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I want to be Raritys cat, her tiny pet. sleep with her on the bed under the warm blanket<3 play with her. Let her style me and<3 be happy nuzzle her pony hoof and cute belly lovely in the building of carousel boutique,<3 Help her with the lovely pony dresses and love her being happy kitty <3<3<3 ahappy pet lovely hug her hair warm so lovely <3<3<3<33<3     wouldn't totally not be grumpy like opal lovung her she so lovely, purr all time sleepon on her lovel

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碇 シンジン


Rarity <3 she really is a rarity a real gem jewel ruby diamond polished elegant stylish, perfect, more beautiful that a mind of a mortal can ever even imagine, she is like something so rare so unique, like a gift from heaven. an angel protecting the ponies and all others with her generous lovely spirit of lovely fashion and artistic skills are just unbeliveable<3   Divine pony her burning heart of passion spreads the fabulosity around and emits the lovely radiance that shines from her c

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Rarity, you lovely cute pony sweetie charming beautiful gentle little blooming flower amazing is your beauty rarest of them all jewels on your butt,, on the green grass field you trot happy gallop lovely smile smoothh silk velvet fur dazzling radiance emerges from your generous beautful presence. adorable littel cutie belly love <34 your smooth sweetie hair royal elegant peorple color of shiny hair white pure jewel color coat fur fuzzy i   i go i stroke your hair luxorious feeling like s

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an encounter Story

Waking up, from the sleep. Late as usual, bright sun shines though the window. I slowly starting to get out of the bed to get ready for another day, day like others. Dragging myself out of the bed it is hard to keep my eyes open. I stayed up so late last night watching the MLP episodes *yawn* . Starting to walk towards the kitchen seeing that the kitchen the door was open?   I startled a bit, but maybe I left it like that last night, though I usually don't leave doors open like that. I was so

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Being stressed, tense and nervous feels weird in your stomach. doesnt feel very good and its hard to calm down. I'vw seen that for me adoring, the lovely divine Rarity the Diamond jewel of all ponies. seeing her infinite beauty, endless creativity and amazing generous nature. helps me to feel more relaxed and calm in me.   I start feeling good as if I was with her as if she was in front of me saying it will be alright. don't worry<3 her lovely graceful image stays in my mind pretty lovely

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Rarity came closer taking gentle little hoofsteps, gorgeous flowing hair swinging slowly with her pony steps<3 like a warm breeze in the air she moved softly gently , so elegantly. White fuzzy coat purple tail and mane long soft hair, loking silken smooth velvet. Sight was beautiful, almost unbelievable. She raised slowly her tiny pony head, moved her blue star like blue deep cute eyes, looking to my eyes.     She came closer I felt her warm pony breath on my cheeks her looking into her

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Rarity angelic creature soothing love voice, beautiful long silken purple hair.<3 Most fabulous and pretty pony out there she is always there for other ponies for me and helps me, guards me . I love her. She keeps me away from my depression her angel power of love pretty pony eyes cute charming smile happy pony Rarity so rare like Jewel Like a diamond she is.   Three diamonds on her sexy pony flank pretty tail divine captivating eyes of blue oceans deep gaze straight into me innto my h

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Seasons 1, 2 and 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VV7xf6p1mT4   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXcNgCsDPqc   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-P4OaHR9vOI

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Rarity lovely hair

Rarity cute pretty soft silken mane hair, beautiful purple shiny lovely. <3 Ultimate shapely admirable style the great design in her hairstyle.   Soft as silk velvet pillow to rest your head on. Lovely texture so captivating smooth and clean hair she has. Amazing curves and curls. It's a pleasure to look at such divine, elegant piece of art.   Flowing in the wind slowly, angelic purple hair is one with the nature of the wind extending it such a wonderful sight. Captivating to look the

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why I love RARITY <3

Rarity is all around perfect looking beautiful pony. Angel with a lovely warm generous heart, but there is more in her than just her pretty looks and cute pony hair She supports her friends and ponies who are like me, shy ponies and gives huge boost in the courage only by her word and passion of her friends and people who are important to her.   I struggle in my life on making decisions and it is hard for me to find courage to do new things. New things are always scary things for me and it is

Rarity story

There was pony named Cotton he was happy pony, pink mane yellow soft coat. =) He was always after the mare ponies, because she was lonely pony and wanted some company. One evening Cotton was walking in the streets of ponyville back to his house, he was looking at the evening dark sky and wondering would he ever find a partner to be with. Always when he tried to talk to mare pony friends he was shy and didnt open his mouth. Usually the ponies around him just thought he was weird and left him be


Rarity lovely pretty little angel, you bring the light in the room of darkness with your shining heart of generosity. You ignite the light on other people making them feel pretty on themselves with you wonderful design clothes. Your passion burns so bright that ponies around you feel it and know it. Your couraging words help those who struggle, your care of them and nurse their wounds.   The amazing radiant beauty, that shines from you fills every gap it reaches. Looking you move is pure bliss


Purple, such a lovely color. Royal, warm, strong, beautiful and chic. Perfect color for the perfect pony unicorn, white lovely coat velvet, silken, shining elegant love. Absolutely perfect and so admirable <3.   Her adorable cute tail curly, soft, trimmed, polished, shiny, radiance with colours and shades. Fresh when touched lovely creation true work of art. Absolute jewel of a pony so pretty, and finem tuned with the amazing style and latest fashion. It is a rarity of its own a tail like

Rarity sig gifs

So yeah I cant use these all in same signature anymore due to some changes to the site, but here are the gifs I used in if someone else wants to use them,   enjoy :grin2:        

Purple MLP Forums

I decided to practise some css for my upcoming school project I put this style out in https://userstyles.org/styles/113021/mlp-forums-purple if someone wants to test it out You can install it there by downloading stylish from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stylish/fjnbnpbmkenffdnngjfgmeleoegfcffe?hl=en     I know its bit weird but i tried to put it so you dont have to scroll so much on the index page. If you want the normal index page delete everything after line 897   If you

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