(Yes I'm doing this! >:U )
Windows 8 is the newest platform from Windows, and it has caused much confusion and complaints over it's style. I'm going to clear this up.
1. Start Screen?!? What about my Start Button and Desktop??
Calm down, Windows 7 fantast. The Start button is replaced by the Start Screen. The Desktop is just like always. You can only pin things on the Start Screen, however.
Desktop also has Personalization like Win 7 (Windows 7, expect a lot of shortenings.),
Source: Making Christmas Merrier: Part II
Hmph! Because I want to see how insane dedicated you people are, if we reach $1,750, I will play the song of choice repersenting the fourms....and fail it miserably because I made it too hard.
You'll never make it I'm sure you could do it.
I am a obsessed brony. I have not said it before because then, I was only a casual brony.
You see, I first became a brony a few months ago. The temptation wasn't as strong as it is now, so I didn't bother to aknowledge it.
But a few weeks ago, the temptation came back to strike, so it seems.
At first, it was just like when I first became a brony. Not much temptation then. However, as the days went by, the temptation got stronger, occasionally growing to points where it took a payload
Upstairs (Away from the wireless router) : Bad connection
Downstairs in Living room (Close to wire less router) Fast connection less lag faster download etc
Seems legit.
Its called oreo.
1. Play R-P-S
2. Winner makes the other ask someone out. If tie keep going.
This is sad.
In fact, it doesn't matter if your a boy, the winner can make you ask out a boy OR a girl.