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Why do i still live? Becus my life is a big torment.

I just cant take it anymore, im having the feeling why im still alive is becus my whole love is a big torment and they want me to suffer. I have chest pain really much and its so much that im drinking tons of monster energy to stop it. Im feeling so depressed that i just want to die. As for my family, well they will turn againts me soon or later so it wouldnt make any diffrence for me anymore. Im sorry i have wasted all your time by telling my feelings. there will be no other way out for me sinc



The life i once enjoyed, is gone

I cant hold this out much longer, My body is broken having pain evrywhere, and i might soon lose sanity if it will keep going like this.   I want to thank all the people who helped me with my life and especially the people on this forum.   Im not sure if i will ever recover from this since im such a bad condition   but wether i will survive or not, i want to thank you all.



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