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About this blog

A little blog for me and my friend Question Mark.

Entries in this blog

A loving Family: New Chapter released

Welcome Bronies,   as you've already guessed, I have finished my next translation. This time we're looking at the third main character. Shining Star. Enjoy my work and please add a comment. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/366040/a-loving-family Thanks a lot, the Redhatbrony.



A loving Family: New Chapter released

Welcome Bronies, today I would like to take you into my imagination again. Give my story a chance and try to ignore my mediocre englisch, would you. Besides her is my next chapter. A very special family. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/366040/a-loving-family



A loving Family

Welcome Bronies,   I have started a new story. Please comment my work and enjoy it a little bit, A litle colt had moved to Ponyville with his family. It is an unusual family you know, but they are loving each other. They have to face rejection and other kind of problems. Now without further redo. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/366040/a-loving-family



A game of homes: New Chapter release.

Welcome Bronies,   I have translated a new chapter. I hope you'll enjoy my work and leave a comment, if you liked it. Or even when you disliked it. So without further redo. A game of homes An advice from an elder friend. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/310258/a-game-of-homes



Hearth Warming's Crusaders Carol.

Welcome,   today I would like to present you my new fanfiction. It is kind of Hearth's Warming story and unlike the usually thing. I would like to say it is different. They're no three ghosts, but three Crusaders instead. Enjoy and leave a comment, if you like. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/357711/hearth-warmings-crusaders-carol



A game of homes: Feed when you hungers.

I fnished the last translation a few days ago. But I have forgotten to set it here. So today I adjust this. This chapter featured Curryfeather and her warder in a chat. We learn why he had taken her and a little bit of Curryfeathers past. Enjoy my work.   http://www.fimfiction.net/story/310258/23/a-game-of-homes/feed-when-you-hungers



A game of homes: Like a feather in the wind

I have finished yet another chapter of my Fanfiction. I hope you enjoy it a little bt. Today Rainbow Dash finds out the truth behind Scootaloo, and she learns, that she isn't able to fly. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/310258/22/a-game-of-homes/like-a-feather-in-the-wind   If you like to have a overall look about the fanfiction,here is your chance. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/310258/a-game-of-homes   Enjoy my writing and feel free to comment.   Yours Redhatbrony, a.k.a. Lethrael



A new Chapter of A game of homes.

Welcome Bronies,   I have finished my translation of a new chapter. And I have change the title of my story. it named now:   A game of homes.   Enjoy my work and feel free to comment. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/310258/a-game-of-homes   Thanks for you time.



Behind the Fandom: Why are so many Fans trying to write Fanfictions?

Hello fellow Bronies,   today I have finished another piece of my work. I would like to introduce you to: Behind the Fandom: Why are so many Fans trying to write Fanfictions?   "Anybody can cook...write a Story." This is one part of my analysis and no I don't think, that anybody can write a good story. Like a good cook you must spend time and energy to become a good writer. If you like check up my video for further rants, or analysis.   Please enjoy my work. Yours Redhatbrony.



The newest chapter is realesed. Enjoy Celestias visit and an obnoxious lecture.

Hello my fellow Bronies,   I have finished my neyxt translation. The next chapter is the first, where one of the M6 is playing a significant role for the young filly. Twilight Sparkle has a request for a schoolfilly and Scootaloo is the first who volunteers. Enjoy it a litte and comment, if you want to. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/310258/scootaloos-adventures



A new Chapter is released

Welcome my fellow Bronies, I have recently finished my newest chapter of my fanfiction. If you like test it on fimfiction and enjoy my work a little bit. Scootaloo get's his first bad experience with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Enjoy http://www.fimfiction.net/story/310258/scootaloos-adventures Feel free to comment if you like. Yours Redhatbrony



Season 6 Final review

Welcome Bronies,   Today I have finally finished my review. I hope you enjoy my work and want to comment my work a little bit. Enjoy my rant about the odd Plotdesign and follow my trip down memory lane. https://youtu.be/MSbdV48gSbI



Scootaloo's Adventures carries on

Hello fellow Bronies,   as an attempt to interest more reader for my work, I start to link up my little fanfiction here. If you are interested, please feel free to add a comment here or opn Fimfiction. I have written about Scootaloos past and origin. It started shortly before the Season 1 Opener and we follow then her path down in Ponyville. Without further introduction, enjoy Scootaloos Adventures in Ponyville.   http://www.fimfiction.net/story/310258/scootaloos-adventures   I will add ne



On second look Top Bolt

Welcome Bronies,   I have finished my newest review just now. Please enjoy my little shipping evaluation around Vapor Trail and Sky Stinger. And a few mathematical assumptions about the flight speed of pegasi. feel free to comment. Thnks for watching Redhatbrony



Where the Apple lies

Welcome Bronies,   I have finished my newest review for you. It is about the origin story from my secod favourite Mane 6. Today by On second look Where the Apple lies. Enjoy my work.



Behind the Fandom: Why do some fans decide to leave the Fandom

Welcome again, I have created a new video. Now it handles a different kind of question, than my other videos. Why would some Brony leave the fandom. I try to analyse it, so unlike a review, I try to explain it on a regular bases with logic and provable facts. Enjoy my work. Uh and don't mind the train, I was on the road for my friend.



Newest video Online

Welcome Bronies in my blogg. Enjoy my first entry and my newest video at the same time. I wish you a nice evening and can't await your comments. Now take a closer look on my project. On second look Viva Las Vegas:



My newest rant about a crappy plot

Welcome Bronies, I have finally finished my newest review today. My rant about the Equestria Girls 4 Movie. Legend of Everfree. How else could I describe it other than a average movie at best. Excuse my crappy voice, I have catch a cold, but I have to do a review.



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