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Entries in this blog


School has been a very complicated issue for me so far....I haven't been doing too well   So far here are the quiz scores I have.   Math: 5.40   Religion: 2   Physics: Don't have the paper but I know it was a low score   Science: 3   English: 10 What a surprise   Don't know what I got for Social Studies yet but I think I did well.....wish me luck everyone. This is a heck of alot to work on so I can improve

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Future Plans

So I'm watching Legally Blonde right now.....and I can really relate to my current feelings of wanting to mature and do great in my future to somehow impress and win back my ex since he wants to be more serious now Typical feelings after a breakup....but I hope that those feelings will wear off and that like Elle I won't need that goal keeping me going in the end   Quite a strange comparison I know but hey I felt like talking about my future today I won't go to law school like in the movie,

Misty Rose

Misty Rose


Love to most is the grandest feeling in the world. When in the right hands it can bring tremendous happiness and it can motivate a couple to keep their special flame alive. This mysterious feeling can even change a person for the better and allow them to see life in a completely different way. It's truly something that cannot be explained, not even by those who experience it. It's unique, rare, precious, magical even. Once you fall in love the right way, the moments that come afterward can becom

Misty Rose

Misty Rose


The sound of furniture creaking, a tap at the window, then silence.....   A rustling outside, the gust of wind blowing the leaves of the trees so I can hear their sound.....then silence.   It is a terrifying thing to be alone. Although I very much look forward to my freedom, to be able to spread my wings like a bird and finally be myself if only with myself....I fear silence.   Silence has always been something that scares me, I feel as if anything can happen. The tapping of a window makes

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Broken Glass

I feel like a fragile china doll that's been kept in a glass case in a store all her existence. As the years passed the glass cracked various times, and the doll was in danger of being exposed to the harsh elements, and yet she yearned for that. She wanted to be free from her case so she could make others happy and see the outside world.   One day, the glass broke and the doll was freed from her prison. However she was then placed inside a smaller case, more restraining with less air and freed

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

A Little Story

The little doll sits on the dusty shelf, looking with blank glass eyes at her owner below. Brushing her hair, talking on her phone, taking pictures of herself, it's all she did nowadays. The doll remembered when her owner used to come to her for happiness or company when she needed it.   It was on the day of Kacey's 6th birthday when she received a beautiful porcelain doll from her mother in a box. A precious figure with golden locks, blue and bright glass eyes, and a white frilly dress. Her m

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

The Interview Review

The Interview is one of the funniest movies I've ever seen. It's a true comedy masterpiece, and Seth Rogen and James Franco absolutely kill it here! I laughed so hard during this my ribs started hurting And that's all there is to it. GO WATCH IT NAO!!! :D   ..........................   Lol time to be serious This movie just wasn't to my liking Sure it had some funny scenes, and all the actors did a great job, but it's just not my kind of film. I can enjoy a good comedy anyday, but this

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Beginning of possible daily blog entries

So my boyfriend suggested I upload another blog today, so I might as well try to make this a daily thing. To have a way to write out my feelings and all -_-   To pretty much give a rundown on my day, started out okay, I talked to my boyfriend and felt pretty happy, and now I'm feeling like crap all over again -_- Today it's the loneliness pretty much doubled. Since it's my mom's birthday I feel extra sad that I can't have her here with me. We never celebrated birthdays, and we never even said

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

Experiencing Some Serious Loneliness

Hey guys...as much as I try to maintain a positive attitude when I'm on here or elsewhere, I haven't been doing too well lately As much as I enjoy talking to friends here or on Skype, there's this overwhelming loneliness that takes hold of me alot.   The thing is, while I appreciate and enjoy having people talk to me on Skype so I'll at least have someone to talk to...the physical loneliness that I feel is unbearable. My grandma gets mad that I ignore her and I don't talk to her alot, but how

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

What May Be My Final Blog Post

Finally time to revive my blog, but unfortunately it won’t be something upbeat like last time. This is somewhat of a farewell letter to all of my friends here just in case I don’t come back. If you don’t know about my current situation you may be asking yourself why I’m leaving. Well to start things off you can check out my latest status updates to see how I’m dealing with it. Basically, my mother doesn’t want me to be on the forums, and coincidentally at the same time, my boyfriend here, Dsand

Misty Rose

Misty Rose


Well this is the forums' second year of existing, and even though I haven't even been here for a full year I feel the need to gush about how awesome this site is and how much it has changed my life.   Well for starters, I joined during the summer. I thought I would have an average boring as heck summer, UNTIL THAT FATEFUL DAY!!   I was looking on the internet for ideas of how to make a cutie mark for my OC, and I came upon a post in these forums that talked about OC ponies and stuff. I was

Misty Rose

Misty Rose

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