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irl finding my place, what I should do later in life there are some I have a love for, and some things I'm really good at

Entries in this blog

I have changed so much, legitimately after so many months now (Good way)

Yeah, still waiting for mlp season 7, we all are aren't we? Now I have changed so much, I have became a School News Video editor, I got elected at school as the class clown/comedian, and I had made it in first place, I have changed so much that my old self doesn't even exist anymore, my old shy cringey self like all of my previous posts since late July, I went from being quiet/shy and I became my own person I have my own official place in the year book, 2017 (so far) is looking great for me, yea



Its not a surprise that I'm addicted to music.

Music is like a drug, I am addicted to it badly. I have records with music, cassettes, CD's, an mp3 player with music, All of my computers have music on them and I have at least 15 GB of music.   Remember fillies and colts, don't do drugs. Vinyl Scratch and Octavia are my dealers, and I take in 2 albums worth of Bastille and Boney M. (and more) a day. Sometimes just single songs and I get addicted.   *Whispers* Hey any good songs for me to listen to? I have one for you: https://www.youtube.



How did each country come up with their own flag? I'm making my own custom flag.

How did all of the countries around the world come up with their own flag? Like, USA, Australia, UK, Denmark how did they all come up with their own flag designs and so many other countries.   I'm making my own custom flag with a large cloth its,   Blue > Freedom White > Purity/Peace Yellow > Justice   And it's setup like the French flag, 3 colors going to the right.



Achievement unlocked: I just became the Official Editor of the Schools News!

They have a thing called Musky Minute for our school (I live in Wisconsin, so expect a lot of lakes) And, they have 1 to how many kids they choose, for their musky minute video and they just record with their phone and upload it to YouTube and show it to 5-8th grade, raw, unedited footage. And you want to know how they found ME to do it? Well I have been sending videos to my teacher, and well edited videos, and it just turned out that he has been sharing this to other teachers and assistants and



You wanna know what happened yesterday? It was HILARIOUS

Yesterday at school it was 2:30 school was almost over, I was in the computer lab with another person in the same grade as me, he has his headphones on listening to music. Me? Well I was doing something completely different, I ripped up a piece of a sticky note, used the sticky part of it, and put it under the mouse on the desktop pc's in the room. Yeah I know its been done many times before, but I didn't do it to just a few desktops, NO, I did it to ALL of them in the room and the other person



I'm no longer singing the blues, todays birthday was great. (Face Reveal too)

It seems like this year I show at least one side of the mane 6, when I was working hard at school, was showing my AJ side (minus the country talkin' y'all) , being nice to others but also quiet side like Fluttershy, my dressing and fashion side of Rarity (like my costume to the Halloween party that I had today) My serious but fun side like RD, my smart moments like getting a good grade on an assignment like Twilight and studying before an extremely pressuring Math test (I suck at math, each math



Entry #2 10/7/16 Art project (need suggestions)

Now, I'm not normally like Twilight Sparkle, (to get the rest of the information about the way I am read my previous posts I'm not going to type it out every time) Now I'm normally the fluttershy of the bunch (13 years old) till now, I've been more of a Twilight Sparkle recently, I've been going to book stores and buying art books/text books because I listened to a special song with a special meaning that woke my old self up from a long slumber on something I used to do, paint, draw, color its s



Finding my place entry #1 10/1/16 1:42 pm

I've been finding what I'm good at, or my interests for the past 3 years. Something I could do later in life, and 2 years ago I became really good at computers (2 years before I became a brony) after trying out so many things on the computer. My Dad thought it was an obsession or addiction as if it was a drug. Then he crushed it and crumpled it like paper he wouldn't give me a chance it was something I had a knack for I could do coding, do decent video editing and more, desktop or laptop I went



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