by this point in the season this was not a necessary episode. If it had appeared earlier in the season,



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