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WARNING: Do not read this blog if you are a serious person. Your seriousness will not alow the humor. Trust me. Also, don't read this blog anywhere where funny stuff is against the law. Watch some boring videos instead, or something.

Entries in this blog

Time to Start Being A Responsible Blogger.

Heyo! It's been a while, blog. I've been thinking about starting you back up again. I need the support of my fellow forumers, though, to comment on my entries so I don't feel neglected and unwanted.   Anyway, I've been really busy lately, what with a bunch of requests, a ton of homework, and huge amounts of fanfic projects, so I'm not sure why I thought that starting up my blog again was really needed... Well, this is all I got... So, bye!




Sisko is my cat. My annoying as f*** cat. I was watching TV and Cleverbot'ing on my iPad, and Sisko came up to me, jumped on the couch, and started nuzzling me half to death, obviously in one of his rare cuddly moods. I kinda laughed a little and started petting him, but that was a mistake. I tried to resume my conversation with the AI they call Cleverbot, and he was all up on my stomach, clawing it and nuzzling me and being a little shit. I tried pushing him off multiple times, but nobody else



I Absolutely Positively Cannot Wait Until Monday.

Why do I always wait until the last moment on Friday to do something awesome? Why does it have to be a three day weekend this week? WHYYYYYY?! Yesterday was the best day of my life. I guess I should give you a bit of backstory so you understand...   THE BACKSTORY There's this kid that I like, no, love. I first got a crush on him in September, and it's May now. You can see how much my love has grown. My sister keeps pushing me to ask him out, but whoever says that it's easy to ask your crush



Lady Gaga Ball and Laser Tag.

First, no, I am not a fan of Lady Gaga. The game wasn't even about her. It was just called Gaga Ball for some odd reason. Anyway, on Saturday, me, my sister, and my brother went to a laser-tag-and-pizza night at our old Tae Kwon Do gym. It was really fun, for the most part, we played laser tag, we ate pizza, it was at night. Anyway, I found out that they were playing a game in the back called "Gaga Ball". It sounded interesting, so I decided to check it out. It turned out that they had a big blo



Cupcakes 2: Coming Soon, To Your Local Forums.

If you haven't heard already, I am in the process of making a sequel to the hit horror fanfic, Cupcakes. I will be posting it on here, but not on FiM Fiction, for the simple reason that I do not have an account. Yes, yes, I know, many people have made sequels, but I have yet to find one that really carries on the plot, has a good storyline, and, most importantly, contains correct grammar and spelling. It will be about twice as long as the original, I will check the storyline of the first every n



Username Suggestions

Alright guys, I need something pony-neutral, something that people will recognize me as, and something that can be shortened to a cute nickname. Any ideas will be highly appreciated.



Since I Don't Have A Dream Journal Anymore...

That terrible, terrible moment when you wake up and realize its just a dream~   Everything was going perfectly in my dream world, I had been moved to regular math, which I've been wanting to do for a while, now, not just because my crush's in that class, but also because advanced math is f***ing hard, ponies finally, FINALLY became cool in my class, and, yes, me and my crush became... Something. The dream started in math (that's how I know I was moved), and Mrs. Wilke was showing us one of her



Framily Thanksgiving

Every year, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, my mom hosts a friend-family Thanksgiving party/get-together. Tomorrow we're going over to my stepdad's side of the family's area to celebrate the traditional way. This year, I'm currently sitting in my brother's room, eating pie and watching MLP with all my cousins, converting them slowly into bronies. BEST THANKSGIVING EVER!



Day Of First Diving Board Experience. EVER.

In gym class on Thursday, we were swimming, and I decided to try the diving board for the first time in my entire life. I first did a cannonball (yes, yes, I know, CANNONball...), then another, and another, and about my 3rd run, I heard the kid I like trying to get his friend, John, to do a front flip as his first dive. He said that if John did one, he would too. He agreed, and stepped on the diving board very slowly, only to go running off, saying "No, no, can't do it." My crush just shook his



Season Three Was Awesome! [Don't Worry, No Spoilers.]

I watched The Crystal Empire Part One and Part Two with my sis this morning, and it was seriously the best two-parter in the whole series. Faust and the rest of the gang did a great job, especially on the dialect, songs, and character design. King Sombra was very well created, Pinkie Pie was even more hilarious than normal, and there was more Rarity singing parts. I really enjoyed it, and if you haven't watched it yet, look it up on Youtube, or something. It's really that great.



Adorkable? I Think Not!

My kitten Archer is in a cone. He had to get stitches on his belly because my little Flarcher decided to eat rubber bands and needed to get surgery. Seriously, what is he? A goat? Anyway, when my mom came home with the cone, she held it up and said, "Look at the dorky little cone Archer has to wear." It is pretty dorky, not even adorkable. Archer is very well convinced that there is no possible way he can eat or drink with it on, so we have to get it off him at mealtimes. That cone carries one h




Ma cahz stapped tahlkin' ta ma cahz I took ma campata awah frahm har. Wah?! Ah'm tahlkan' lahke Satharn Spagattah Nadle.



