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About this blog

I created this blog for the purpose of communicating what is happening in my life, be it good or bad, especially things that will affect my activity here on these forums.

Entries in this blog

Update (April 2021)

So this is an update on how things are going for me in life right now. I'm still working a job that I've had since November 2020, and even though peak season is over (the time around Black Friday and Christmas), they are still making me work a ton of overtime due to sales like a Spring sale. I think it was last week when I worked 6 ten-hour days straight, and they were going to make it 9 days straight but decided to give us a day off. I like the job, but they make us work really hard and do


I haven't really said anything about this because I wasn't sure and I'm still not sure, but my family doctor and my former psychologist that I went to have both said that I have high functioning autism spectrum disorder (Here's what it is if you don't know). So yeah, I have a form of autism. I also have depression on top of that. I also had (not sure if I still have it though) OCD. The problem is I'm not getting treatment for anything mental health related, aside from taking three anti-depressan

Between A Rock And A Hard Place

I just recently received some stressful news. My dad is resigning from his job, my mom and dad are moving to a new place far away from where they live right now, and my dad is getting another job over there. Why does this stress me out? Because I'm currently living with my mom and dad, so this means I'm going to have to move as well. I have three choices: move with my parents and leave my job because it would be way too far away to travel to, move in with my grandparents and stay in my job becau
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