It's ok if you dislike Princess Spike, but there are a few things being said that I vehemently disagree with.
I hope this clears some things up and of course, comments are always welcome
Greetings subjects! For you today, I have not one, but two full-length video reviews of the new episode.
The first one is my regular scheduled programming and is awesome so watch it or miss out on a legendary video!
The second is a parody of Tommy Oliver's and Digibro's Equestria Games reivew and is the best thing ever more or less.
This video
Hey guys, here's my analysis of MLP's Talent Trilogy.
Confused? Watch the following video and enlighten yourselves!
Thanks for watching and comments are always welcome
Feeling Pinkie Keen's moral was one of MLP's biggest controveries. However, was the backlash against it warranted?
Is the episode really promoting blind faith like so many have concluded?
Here, I take another look at the moral and share my own conclusions about it.
Thanks for watching and comments are always welcome!
Another week, another awesome episode of MLP. I'm so excited about this show at the moment. It really is at the top of its game right now. If you're interested in my full thoughts on the new episode, go ahead and check out the video below!
Comments are always welcome!
I loved this episode. It was really something. Easily the funniest episode of the season, if not the show! What more can be said about it? Find out in the video below!
Thanks for watching and comments are always welcome!
I've been thinking, if Celestia died or became unfit to lead, which of the remaining alicorn princesses would replace her? I investigate this question in the following analysis video. Enjoy!
Comments are always welcome
So was Appleoosa's Most Wanted a great episode? Or was it a terrible one? Find out my opinion down below!
Thanks for watching and comments are always welcome
Apparently this video took 4 hours to process :/
For the record I submitted it on Sunday so it's not my fault it's "late"
So here it is guys, my amazing analytical take on Tanks for the Memories:
Thanks for watching
As promised, here is my review and analysis of Bloom and Gloom.
I'm not sure if this is my best work yet or the worst thing I've ever done. Let me know what you liked about this review and the episode!
Thanks for watching
It's that time of the week again.
Two weeks into the new season and I feel MLP's off to it's best start since season 2!
Be sure to like and subscribe for next week's video.
Comments are always welcome
Oh my Celestia, is this real life right now!? 100 subs, that's like, 100 people who are at least moderately interested in what I have to say
Comparable to most YouTubers you're subscribed to, 100 subs won't seem like a lot. But for me, hitting triple digits is extremely satisfying. I've put a lot of work into my channel the last few months and I'm so happy to see it all pay off.
For those of you on here who are subscribed, thank you very much. I learn more with each video I make and kn
Oh my god LZRD WZRD how did you do it???
That's right, here's my video review of The Cutie Map.
Like and subscribe for next week's review
Comments are always welcome.
Alright so and I just watched the greatest horse cartoon we've ever seen and we'd like to share our thoughts:
Feel free to leave comments below and subscribe to either of our channels if you want to see more!
Also, if you're interested in doing a video like this with me, leave a comment below or PM me.
Is Castle Mane-ia a great episode? Or is it a terrible one? Find out in this week's super-awesome review!
Make sure to subscribe if you want to see my season 5 reviews! Feel free to leave comments below or on the video
Double Rainboom gets a lot of hate, but is it justified? I say yes and to illustrate exactly why, I made the video below:
The new promotional trailer had some great insight into the season 5 premiere and Starlight Glimmer's character. I discuss this in the following video:
Hey guys check out my new review for Rainbow Rocks with Magenta Rush. I really enjoyed this movie, particularly Sunset Shimmer's character arc. If you want to learn more watch the video below. If you don't, do it anyway!
If you like this video, make sure to subscribe and stay tuned for more MLP content!
Do any of you guys make music that you want featured in my videos?
In case you don't know I have a YouTube channel [ ] where I review and analyze MLP, other cartoons and anime, and movies!
You see, I need music to put in the background of my videos. I've been using instrumentals and 8-bit remixes, but I figured some of you might be interested in promoting your work! I don't have a ton of subs at the moment, but that's growing and my last 2 MLP vi
I've previously discussed individualism in relation to the season 5 trailer as well as in relation to cutie marks. However there's so much more to say about other episodes and aspects of the show. I suppose the best place to start is right at the beginning with Friendship Is Magic.
It starts out with Twilight saying she doesn't need friends. Of course by the end of the episode she's made five new friends and now realizes the importance of having them. What's important to note is that these
The Return of Harmony is the most overrated episode of MLP ever. Digibrony called it "the most memorable and popular 2-parter of the series" and one of his favorites. MrAwkwardReviewer gave it a 10/10 and called it one of the best cartoon episodes he had ever seen. Then MrEnter gave it a gold rating. Heck even Tommy Oliver couldn't help praising it as a imperfect but enjoyable episode.
The first time I watched this episode, I recognized a lot of things I liked in it. There was tons of creat