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Silent Hill HD Collection

Okay so recently I had been really wanting to play Silent Hill 3(probably due to Heather/Cheryl being in Dead By Daylight) again so I ended up buying this collection on the Xbox One since it's Backwards Compatible. I wasn't really familiar with how bad these ports of the game were when they released. I just assumed most of the HD remasters on the PS3/360 were good. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case with these games. I am not really going to go into specific details about these games as you can



Let's Talk about Xbox

So, I think Microsoft has been dropping the ball lately. First, with their Gameplay Showcase and later with their Games Showcase. Halo Infinite did not look great and now it has been delayed. I think it's the right move. Obviously, losing Halo Infinite as a Series X launch title is bad, but I would rather a have a good quality game then have it be broken at launch like Halo the Master Chief Collection. I don't know what is going to be available at launch for the system, but there it does not see



The End of an Era

https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/political-commentary/covid-19-end-of-american-era-wade-davis-1038206/ I thought this article about the United States was a pretty interesting read.



Thoughts on the Xbox Games Showcase

So I am probably going to sound a bit jaded here, but I wasn't really blown away or surprised about any of the games they showed today. However, the games they did show looked solid. Some of the games shown were kind of predictable. Like State of Decay 3, Forza Motorsport 8?, etc., I kind of wish they would have shown some actual gameplay for Hellblade 2. For all the talk about the Xbox's power, they didn't really show any game that I would say really showed it off. Halo and Forza look nice thou



Thoughts on Next Gen

After watching the PS5 reveal, I have to say I am impressed with Sony. As someone who mainly plays video games on Xbox One, I am definitely considering switching to PlayStation next gen. However, for me, one of the biggest factors is going to be the price. If the PS5 is cheaper than the Xbox One than I will switch. I really think it is going to be an uphill battle for Microsoft next gen to compete with Sony in terms of their first party games. Not only that, but Sony is riding off the momentum o



Dead or Alive 6 Vent

So, I don't usually spend $60 on games...if I do I usually sell other games to lower the price(I know it's not the best route to go, but to each their own). This is like the second game I have purchased full price on the Xbox One and I was kind of disappointed that Dead or Alive 6 Core Fighters was released two weeks after the game launched. I knew the free to play version was coming, but the developer didn't give a concrete release date of when when he was asked during an interview. I assumed t



My One and only unfinished MLP fanfic

So this was a fanfic I started writing a long time ago and I just never got around to finishing it(or getting very far for that matter). The main characters are the CMC. I basically wanted it to be about them finding some type of magical waterfall that transforms the CMC into their future selves(I would love to see an actual episode like this is in the series). The twist was going to be that there "future selves" were not really their future selves, but idealized versions of their selves. So, Sc



Quitting my job

So, yesterday, my shift texts me and asks about me putting in my two weeks. I will be honest, I am not very close to many people at work, but he's one of the few people I wanted to tell myself. I am guessing my manager ended up telling the shifts. So, anyway, the reality of the situation is starting to sink in. I have two more days of work and that's it. I find myself thinking of whether I was right to leave. I didn't take the decision lightly and tried to think about it as hard as I could. I tr



So I've decided...

I think I am going to go through with it and quit my job. I would rather do it on my own terms then end up being fired. Honestly, I don't know how I even got the job in the first place. I am like the complete opposite of everyone who works at Starbucks. It's been time for me to move on for long time. So, I now I have to search for a new job. I have never felt more lost than I do at this moment. I have no idea where to begin. Wish me luck.



My experience at the Babymetal concert

So, the Babymetal concert was on Friday and I just wanted to talk about a little bit about my experience. I got there at around 7. From the moment I got there, I did nothing but stand. My legs were killing me by the time I left. There was a line to get into the venue and then a line to buy merch(I bought a t-shirt). Afterwards, I stepped inside and tried to find a good spot to stand. I was kind of disappointed with how small the venue was. I think there were too many people there. I think they m



Xbox One Rumor

So, there is a rumor going around that Nier Automata is going to be released on the Xbox One. If so, that’s really exciting news for Xbox gamers. There aren’t many Japanese games on the One, so this game would definitely make a lot of fans happy as it was one of the most highly rated games of last year. I am hoping if it does get a release, they make an enhanced version for the X. Square-Enix did an awesome job with Rise of the Tomb Raider and I would love to see this game get the same treatment



Babymetal Concert Update

So, I decided to go ahead and buy a ticket to the Babymetal concert because yolo. Seriously, it’s not like I go to concerts very often and how many chances will I have to see this group. I just didn’t want it to be like last time when I wanted to see Arch Enemy(another band that doesn't tour in the U.S. often) and ended up not going. I just realized that this is my first “metal” concert and I have no idea what to expect. I just hope it’s as awesome as I have heard their concerts are.




