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New plushies!

My new plushies I got yesterday, Princess Luna and Zecora!     Zecora's mouth looks a little funny because of the seam, but it's no big deal           Overall they are amazing! Luna's wings and mane are WAY larger than I thought xD I love them so much! So soft and cuddly! Zecora is stiffer but is lovely and still very cuddly. Besides, I imagine her to be a strong pony, still in need of cuddles!

Foxy Socks

Foxy Socks

Hate of snakes and foxes

My two favorite animals, snakes and foxes are unfortunately animals that get a lot of hate, especially snakes. At least foxes are seen cute and fluffy by others (they are! ), however snakes are pretty much universally feared and hated.   People can have their opinions, and don't have to like them, but it would be better to give both respect. They both can be beautiful creatures, and don't seek out to attack people or pets.   Foxes get a bad reputation because of their predatory skills, but a

Foxy Socks

Foxy Socks

Proof that Rainbow Dash = Button Mash

Rainbow Dash is many things which some could be debateable between users, but one thing is definitely true and proven. Rainbow Dash IS Button MASH!   HERE IS THE UNBIASED PROOF:   1. Rainbow Dash   2. Rainbohw Dash   3. Rainnbohw Dhash   4. Rainnbohg Dyash   5. Rainnobohg Dyash   6. Raintobog Dyosh   7. Raintbogn Dyoash   8. Raintbogn Doash   9. Ruanybbon Doash   10. Bruanddon Moash   11. Bruandton Moahsh   12. Bruhndhon Maosh   13. Byundton Maosh   14. Buntton Mash

Foxy Socks

Foxy Socks

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