Anyone else ever just feel...Out of place? Like you don't belong somewhere? That's how I feel right now.
When I was a kid, after a certain age, I felt a lot more...mature than everyone else around me. Because of my internet access and such I knew a lot of things they didn't, I felt smarter than a lot of them, I got picked on a lot though. I had a hard time connecting with people, they'd bully me for being too smart, they'd bully me for being too stupid. If I talked about a video game like s
You ever meet someone and they just kinda...make you feel off? Like, uncomfortable, strange, uneasy?
I've met a lot of people like that, and I've been that person. Back in school I liked to stay quiet, only talking when necessary. People didn't like that I suppose, I used to have kids suggest some pretty awful things about me, like I would go crazy and kill someone, and other terrible things. When I tried to open up and be friendly, or nice I'd say or do something wrong, and people would ei
Well, I've been wanting to talk about a game on this blog for a while. But I was having some problems motivating myself, and feeling really down. Also, I couldn't decide exactly what game I wanted to talk about, but I've decided now. I want to talk about Nuclear Throne. This isn't exactly a review, and I'm biased as all heck because this game is amazing to me, so I'll just talk about it.
Nuclear Throne is a randomly generated, Twin-stick shooter set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland, where you
I really have wanted to do a new blog entry for a while. I've actually tried to do one every single day, but it always comes out wrong. I was supposed to talk about video games, but here is just another entry of me being moody.
I just feel really tired and annoyed a lot of the time. Things might bring my mood up for a little bit. Talking to a friend, playing a game I enjoy, watching ponies, buying something I've really wanted, or just relaxing for a little while. They all cheer me up for on
I had a lot of ideas for what I'd post as my first "Real" blog entry. I wanted to do a spotlight on a really fun game I've been playing lately, share some of my thoughts on censorship, or post an entry talking about some of my experiences with family.
Instead I'm going to talk about life advice. I just decided to post something there, but once I got about 7-8 paragraphs into my stupidly long essay describing all of my various problems with myself, I realized something. I was pretty much list
You know I've kinda thought about making one of these for some time. But I could never think of a good way to introduce one. What am I supposed to say? The title says it all. This blog doesn't serve a specific purpose other than giving me a good way to get my thoughts and feelings out into the open. Maybe get some new perspectives or useful advice along the way.
Expect a very "Stream of consciousness" style. I'll likely just pick a topic and rant about it here for a while. I'll give it some