Omygerd! Why Am I So Hyper Right Now? It's, Like, 10:00 PM.

I would be bouncing off the walls right now, if I had mastered that pogo stick, but it's pink, and Barbie, and ugly, so I'm probably not ever going to touch it again. If I had, like, IDK, an MLP pogo stick, I'd master that thing like nopony's business. My art looks like spit compared to this     Epicness courtesy of Mr.Brony. I wish it was morning already, so I could run off all this steam. Seriously, I have so much steam, you could put me on train tracks and call me a locomotive. Plus, I do



Death Voice

Ok, I realized that I should clear some things up (like my voice, for instance, because I'm gonna read this entire entry aloud in death voice). So, death voice is this deep, growly voice that you make with the back of your throat, and me and my BBF like to use a lot, and have become masters at it. It came from this dude named Sam, who I hate, but is the one that came up with it, so therefore, his name must be said in death voice all the time. It only really hurts if you, one, do it wrong, or two



Defective MnM is Defective

Ok, so in science today, we removed the "M" of an MnM by soaking it, and our group's didn't come off until, like, 15 minutes after everyone else's. It was kind of sad. So, I asked my teacher why, and he just shrugged and said, "I guess it's just defective." I kinda laughed a little and said, "This MnM is defective!" and pointed at it. Then the M came off, and everybody crowded around, as if to say, "Finally." It was a little bit funny.



Towel Hoodie!

Ok, so I'm sitting here on my bed, practically dripping wet, because I just came out of the shower, and I suck at drying my hair. I got dressed in my old hideout (my wardrobe) because, well, I don't know. Anyway, when I came out, I realized that I was soaked, and I grabbed my towel and tried drying off my head. That didn't work. So, I tried to wrap the towel around my head like a turban, but that failed as well. Finally, I ended up pulling it over my head like a hood, and it worked. I was so hap



Dad, Why Do You Have To Ruin Everything?

So first, he ruined my free time by telling me that raking was only going to take a few minutes, then he ruined my hideout by telling me I couldn't use it, next, he ruined my wanting to play portal by watching Star Trek instead, and finally, he ruined me finishing this entry by calling me for dinner. MY FATHER IS A BIG RUINER!



I-I-I Can't Believe It!

Ok, so I was scrolling through Feld0's friend list, for some reason, and I saw an avatar that caught my eye. I looked at the name under the avatar, I literally squeed out loud. I clicked on his profile, and scrolled down to the contact info, and sure enough, it really was BronyDanceParty. I sent him a message, and then my sister one with the link. Here it is. http://mlpforums.com...ronydanceparty/ Who wouldn't be like:



Hideout Paradise! (Not Really)

I'm in the mood to blog right now, so there will be a lot of new entries. Ok, so I'm wandering around my room with a bag of chips, wondering what to do. Then, for some reason, I start thinking about clubhouses, and how cool it would be if I had one. So, I look around my room for a good clubhouse. I can't find one, so just as I'm about to give up, a spot my wardrobe, nice and cozy, sitting all alone and empty in the corner. It seriously feels like a lightbulb lit up over my head. So, I ran over



Derped Up Dragon

I just realized that my dragon Pillowpet is pretty messed up. His tongue is always hanging out, and his eyes are facing different ways. In fact, right now he's in pillow form, just lying there on his stomach, seemingly licking the mattress. Seriously, what is WRONG with him? I'm all like:



Rawr! I'm A Lion!

Ok, I've decided that I should probably just blog about funny stuff that's happened recently, and not really worry about when I blog, because it's obvious that it's not going to be every day. Anyway, so one day in choir, my teacher split us up into 1s and 2s, to practice a canon (yes, yes, I know), and then turn towards each other, and the person I was paired up with was this girl about five inches shorter than me, and I towered over her like a lion over its prey. Hence the entry title. Then, an



A Day In My Life In Two Minutes Flat

Alright, I have to make this short, because I don't have much time...   In first hour, we're making these cool things on this awesome program. In second hour, the kid I have a crush on sits right next to me, and we're doing intergers. In third hour, I finished most of my missing work. At lunch, I ate pizza. In third hour again, we did more language artsy stuff. In fourth hour, we sang, and some funny stuff happened. In fifth hour, we took notes on the Mesopotamian peoples. In sixth hour



I Don't Really Know That Much, Do I?

Alright, sorry I had to finish yesterday TODAY, I didn't have time after dinner... Anyway,   So, I stayed on MLP Forums all afternoon, until my dad called me up for pizza. It was bacon cheeseburger. After lunch, my dad made me do all my late homework, which took me an hour or so, since I don't know diddly squat about division. <_<     After that, I had more internet time, and that's when I started this blog, and had to leave off for dinner. We went to a brewpub, and I had a really g



Some Stuff About Me.

I guess I should start out my blog by telling you a bit more about myself than you would ever want to know.   Hi. I have a step sister, a half brother, and step sister's half brother. (I'm not kidding!) If you can't tell by what I just said, my mom has been married three times. That means my parents are divorced. Don't go around feeling bad for me. My life has been like this for as long as I can remember, and this has always been considered "normal" for me. I get to see both my parents, and l



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