Does anyone even read these anymore?
For reasons known to those who subscribe to Chaos Weekly, I left MLPF's staff and active user list a year back, through the bulk of the seasonal hiatus. During this time I've lived on DeviantART, running a few pony groups and growing them through all and every means necessary, commissioning asstons of pony art, making friends with many new artists, and generally taking a break from using message boards in not just a staff sense, but in a general one as
It was only a few weeks ago, and the two years prior, that I had no interest in ever having much to do with OC's. Even after making one last year, I never wound up doing much with him.
But then my artist friend made me my own ponysona without telling me in advance, and I actually really like him, and now she and others make all this art of him because he's apparently adorable, and is a perfect representation of me.
Here's one such thing that got made today. It started as a sketch by one
A good friend on DA made me a ponysona after witnessing what I looked like, and so now, having recieved such a thing, I am now burderned with glorious purpose to commission artwork of him, and to make him a thing. I have begun doing so.
Ref Sheet <--
#RealWorldCD <--
CD's New Ponysona V
Meet Ponder Cloud :3 He's me. More or less. Meaning, he likes his few close friends as much as he likes to have plenty of alone time, is seen as rather quie
As of two months from tomorrow, I'll have been on staff for two years x) Which is mind-boggling in a lot of ways. This forum has acted as my true introduction into the pony fandom, and served as my singular hub for all things pony and lack of any kind of life, for over a year. It's also acted as a means by which I've met many new friends, and further grew myself as a person, member and a person in a position of pronominal cosmic power. And, persona-wise, though I may not have been the optimal pe
Been quite some time since I last blogged (and it's gotten to a point where I've said this on every blog entry I've done for a while now </3). But nonetheless, a blog is the better option for this particular topic, as I feel trying to put it in Sugarcube would garnish little discussion, as the amount of One Piece fans on here is an unknown, to me. A sad fact, mind you.
At any rate, I've started watching One Piece over now that I got caught up with the current episodes. So I had a lot of c
As there is death, there is life. As some things come to a close, new beginnings make themselves apparent.
For those who keep up with my blog, you'll know that the beginning of April was a horrible time for me. My life-long childhood cat Millie died on the 2nd of that month, and it was a sad time for me for about a week or two, even though I was no longer an emotional wreck after the initial four or so days. A few days ago, my mom felt it finally time to obtain a new member of the family; no
Eh, why not. It was a huge part of my childhood, I had all these card scans sitting on my USB Drive that I forgot about months and months ago, and I uploaded a past entry for Weird and Wild Creatures that people seemed to enjoy so, here. Have some Yu-Gi-Oh.
Source: MLP' Yu-Gi-Oh! Thread
Source: New Equestria Girls Trailer
Scratch one more thing onto 'List of New Things Bronies have utterly flipped about, only to then start to cool down over'.
Keep it up, fandom. Eventually, the list of past things everyone's utterly overreacted to will be so big, that anti-bronies will be able to hate on us for that trend, and the more rational of us will actually sort of agree with them. :3
When I first ventured into this vast land of pony and message boarding, I was a rampant post whorse who never really stopped for several months. Whilst throwing topics to the wind willy nilly, I developed a system that differentiated my topics that were casual, versus my more intense (and usually lengthy) discussion topics. The latter of the two received a 'C.Discord's' before their title, and usually consisted of wordy title choices, as well. In addition, most of these topics lay dormant in Sho
> Oh wait. Holy crap that was...that was actually pretty good.
>Not really.
Well, not so much :3 I don't actually plan on reviewing the movie. I do, however, feel like talking a bit about this movie, inspired by the book of the same name written quite a few decades ago by the fabled Dr. Seuss, and why I really enjoy the messages it has to offer. Hell, perhaps a few of you fence-sitters will give the book and movie a try, yourselves, after patiently reading through my yacking.
For those of you who don't know, 'The Lorax' was a children's book written and published by
In 1998, Vermont had a nasty ice storm that slammed much of the state. I was five, and had just recently dealt through my parents' rather bumpy divorce. My mom had been planning to get a cat for a while; she grew up with them in her own house, and now, living alone with me, she wanted to get her own. By a run of chance, we happened to stumble upon a lady who was giving her young cat away, since she was moving away due to complications regarding the ice storm, to a place that didn't allow cats. B
Been a horrible, horrible blogger the past few months; almost nothing at all going on. I'm afraid I simply haven't found the interest or time to write out any more DeviantART art review pieces, and I also never get around to blogging about anything else. Who knows, maybe that can change soon.
