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Adventures in blogging with an obsessive Rarity fanboy.

Entries in this blog

ghostie Reviews S1: E19 - "A Dog and Pony Show"

Hiya! I usually like to spend Saturdays almost exclusively in Show Discussion, but given I didn't get the chance to do that this Saturday, I felt like I needed to do something to keep the rust away   I decided to write up a review for one of my personal favorites, which is also one that is horribly underrated, "A Dog and Pony Show"     It starts off with Rarity in the boutique, adding a couple of finishing touches to an ensemble she's working on. She's carefully putting each gem in pla



19 hour long group Skype Calls.

[10:55:19 AM] *** Call ended, duration 19:00:18 *** [11:44:00 AM] Daring: http://i.imgur.com/tRaBqwd.png [11:44:28 AM] FadedSkies: Your getting there [11:45:17 AM] ghostfacekiller39: 19:00:18 [11:45:19 AM] ghostfacekiller39: Goddamn [11:45:49 AM] Daring: We need to go for 20 hours [11:45:58 AM] FadedSkies: 19 hours are for quitters [11:46:07 AM] FadedSkies: gotta do a full day [11:48:10 AM] ghostfacekiller39: lol [11:50:34 AM] ghostfacekiller39: I just made the greatest post of all tim



Spamming you all with more of this "popularity" BS.

Given as I seem to be a central focus in this ridiculous fiasco, I'm going to try my best to hammer the last nail in the coffin here.   This is stupid.   Honestly. I can't think of a different way to put it. I've been getting insulted and EVERYTHING throughout this whole ordeal, and I'm getting flat out to the point where I wish the staff would concede to the will of these temper-tantrums being thrown here just to shut them up.   I'm going to be blunt. Giving shoutouts to the people you ca



Songs that'll leave an Impression #2

A while back, I started up a thing for reviewing and explaining songs that I felt would live an impression on the listener; whether it actually does or not, I dunno. That thing got over 250 views, though, so what yeahh, man, I think it's time for the 2nd installment of this series   I'm only doing one song, though, since I'm tired and what not; hey, new episode tomorrow, needa sleep   So, yeahh. Here you go   "Left of the Dial" - The Replacements, 1985       Read about yo



Things Champ Says

[11:16:41 PM] Champion RD92: i always wanted to dream about dashie, but the only dream i ever had that dashie was in, she was kidnapped by terrorists and i was master chief from halo and i had to save her, also she was my daughter for some reason  



I'm gonna catch hell for this...

But this song is horribly true       Every, every, everypony should know, that Rainbow's overrated There's plenty of other mares in this show and Rainbow's overrated Rarity is gorgeous, and Twilight's got a brain, Fluttershy is caring, and Pinkie Pie's insane Applejack's hardworking and Derpy entertains. Oh oh oh   Every, every, everypony should know, that Rainbow's overrated The background mares don't have her ego and she's overrated Mrs. Cake makes cupcakes, and Cheerilee's a



Farm Life - A Side-Effect of Deprivation of Sunlight

Howdy, y'all!   I'm probably about to do something a bit silly, for a lack of better words, but I haven't gotten outside in a long, long time, it seems.   Anyway, I bet most of you don't know that I live on a farm. I do.       That being said, I'm going to give you a photo tour of my farm, because boredom   This isn't the smartest thing to do, I know, but whatever   First off, here's our barn:     Quality on this puppy is pretty low, because I had to zoom in. Sowwy 'bout t



What I Got in the Mail Today: My Future is Hitting Me Quick

This is a letter inviting me to take place in the ENVISION program. I dunno where it is with any certainty, but me thinks New York   Sadly, it costs $4,000 dollars to go, and we can't afford it this year.   But this isn't sent out to all that many people; it's an invitation only thing. They choose you.   It's for building careers in Journalism (in my case, the written areas of it) and it's a huge honor that I'd even be considered, let alone invited.   Now, although I won't be attendin



ghostie *makes typos in titles and immediately removes them ASAP* Reviews Rarity Episodes: #1 <3 <3 <3

You knew this was coming eventually.     For some reason, Twilight Sparkle's Fighting is Magic theme always gets me into that analytical sort of mood, and how I haven't made this a blog yet is boggling my mind   Any episode that featured Rarity in a leading role will be counted, whether the spotlight was given to her or she shared it with somepony else   I'll be starting with #1, since I'm in that kinda mood at the moment (and you all know it anyway, I think )     So, let's get s



A Snow Day In Texas

So, I wake up at 10 this morning like "Oh, shit!! Today's a school day!"   If my alarm clock doesn't work, my grandma will always come in there and yell at me. That works   So I immediately ran in there and asked "wtf bro"   The answer was "It's a snow day :okiedokielokie: " (That emoticon was fitting. We have a Spongebob & Squidward type relationship )   So, I look outside, right?   Here's our snow day:        



ghostie's Favorite/Least Favorite Everythings of MLP:FiM!

Eh. I saw the big Buffalo Man do something similar to this, but I don't feel like typing out a review for a bunch of episodes.   Besides, it should be fairly obvious as to why I like/dislike all of these things, but if you're puzzled, then just ask in the comments section   FAVORITE EPISODES:   1. Rarity Takes Manehattan 2. Suited For Success 3. Hurricane Fluttershy 4. Sweet & Elite 5. Apple Family Reunion 6. Look Before You Sleep 7. Power Ponies 8. Simple Ways 9. Boast Buste



How Offensive Most Rarity Hate is These Days...

HOW DARE THEY DO THIS.   IM SO OFFENDED LIEK OMG.   OMG IM LEAVING THE FANDOM.   DISCLAIMER: I do know this is not Rarity hate.   But seriously; it's gotten so miniscule and so...stupid since S4 began that I'm hella proud of it   Like, it used to be hard to look up Rarity pics without getting something bashing on her or something.   Now what do we have?   *RariCow is the most offensive thing about her, and that's not even slightly offensive compared to some of the stuff I've seen.



Twisting Canon

This is something that has always bugged me, and I'm going to blog about it, because #YOLO.   Now, there's this thing called "canon."   It's a beautiful little thing, m8; it's the cold, hard, facts of the show that sometimes fucks up what we want to happen, but in the end, is generally for the best of the show; not always, but usually.   Now, the ponies (barring the background ponies, naturally) have canon personalities.   But NOTHING irritates me as much as when someone tries to blur th



Get to Know ghostfacekiller39 a Little Bit Better

Hey there   I've heard it more than once over the past couple of days, and it actually kinda worried me.   What is it, you ask?   Well, that people don't know anything about me other than that I'm a largely obsessive Rarity fan   So, I'm making this blog in an attempt to remedy that, and hopefully it won't go in vain   So, where should we start? I'm 17 years old. I generally don't disclose my actual name directly, but I will say I share a first name with the most notable cha



Why "Sleepless in Ponyville" is the Most Overrated Episode

lol   k   I know what y'all are thinkin' right about now; "Has this dude lost his mind?"   Well, no; and while I don't dislike the episode, I just find it to be ridiculously overrated, especially since people praised this episode, yet criticized Rainbow Falls (an episode I like less, mind you) when they have the same flaws, from my perspective.   First and foremost: Characterization, Characterization, Characterization.   The OOC-ness in this episode was abundant.   Allow me to begin



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