So, I am not really a huge fan of Babymetal or anything, but recently listened to the song “Karate” and instantly fell in love with it. I have heard some of their other songs, but they didn’t hook me the way this song did. I just recently found out that they are coming to Dallas in May. I think it would be really cool to see them live, but tickets are kind of pricey at $90. So, my question is has anyone seen them live and do you think it was worth it? The weeb in me is saying “Do it!,” but the c



Thoughts on the Xbox One X from 1080p TV owner

I decided to spend some of my tax refund and buy an Xbox One X. I am happy with it despite not being able to take full advantage of what the console offers due to me not having a 4K TV. I have tried a lot of the games that are enhanced and I have to say that I like being able to have the option between the performance and resolution. Given most of the time I have to choose performance because I have no 4K TV. Games like Rise of the Tomb Raider run noticeably smoother as do games that are not enh



Rumors and News Regarding Microsoft and Xbox

So, in the past month there have been interesting leaks and rumors regarding Microsoft and Xbox. One was a leak of games either being released or announced for 2018 which was leaked by someone who's predictions have been accurate in the past. Other then what we already know about the games being released in 2018, he referenced Forza Horizon 4(not surprising, I know), a new Fable game, a new Perfect Dark game, Age of Empires 4, a reference to a game that could either be Mech Assault/Mech Warrior,



MLP: The Movie

I know this is a MLP forum, but I never actually discuss the show on my blog. I didn't actually watch the movie when it was out in theaters. I meant to, but I just couldn't bring myself to go to the movie theater. I waited too long and eventually it wasn't being shown anymore. I kind of regret now as I think it would have been cool to see it on the big screen. So anyway, I rented the film on Tuesday. I did really like it. I am thinking about buying the film because I think it's actually somethin



Street Fighter V Arcade Edition

So, yesterday was Capcom Cup 2017 and it was really exciting. I think Tokido with his Akuma was definitely the favorite to win the tournament, but I think people totally slept on Mena RD and his Birdie. He ended up winning the tournament. Tokido just couldn’t come up with an answer for his Birdie.  And after that, Capcom revealed the new character. Everyone already knew what character it was going to be based on the hints they had given, but it was still exciting to finally see Sakura in th



My problem with video games

This might come off as a jumbled mess, but I just need to get it out there. So, I feel like I obsess over buying video games(not playing them, but buying them). Like I will literally spend time looking at the games I want to buy. I kind of feel like a junky searching for something that’s going to bring back the feeling I had when I first started playing video games. When I have the games, I just find myself bored with them. No, I am not addicted to playing video games. Honestly, I can’t sit and



Thoughts on Xbox One X

So, the Xbox One X is being released tomorrow. There have been a ton of reviews on it already and they generally seem to be pretty positive, so that’s good for them. Although, I am not buying one myself, I am curious about whether the console will be readily available to purchase for someone who didn’t pre-order it. Microsoft warned there might be shortages of the console. I don’t know whether or not that was only in the UK or if that was the US as well. I personally can’t justify buying one rig



RPGs I have beaten...it's a short list

Role-playing games are a genre of video games I have never really been able to get into(trust me...I have tried). That goes for both Western and Japanese RPGs. I can literally count on my hands the number of RPGs I have played and beaten over the years. Anyway, let's get started. 1. Super Mario RPG - I remember playing this game for the first time and being really confused by the gameplay. I think this was my first time experiencing a RPG. 2. Pokemon Blue - Believe it or not, this is o



Brony Meeting

So today is the brony meeting I wanted to go to. I'm nervous about going, but I still want to go. I don't like that it is more than a 30 minute drive from where I live. I'm not used to driving so far...I know it's not really that far, but it seems far to me. Everything seems far to me though because I almost never leave the city I live in. Well, we will see how it goes, I guess. Update: So, I did end up going to the meeting after all. It would have been easy for me to back out, but I'm



Xbox One; Keep or Sell?

So I am seriously considering selling my Xbox One to buy a PlayStation 4. However, I keep telling myself I shouldn't because of the money I have put into it. I don't have many physical copies of games. In fact, I own about 4 games right now. I also own some digital games, including The Witcher 3 and Gears of War 4. I also have some accessories I have purchased, including a Turtle Beach X One headset. And finally, I still have about 5 months left of Xbox Live.   Okay, so my reasons for wanting



Some Thoughts on Scalebound

The funny thing is I had recently watched a video of video games coming to the Xbox One in 2017. Scalebound was one of the games mentioned in the video and I remember thinking "Wow, that actually looks pretty cool." Of course, I would find out a week later that it had been canceled. I'll be honest, I don't think I had ever seen that tech demo that was shown at E3 2014 until recently. In fact, I had pretty much forgotten the game existed until I realized it was actually suppose to come out this y



Street Fighter V Akuma

I don't play Akuma, but I am still hyped for this. I'm curious as to who the other five characters are going to be. Starting from the left, the first one looks like it could possibly be Helen who we see in the story mode. The second one, looks like it might be Abel. After that, I have no idea who the last three could be.



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