(Not all of these things are specific to it being International. Some of it is just stuff I found weird about my school.)
The girl I think I have a crush on is Danish.
I was chosen to be the Treasurer of NHS without an election or me even knowing about it. First job: Find a broken car.
The majority of the students in Model United Nations are German, but they still struggle to speak English for everything since they have to accommodate the Americans.
This one time in Model UN,
My ROTC teacher was rather conservative and sometimes I didn't agree with him. However, he was really wise and did have a lot of insight into the world. Here are some of his words of wisdom. Some of them seem strange, but he had a point to all of them.
(Somewhat jaded by my memory, but this is what I can remember)
No guy is good enough for two girls to pettily fight over him.
One day in the far future, I'll be pushing your wheelchair. (He was very fit for his age)
The United S
Made friends with a Canadian guy. Got a sombrero. Canadian girl introduces herself to me. I go to AP classes that aren't as scary as I thought they would be. Eat crab sandwich. Ditch web design and help start a new Game Design class. Meet way too many Spaniards. Another girl winked at me (wut?). Do a lot of nothing.
So.... I gave myself a CHALLENGE a few days ago. However, it wasn't a challenge of physical or mental strength, but rather one of perseverance and strong stomachs.
I challenged myself to watch all of the Twilight movies.
ugh, what is wrong with me.
Anyway, after watching them all, I had some things to say about them. Now, while I could do this in a very short fashion, few word fashion, I decided to go through and explain WHAT was so wrong about them. Yes, I'm going to be opinionated,
Walk a hundred miles
Then walk a hundred more
Away from the place you used to know
Embrace all the change
Find a way to rearrange
Your feelings inside, never let them show
That's the life I led
That's all I've ever had
Fleeting scenes of memories passing by
But it never bothered me,
No I've never shed a tear
And I never ever stopped and wondered why
Till I found you.
Till I found my friends.
And now I've come to hope
This is where my journey ends.
I have said go
Normally I don't feel like I have enough of a right to talk about my problems, since there are people that actually have REAL problems that actually deserve advice.
But this is a problem I have had my whole life and I might as well voice it.
My dad is in the US Air Force, and (within the rounding error of me being born on a US base in Germany) I've really lived in the US my whole life.
But here's the deal, we're from Pakistan. I'm not part Pakistani or something, but like full pur
These five yards,
Under the same sun,
Different to each other
yet the same to some.
The yards argue,
Claim each other`s land.
Intense rivals fight
over useless sand.
United with three,
yard two wins all,
only to turn around
and see itself fall.
Yard three learns,
And conquers all again,
Only to fall on the sword
Of another "friend."
Yard four cleans its sword,
and attacks one.
Years of pointless war,
and both are done.
Yard two comes back
With untold power.
So I had to wake up early this Saturday for a Scholarbowl Competition. As usual, I turned on my playlist of music that helps me fall asleep (I don't really know why, most of them aren't really "relaxing").
I dont remember dreaming that much, but I do have one dream scene that was very vivid and... real. It's not the detail that got me, but just the circumstances. Waking up from the dream, I felt real emotions.
First off, while there are teachings of psychology that associate dreams with
Guilt. Every year, I get that same feeling.
Guilt that I shouldn't feel, but feel it anyway.
I was way too young to care when it happened. I found out about it much too many years later.
Life began to make sense. The rudeness, the misunderstanding, the plain ignorance I dealt with in others.
It never occurred to me that I shouldn't be blamed. But, nonetheless, they blamed me.
Sooner or later, I began to blame myself.
Childhoods go away quickly. Innocence dies with k