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Stuff I like and don't like combined into one whole mess and stuff.

Entries in this blog

Being addicted to stuff is the worst.

Opiates and alcohol aren't something you kids want to deal with.     Don't do drugs or drink excessively, guys. Now I have an eternal twitch in my right eye that won't quit.   The worst thing is that I'm doing well and school and have absolutely no other reason to quit than for my own health.         Don't worry, I'll learn one day.



Moshi Moshi Gullibility Desu

No, I did not get a sex change.   Christ people, you should know me better than that. To all of you guys who sent me messages begging for picures, you'll all perverts.     In other news:



Day #1 of being a girl (after my sex change :p)

Class was weird, especially considering no one knew who I was. Recently I changed my name from Justin to Elsa and everyone just thought a new girl transferred to the class.     I really didn't have any friends, but all the girls I used to know on Facebook were all demanding that they meet me. I'M GOING SHOPPING XD   Oh and tons of guys were hitting on me, but none of them were cute   Edit: I'll have pics up soon, I promiseeeeeeeeee!



It's a "Holiday Tree" NOT a "Christmas Tree".

Christmas has become a very popular holiday all across the world. However, it's not the only holiday that occurs around the time of the Winter Solstice. For far too long, Christians have had this country by the balls. Non-Christians or Christian mystics, like myself, have been excluded from the holiday season in order to make sure everyone remembers that Jesus Christ was born. Well, Jesus was a nice demigod and all but he's not the only entity that deserves praise. Mithra, the Roman god of t



Please, bronies, take off your fedora

A fedora does not make you look cool or classy. It does not give off the illusion that you are intelligent; in fact it actually tells everyone that you're most likely a "euphoric" douchebag with an overemphasized ego to match your online persona.     A baseball cap or beanie makes a lot more sense to wear in public, plus it will go better with your leather jacket and jeans.



I'm giving away a copy of Just Cause 2

In celebration of bad mods stepping down from their positions, I offer to all of you the ability to acquire a copy of Just Cause 2 for the PC.   How do you get it? It's easy!   You must write a sarcastic and dry fanfic about the ponies trying to stop Equestria from merging with the human world. In the process, they fight against Joseph Campbell, Noam Chomsky, Carl Sagan, and Walt Disney.     The story must be at least a page and contain a love triangle, the resurrection of Jesus and Sub-Z



Therians don't exist

Stop trying to think they exist. They don't exist.   Therians are a made up subculture which were created by furries in order to justify their fetish.     This is undisputed.



Why you should NOT do cocaine (coming from a recovering addict)

Imagine everyday feeling like you needed coffee but not regular coffee, I mean coffee that originates from a rabid tiger's piss. Then that piss gets injected with three-thousand tons of Monster. Then it's mixed with about three billion shots of rocket fuel.   And you snort it. That's cocaine.   You can't come down off of it so all you can do is wait it off. But fuck you if you want to "wait it out". Oooooh FUCK YOU. There is nothing involving cocaine that even remotely resembles "waiting



Next month ushers in the next generation of gaming

It really does suck that we're probably not going to be seeing any worthwhile titles for about two years after next gen's release.   Besides, PS4 and Xbone won't support previous gen games (thus meaning you'll have to buy them ALL OVER AGAIN) and probably will not have many people on board until all the bugs are ironed out. I can only imagine the hell Microsoft will face.



Life After Friendship

http://youtu.be/WllaUcOfniI   Let's face it: the show is going to end at some point. But just because the show ends doesn't mean its the end of everything it gave us.



Six Dollar Shirts

http://www.6dollarshirts.com/home.php   All these shirts are complete trash. However, if you get drunk and buy one you'll feel like the smartest shopper alive.   Of course, it would be all for nothing if you don't buy the worst of all the shirts. Make sure you get THAT shirt, the one no one else wants. That way, you're the shopper that can spot "hidden" deals, the deals that go completely unnoticed even though they're priced the same as all the others.



"God IS Not Dead" Review

http://youtu.be/gH53uHxyH64   The song in the movie I was talking about is called "God's Not Dead" by the Newsboys (that's a really terrible name). The music video is hilarious and insists people are stupid.



Why smoking is good for you (and your dog)

THIS IS ME. I'M A SMOKER.   There's plenty of criticism out there regarding smoking and smokers alike. Actually, I'd say we're the most targeted group of people in America outside of Muslims and democrats. To put it simply: we are hated. A lot.   But the evidence against us is lacking against us more and more each day; we should consider that most of the anti-smoking propaganda is based solely on biased studies. Most of the people who funded the research were soccer moms and people tha



You're all caring too much.

http://youtu.be/tbMNTszDbms   I give you a very important lecture on not giving a fuck.   But if you truly want to give less of a shit you will not listen to this and prove you don't give a fuck about what I say.



Don't tell me I'm a bad influence on your kids

Ho, listen up. Your children need someone who will raise them in the art of street smarts.   You want to smother them with your love and motherly nurturing.   I will take your children out to the race track and then into combat against Al-Queda. I will help them build character and make them like gods, they will be gods. Then what will you tell me? That I'm not a good influence?   The hell do you think you are? Bitch, I'm like Obi-won mixed with Bruce Lee. I'm like Jesus and Buddha bein



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