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why aren't there any world wide MLP con ads

theres one thing i dont get we have adverts for brony cons in america but not in other places in the world like Ponycon UK or Buckcon UK its so strange that its just american conventions.   Now i'm not having a go at the creator of this site but it is fair that poeple from other contries get to know if there is a convention near them and not just in america cause people like me who live in the United Kingdom have MLP Conventions and in all fairness it seems a tad bit rude leaving out other pla



2 year annaversary

well its coming up to my 2 year annaversary of being a brony, i know that some of you won't care and some of you are just meh but i want this to be an better 2 years. last year i was alone had nothing to do but be bored and just stay in my room watch crap dvds.   on a festive note i'm not celebrating christmas this year with my mum cause she has been tight for money recently so yea if you have any ideas what I should draw for a nice festive anniversary that would be great forum staff can parti




I cant take it anymore i'm returning to the forums only just to have something to do eversince my account got hacked and all those nasty status updates and all the warnings that were given were all to do with someone at college has done, its been sorted out so no worries there but i find it angry that no one belives me they are always like "oh he's just doing that for attention" well i'm not its been hard for me this year as it is and not to mention i have to do really hard exams next year.  



if you want to contact use Skype

With my account being hacked ages ago (cant remember cause of college work) and since this is the ONLY​ way i can talk to people I decided if you want to chat or to talk visit me on Skype   Skype name: Shadtrax Skr



I hate to say it!

i hate to say it but i'm resigning from the forums. if you want to still contact me find me on Skype   skype name: Shadtrax Skr   I know its letting the one who hacked me win but its the only way i can get it out of my head.



Final blog and confession from the onw who hacked me

This is the last youll see of me (previosly know as Shadtrax) due to my college friend some how hacked my account and wrote those Status updates. Until last friday be for Halloween I found out that I had a warning and then got a text from that friend that they hacked my forum account. As of then I reported him and he lied to save his backside so now I have a last warning cause of them.   This forum was almost close to chnging me but now I feel its right to just leave I hear theres going to be



Whats next for Shadtrax Skr *?*

With course work being a stress and and haveing 2 projects, and searching for a bigger bed cause i'm getting too big for my old one things have been quiet and unhappening.   As some of you know i have deleted all but 22/ 23 of my friends here on the forums, reasons being is that they were getting a bit boring and that i just didn't want them as friends any more, true that a couple of my friends don't come onto the forums much/ anymore but i still keep them as friends when i talked to them caus



Fallout Equestria

Lately i have been watching Fallout 3 and New Vagas walkthroughs. cause i have been getting in to Fallout Equestria and just last week i have been thinking of my own series/ story.   i have called it:   Fallout Equestria: Blast from the Past   basically in stable 666 Stasis pods have been installed and only 1 stallion wakes up to the deverstated world of Equestria. and forms a team with each pony he gets help from or the pony wants revenge on some other pony. (depends)   In Shadtrax's te



Artwork and my Lego Modles

last week i was given warning points for a piece of art work, taking that on-board i have decied that for now on if you want to see my art work you have to go to my Deviant Art page to see them.   as to the lego models 3 of them have been dismantled for parts but dont worry i took pics of the originals plus revamps might be coming soon. plus some of my own creations just not MLP. and another thing the lego power ponies megazord is getting more zords so look out for those and hope fully reviews



My entire MLP collection (so far)

so i seen my friends MLP collections so i thought i show mine so i have: comics vinyls funkos comics EQG figures comables dog tags CCG Cards posters plushies Mini-Vinyls standees   so here the pics:



First FanArt for YOCS

I'm a big fan of the Yoc's podcast (they review your OC) and i have finally decided to do my first fanart for them.   heres what i'll be using.



New Megazord

ok so you seen the Power ponies Megazord. now im going to build one for the 3 princesses (Celestia, Luna and Cadence).   still going with the pet theme:   Celestia: Philamena- phionix Luna: (cant remember the name)- Bushbaby/ posom Cadence: (my own creation)- Dear   so yea look out for them



Back to college and what will be happening

ok so today (04/09/2015) i went to my college and i finally enroled so im going to college but it doesn't mean im leaving the forums. the course im taking is much harder then the one last year so most of my time will be divoted to my work so don't worry i'm still here it's that i'll be doing college stuff.   and going on from that my FOE clan re-draw will be put on hold till i find the time to do it, same goes with the Lego Power Ponies megazord im currently doing. but i am still going to Pony



Might be starting reviews on my YT channel

For a while now i got my new cam-corder and i've been thinking on doing some reviews on some MLP stuff   i don't know what but all i know is i have a cam-corder, a light box and a really good laptop.   so what do you think i should do   reviews on MLP stuff   or   do not bother about it   link to my YT channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1VszAKFTRrmoETPo5Clp9Q




Rainbow falls is a beautiful place no wonder i Shadtrx have made it my kingdom i share its beauty with you



About my Youtube channle

I have been known as bruticusdude65 for 2 years on youtube and didn't start adding videos till early last year. so I have decided that the time has come to change my youtube name from bruticusdude65 and change it to TheLegoBrony due to what I can do with my lego moc making skills and also being a brony .   but I will still be known as bruticusdude65 on my DA page so yay.   oh yea almost forgot I might be doing well known bronies (analysis bronies) so look forward to that.



Next MLP Lego creation

so I looked at the lego/ bionicle (old and new) pieces I have and I have chosen a character who fits the pieces.   Shining Armour.



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