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The Batbrony's Thoughts And Musings When He's Not Fighting Crime

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Batbrony Reviews "S01:E22 - A Bird in the Hoof"

Ah yes, "A Bird in the Hoof"! This episode is special to me really for one reason and one reason only, but we'll get to that in a moment.   When you get down to it, this episode is a pretty silly and nonsensical filler episode with some adorable, full-on animal caretaker Fluttershy, some panicky, OCD, "OMG Princess Celestia gonna banish our flanks!!!" Twilight (again, foreshadowing far greater things to come in "Lesson Zero"), and the two most devious, cunning trolls Equestria has ever known



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E21 - Over a Barrel"

Honestly... "Over a Barrel" is probably my second least favorite episode of Season 1. That's not to say I don't like it, uhuh, far from it. But at the same time, something's just off about the episode's execution. So, I guess let's start with the pros. First of all, this episode is extremely entertaining! Applejack's adorable attachment to Bloomberg is both hilarious and kinda cute, especially seeing our favorite cowpony's softer side brought out for an apple tree of all things, the Flutter



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E20 - Green Isn't Your Color"

"Green Isn't Your Color" gave us yet another one of the funnier episodes from Season 1. Fluttershy and Rarity are unfortunately a pair that haven't appeared together too much since, and that's a shame because they're really fun together in this episode! The "gift of the Magi" story arc that essentially ends up being played out (though in MLP's own unique and original way) is excellently executed, and it's very understandable how such a miscommunication could occur between these two ponies, one b



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E19 - A Dog and Pony Show"

Until I saw "Party of One", "A Dog and Pony Show" was hands down the funniest episode of Season 1 for me, and it's still really close between it and "Party of One". Both Spike and Rarity are absolutely hilarious throughout the episode, Rarity proves that she can handle herself in her own way, and the Diamond Dogs both made some of the best pop culture references of the show up to that point and also were unique and original characters in and of themselves. Of course, the biggest staying point



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E18 - The Show Stoppers"

This was a fun episode; not much else I can really say about it other than that, since it's not a particularly serious episode. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, as expected, get into all types of shenanigans, culminating in their wonderfully disastrous performance (and quite frankly a delightfully witty send-up on Daniel Ingram's part to the hilarious, over-the-top cheesiness of 80's pop and rock groups! ). I still remember the first time I saw that final scene; my mouth was literally hanging open the



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E17 - Stare Master"

"Stare Master" is definitely not one of the most notable Season 1 episodes, but it's still a very fun one. Fluttershy's attempts at babysitting are quite amusing (and her squee is incredibly adorable), the CMC are hilarious (especially considering this is one of the first episodes where we see their childish filly behavior directly contrasted with an older character such as Fluttershy), Sweetie Belle has her first big musical number, the cockatrice is definitely one of the coolest and most uniqu



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E16 - Sonic Rainboom"

I really think that "Sonic Rainboom" was a turning point for me in my estimation of Rainbow Dash. I guess before this episode, I'd really only seen Rainbow Dash, while certainly talented, as also a bit of a hot-head, impatient, and sometimes cocky and arrogant. However, the uncertainty and fear of failure that she displayed throughout the episode here gave us a dramatically different RD from the one we'd seen all season, and it actually made me finally realize why her competitiveness isn't a bad



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E15 - Feeling Pinkie Keen"

"Feeling Pinkie Keen" is an episode that I really think gets unfairly underrated or, even worse, overly criticized by many members of our fandom, mostly for its message. I for one actually very much enjoyed this episode's message, and thought it was both thought-provoking and rare to see in a children's show these days. I did not feel that it was being preachy; yes, was Pinkie's Pinkie-sense a real thing in their world? Yes. Do I believe that the Christian beliefs that I hold as true are true?



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E14 - Suited For Success"

The first Rarity episode, and boy was it a good one!!! This episode got me to really start liking Rarity and viewing her as a good, well written, and most importantly very likable character (mind you, it didn't get me to love her... yet. That didn't happen until later in the season). After seeing the episode, I was struck by just how talented, business-focused, and generous Rarity was; that, and I absolutely love her singing voice!!! She definitely has the most mature and refined singing voice o



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E13 - Fall Weather Friends"

Ah yes, the battle of Ponyville's resident tomcolts; still one of my favorite episodes!!! Rainbow Dash and Applejack's antics are to die for, Pinkie Pie is flat out hilarious as a commentator along with Spike ("Yes, and grudge rhymes with fudge!!!!!" oh man, still one of my favorite Pinkie lines ), and the ending is hilarious, especially Twilight's placing fifth (FOR THE EGGHEADS, TWILIGHT, FOR THE EGGHEADS!!! ). All around, a great episode, especially for those bronies who love seeing RD and



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E12 - Call of the Cutie"

CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS, UNITE!!!!!! The episode that marked the beginning of our favorite group of fillies, this is a rather cute episode. Apple Bloom, in her first outing as the main character of an episode, is quite adorable, and the fun is tripled once Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo enter the picture as well! It's also a very informative episode, in that it was the first episode that really explained cutie marks properly and how a pony gets their cutie mark, and provided further insight into Eques



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E11 - Winter Wrap Up"

Ah, "Winter Wrap Up; this episode stands out for me simply because it was the first episode where we got a full length, roughly 3 minute long song, and boy-howdy, was it a good one!!! "Winter Wrap Up" was easily my favorite song of the first season, as well as many other bronies from what I've seen across the fandom! Simply a spectacular song, and an early sign of bigger and better things to come. The show right around this time was really starting to come into its own, and that is nowhere more



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E10 - Swarm of the Century"

