using System;class Derp{ static int Main(string[] args) { try { if(true) { Exception ex = new Exception("DERP"); /* Look at this .NET, that I just found! When I say go, be ready to throw! Go! */ throw ex; } ... } catch (Exception) { //Ugh, lets try something else... return -1
So I've decided to turn this blog into a place to record my dreams. This might be useful for inspiration somewhere down the line, plus after a particularly frightening, enjoyable or downright crazy dream, I like sharing them. It might be a while before something crazy like the segway version of mario kart comes around, but here we go anyway with entry 1.
I was the captain on a modestly-sized ship. It was one of those fancy ships rich people own where people could relax on couches on the inte
Does this "feature" bother anyone else? I'm programming away late last night and decide to stop and get some sleep. I hover over the shutdown button and apparently Windows needs to update before shutting down.
I never leave my updates run unattended because that's just generally not a great idea. I don't do that for Linux and I certainly wouldn't for Windows. So what now? I can't tell Windows "do that stuff the next time I turn the machine on", it has to be done now. At 1 AM. Do I concede an