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Germany vs Brazil. One year after

Even over one year after, this game still seems like a dream for me. It's true that winning the world cup final against Argentina was the most important game. But this game will forever be remembered in football and sports history, be it in a positive or a negative way.   What an incredible summer that was.  

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Watcher of the skies, watcher of all

His is a world alone no world is his own, He whom life can no longer surprise, Raising his eyes beholds a planet unknown.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bETFh4eRdM8   (Okay, no more Genesis stuff for awhile. )

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

My story and experience with hypnosis: The Hypnosparkle story (It's sfw so don't worry :P)

I really thought for a loooooooooooong time if i should make a blog post about this, mainly because some people might find it weird. But then i pretty much said to myself: "I am already considered weird around here, so what the heck?"   So, everybody who in the last half year had atleast a bit of experience with me, knows that i have a fascination with everything that has to do with hypnosis. I sometimes act as a meta hypnotist, i have a hypnotizing Twilight as an Avatar, i have Twilight hypno

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Top 15 Genesis songs (Phil Collins Era) (Reuploaded)

Genesis In the early to mid 70's where mostly known as for there oddball pop and Progressive rock, with their frontman Peter Gabriel. After he left and drummer Phil Collins became the frontman, they slowly drifted off from that route and became more commercial with their more poprock oriented music. But that didn't mean that their songs where bad. I would even say that some of there songs where better then some of the stuff Gabriel made with them.   So, to celebrate the band, i wanna countdown

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Widget the World Watcher (or, how i learned to stop worrying and waste my childhood)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0-tFuoCVMQ   Oh boy, what did my nostalgic brain bring forth here?   The 90s where full of these "save the enviroment" cartoons and while i have nothing against people who care about trees and such, i really ask myself why we needed so many of them?   Many people like to point at Captain Planet and the Planeteers as the main example for those cartoons, but strangely enough, i remember Widget the World Watcher the most and i have no idea why.   For some

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Bremen in the year 2013 (Present times)

Thought it would be fitting to end my little mini series of my home, with footage of the present times. As of now, Bremen is a german independent state, for 900 years now. The Roland Statue and the Bremer Rathaus are now part of the UNESCO World heritage site and it almost feels like it's stuck in time.   I really love this city. We have our good and bad times, but i wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Bremen in the year 1949 (4 years after the war)

Here we have Bremen in the Year 1949, a city that is pretty much in ruins.   Alot of people still fought for survival, thousands of soldiers from the Wehrmacht where war prisoners, families where ripped apart, unknown destinies and sadness where part of the everyday routine.   This video what shot by a member of the US Army, who walked through Germany from 1948, till 1954. The City was already in process of being rebuild again, but the scars where still deep.   Seeing this vid makes me wan

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Bremen in the year 1937

Here we have a small 2 minute movie about my hometown Bremen, during the year 1937.   At first we see the Bremer Marktplatz with it's weekly Grünmarkt, which is still held today. We see the old Renaissance Rathaus, which is the seat of our local goverment. The camera shows the entrance to the böttcherstraße, over the markt, toward to unser lieb frauenkirche. We also see the back then new Karstadt Mall, to the left of the Obernstraße.   Some visitors come out of the Ratskeller, visit the Park

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

REM's Shiny happy People: Is it really that happy?

Most of you who are around my age, probably know this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCQ0vDAbF7s Shiny happy People by the Alternative rock band REM, which is regarded as one of the worst songs by the group. It's been called incredibly wussy and just not a good song. In 2006, it was Number one of AOL's Music's list of „111 Wussiest songs of all time.“ Even Michael Stipe, the frontman of REM said that he hated this song. But is this really all that's behind this song? Is it really just a h

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Dan Avidan (Danny Sexbang) interviews his 88 year old Grandma

Most people see Danny as a comedy musician from Ninja Sex Party or the guy besides Arin Hanson (Egoraptor) from Gamegrumps. This Interview with his Grandma though, shows a more human site of Danny, which just makes me appreciate him even more. His Grandma has alot of great stuff to say.   Here is the full interview:     Also, checkout his band Ninja Sex Party, or his let's plays with Egoraptor on Gamegrumps.   EDIT: Wow, Mandopony commented on this vid.

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

10 Things that happend that i blame Simon for

1. I blame Simon for the fact, that Sepp Blatter is still FIFA president     2. I blame Simon for System of a Down breaking up     3. I blame Simon for Michael Bay and that he still can direct movies     4. I blame Simon for John Cena being at the top for the last 10 Years     5. I blame Simon for Spike at your service, which is the worst episode in MLP history     6. I blame Simon for the bad mainstream music that we have these days     7. I blame Simon for me not

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Me in a discussion with LZRD WZRD (video)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpeZ8OiWrTk   It's basically just me and LZRD WZRD, talking mostly about MLP and a bit of other stuff. We pretty celebrate ourselves during the whole thing. But it's still pretty interesting.

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

How i found my Lizard and my Sexuality

There are some people on this forum that might already know about this, but for the ones who don't, i tell it here.   I am Bisexual. I realized it since a few weeks, after i found out that i have a certain attractiveness towards man, which is something i kind of knew since 2013, but i only just recently accepted now. But i am not homosexual, since i am still attracted to Woman.   Which now brings me to my good friend LZRD WZRD.   LZRD and i know each other for over 2 months now. I met him

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Mental disorders of The Mane 6 Ponies (Hypnosparkle Analysis)

I guess we all remember what Twilight Sparkle once said, "All the ponies in this town are CRAZY!" I can see why she might think that. Is she actually right though? Yes, most of the ponies she met are kind of strange, but is there something more to that? Yes, My Little Pony is a children's TV show, but i like to believe that alot of the character, show symptoms of serious mental disorder. It is actually very obvious if you look at it in a certain way. Are the ponies indeed have some form mental i

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Everything i ever said was a lie (read everything until the end)

Seriously, did you buy anything that i said about this place, being the most super special awesome 20% cooler place on the internet? Well that was a lie.   For example, the part about MLP Ice creambars? The last thing you guys need, are more Ice creambars.   I found this very unique avatar and i created this Hypnosparkle persona, because i know that your brains are so small, that you just stare and say "Durr what a very unique Avatar. I will become his friend." Because the truth about this F

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

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