Oh this was a fun episode!!! Just like in "Look Before You Sleep," there was quite a bit of foreshadowing about just how far off the deep end Twilight can go, especially towards the end!!! Also, a very funny Pinkie Pie episode, especially the payoff at the end; still one of the most random moments ever in the show!!!   Celestia's face at 1:00 gets me everytime!!! Simply the perfect, "Well, I can honestly say I did not expect to see that today" face!!!!!   Not a whole lot to sa



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E09 - Bridle Gossip"

This episode stands out for a couple of reasons: (1) it's the first episode where Apple Bloom both makes a prominent appearance and plays a very big role, and (2) Flutterguy. Oh how I do love Flutterguy!!!         Now I would be remiss if I didn't talk about Zecora as well. She's one of the first supporting characters introduced to the show in a fairly large role, and pretty cool to boot. I'm not always a fan of her rhyming, especially when she really has to reach for a rhyme that



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E08 - Look Before You Sleep"

Ah, "Look Before You Sleep". This episode had everything!!! 1) A showdown that was bound to happen sooner-or-later (i.e. AJ vs. Rarity), and was handled spectacularly by the creators!!! With such polarizing and dynamically opposite personalities, AJ and Rarity's differences needed to be addressed in order to show that they themselves could truly be friends with each other, and not just friends with Twilight, and this episode solidly accomplished that. Applejack in particular came across



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E07 - Dragonshy"

Ah "Dragonshy"! This episode is still most definitely in my top 10 favorite episodes list, and might be my favorite Fluttershy episode (although it's a close contest between this one and "Hurricane Fluttershy"). Fluttershy completely owning that dragon is possibly her greatest moment in the show's history, and most definitely her shining moment in Season 1!!!! But I'll say this right off the bat, until Fluttershy schooled that dragon, I was getting really ticked off at her. I'm serious, she wa



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E06 - Boast Busters"

Let me start this review by being honest and admitting that I've never understood the fascination with Trixie. She's loud, obnoxious, rude, and quite the boaster (who would've thought? ). The only thing that I really enjoyed about her in this episode was her constantly talking about herself in the third person, and does she just call herself Trixie? HECK NO!!!!!!! She's got a title and everything!!!!!! That was hilarious, and I loved it the entire episode, but then again, I love it whenever any



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E05 - Griffon the Brush Off"

Ah, Gilda, where to start? Ya know, I tried to love and tolerate her for part of the episode, I really did, much like Pinkie tried. Then this happened:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sHlZl9X6aM   After that, and trust me, I try to be a calm and reasonable person, but I'm sorry, this is all I could think about Gilda for the rest of the episode:         Thankfully, Gilda got what was coming to her, Pinkie Pie style!!!     Also, this was the first episode where



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E04 - Applebuck Season"

Ah yes, Applebuck Season, definitely still one of my favorite episodes, and until "The Last Roundup" and "The Super-Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000" episodes in Season 2, it was my favorite AJ episode! Honestly, I think my favorite part of the episode is when AJ is helping (well, trying to help ) Rainbow Dash with her latest trick. The whole scene's hilarious, but I think we all know the truly best part of the scene:     10 points!!!     APPLEJACK FACE-PLANT!!!!!!! I



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E03 - The Ticket Master"

Not too much to say about this one. Again, I apologize everypony; my reviews don't get very in-depth until towards the end of Season 1, though they do steadily improve as the season goes on. This was the first episode where Celestia trolled Twilight and the gang!!!!! For that alone, it shall always hold a special place in my heart. More importantly, this episode shall also always hold a special place in my heart for another reason. It was the first episode of MLP that I showed my sister in



Batbrony Reviews "S01:E01+E02 - Friendship is Magic"

Well hello there everypony! I've just finished reviewing every episode of MLP: FiM, so now I've decided that for your viewing pleasure (and my own convenience) I'm going to publish each review into a neat, organized blog. Some reviews are long, some are short (especially some of the early Season 1 reviews), but each one accurately reflects my views on each and every episode of MLP. To those of you who choose to read these blogs and follow along, I hope you enjoy and have a good time! Feel f



Baking With Batbrony

Hello everypony, Batbrony here with some exciting news! Well, after a productive day as it was, in which I sent out some reference letter forms to some past professors, made headway on some grad school appliactions, helped stack 70 bales of hay in a barn's attic for some good church friends, and had a lovely dinner at Wendy's with my mom followed by new episodes of "The Middle" and "Modern Family", I decided what better way to end the day than by finally baking some muffins! So, in the spirit of



Beware the Bat-Cats!

So not too much of a blog entry tonight, but I thought it was high time I introduced ya'll to my crime-fighting compadres!!! OK, they don't really fight crime, but that's beside the point! Introducing, the bat-cats themselves, Tony and Emilie!!! Bask in their glorious adorableness and undeniable and ridiculous levels of cuteness!!!!!!!   Tony     Please good sir, rub my belly some more     What on earth are you staring at strange person?  



For the Forums and Friends I Love and Cherish: A Thank You and an Apology

Well, now that I've got your attention, HELLO EVERYPONY, I'M BACK!!! Wow, been awhile hasn't it? So as you can see, no, I am not dead thankfully. The truth is, well, I said some not so nice things about Thereisnospoon's Bane cosplay, and, well... he didn't take it too kindly. Things happened...     Yeah, I'd rather not talk about i- wait, what am I saying, that's just the bad dream I had the other night after eating all those tacos. Anyways, where was I? Oh right, sorry, that's not what hap



It's The Little Things

This blog entry should be considerably shorter than my last, but I just had to tell ya'll this great little story! So all week I've been preparing with Preserve Historic Sleeping Bear (the nonprofit I'm interning at this summer) for our last big event of the summer, the Port Oneida Fair, this Friday and Saturday. Today my boss had me driving all over Traverse City picking up various items and donations all over the city that we needed for the fair. One of my last stops was back in Glen Arbor, th



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