In the meantime, here's a blog referring to my thoughts on the long-awaited installment of Double Rainboom, the first full-fledged MLP:FiM episode created by the fanbase.
Enjoy and whatnot~
I've never been one to be very indecisive about who my favorite ponies are. They all have a position in my list from favorite to least favorite, and it rarely alters.
This is what my list has been for quite some time now. I don't 'dislike' any character, other than say, Diamond Tiara who's simply built to be an intolerable, manipulative bitch :3 I rank ponies by how much they interest me overall, and for a while, all throughout season one and two, this list of mine has remained for the most
These are some original characters of mine, of which I developed several years ago. I actually made a topic about them when I first joined, but it's been dead and buried, with not a single comment or brohoof. I was a first-day noob when I threw it up there and nobody yet cared what I was posting about So, since the topic felt out of place where it was in the Writing section of Non-Pony Art as it was anyway (they weren't ponies nor RP characters, so the bios didn't belong in the roleplay section
My mom is quite awesome My stocking's contents contained seven pony blind bags, one of which contained Rainbow Dash (<3), and even though I already have her from a Cloudsdale Figure Set I got from my friend a day or two ago, my sister can have the duplicate. Will make her happy. In addition, I got a pony calendar :3 And the best part? July, my birthday month, is Dashie. FuckYeah.JPG
Let's see. Oh, new Rainbow Dash shirt as well, with Dash's famous mane silhouette, found here:
As a si
Very specific, random poll, yes? Well, after having a brief discussion with Motion Spark about navel piercings on guys after bringing it up in another blog about piercings in general, I decided I was curious about other people's thoughts.
I've stated once or twice in specific locations around the board now that I plan on getting my navel pierced sometime in the next year or so, (or at least that's the hope...procrastination ) and yes, I'm a relatively skinny guy who is a bi. But I personally
Be sure to check out my previous entries, too!
-Entry 1
-Entry 2
-Entry 3
-Entry 4
I keep putting these off from laziness. Too bad I only ever find motivation to update these at night, when no one see's it but my limited number of blog watchers. I'll use the draft feature and post this tomorrow when people will actually see it in the latest blogs list.
Also, first Art Showcase as a staff member! @Pointlessmilestones
Dawn by Olafski
As if razor sharp needles of putrid ice
Instead of trying to throw this news out to everyone individually, I'm simply going to create a blog, and redirect everyone to it ^^
Also, nice Luna banner, excellent job, Dreamwalker.
Yesterday was going to be perfect, the kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small. But instead of moderating, spending time in Skype chatting, something horrible attacked my body worst of all. If any of you are aware what a kidney stone is, then I probably don't need to say much more. But for those w
For all those who didn't know, *since nobody seems to ever really pay attention to Mailmare's entries*, I felt I might as well blog this post, since the tournament is going today as well. All of yesterday and today, there's a live Fighting is Magic Tournament going on, and the seller is Dash is near completion as a character. Minus her super attack, walking animation and a few other minor things, she's still completely playable, and can be seen throughout the tournament as fighters take each oth
Be sure to check out my previous entries, too!
-Entry 1
-Entry 2
-Entry 3
Whoo boy, haven't gotten one of these done in a while. As it is though, I've now amassed a whole legions' worth of new art on DeviantART, so I'm compelled to make another update. So, while Scootaluna rages over how I'm choosing to blog instead of roleplay our Scootalove story, here's C.Discord to bring more captioned pony artwork, to blow your socks off.
Royal Quality Time by WeirdoFish
"Fair sist
No image for this entry, as it's just a pointless little thing.
Just pwning noobs with style. Bored, thought I'd share it, since this blog has been quiet for a week or so.
Location: 'Eurobeat Brony - Discord (The Living Tombstone Remix)'
The players: DarkSuperTails (yours truly) VS BinaryBludgeon (but we'll just call him 'Random Troll Guy')