Twilight friends give Discord all the attention in the newest My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic episode. What about him? Uh... To subscribe:
The crew of My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic released Scare Master prematurely. Is it worth all the special attention? To subscribe:
So why is every Friendship is Magic fan so sure this is going to be bad all of a sudden? To subscribe:
What does she know, in the latest episode of My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic? Hopefully that she needed a better script... To subscribe:
Final episode, final opinion. Does Twilight's showdown with Starlight live up to the hype? To subscribe:
Amy Keating Rogers' last episode of My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic. Does she finish with the magic of her heart staying truUUUuuuwooooahooohwoooaaaahoooooohohoh...? To subscribe:
Is Appleoosa as much fun as it was last time, when it was spelled "Appleloosa?" This episode of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic adds The Cutie Mark Crusaders in attempt to make it so. But...
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Twilight finally gets her own Cutie Map adventure! Does it build on all that time she spent longing? ...No. (My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic) To subscribe:
The next Rainbow Rocks short on the list is Music to My Ears. After Shake Your Tail got us off to a weak start, can this be a redeem the Equestria Girls of My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic?
At last, it's time for the big finale. Can the first My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic comic arc end on a high note?
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Which My Little Pony character did we not know was born to be a star? Big Mac. No, I'm serious. To subscribe: