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Tutorials and blah! Just showing things really. (Showing off?)

Entries in this blog

Microhoof Equality XP (Build 1620)

Welcome to the world of Equality!   Starlight Glimmer has decided to give out free games in a sweet -easy to use- package called Equality Experience Pack. Microhoof Equality XP is aimed to work on any modern device such as a personal computer or smartphone. Safely running in your favorite web browser, with a click of a link to start: http://logotypes.se/equxp/?build=1620   The current build 1620 fixes the previous bugs and glitches that were part of the MLP Fo


Splashee in Microhoof Equality XP

CRT... Old TVs and computer monitors. Scanlines. And more...

The more time passes by, people get nostalgic about the past, about their childhood. Many PC gamers of the late 90s and early 2000 get very nostalgic when they see the CRT shaders applied to their favorite PC emulators. Many remember, but do they remember correctly?   (This applies to old consoles as well, such as Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis). A TV or computer monitor were made of a bulky heavy thing called a CRT. The thing that people remember the most are the scanlines, and that som


Splashee in Nostalgia

(Math) Beating Pythagoras...

I have watched countless YouTubers and their science videos. One thing they all have in common is the word they keep throwing at their audience: "Albert Einstein". It is a free word to use, but it somehow bring in revenues.       In mathematics, we have a similar word: "Pythagoras". Remember him from preschool math? He figured out some great geometry calculations. The most known, and extremely useful, is the Pythagorean theorem.   It goes something like this:


Splashee in Binary Math

Division by 0 must always be a CPU Exception

In my previous blog about binary division, I stated the first rule about doing division is being "an Exception" if the divisor is equal to 0. This is different from returning a result. No longer will the CPU of the computer be executing normally after such an operation: Quotient = dividend / 0 Modulus = dividend % 0 The operation will return a quotient and remainder of a binary division (two results). If the absolute (positive) divisor is higher than the absolute (positive) dividend,


Splashee in Binary Math

Binary Math (Division)

Previously, we talked about multiplication and Bitwise Shift Left. It was quite fun to figure out how to do multiplication since basically all CPUs support it (all had to be figured out without direct help). Division however, is not supported by all CPUs, most noted by the modern handheld console Gameboy Advance that required a lot of division, but had no support for it. The C and C++ standard requires the division and modulo operators, meaning they must be emulated by the compiler if hardwa


Splashee in Binary Math

Binary Math ("The Wrapping Point")

In game development, maybe the most common way to time "events" is to use a delta time. The absolute time that is considered "now" minus the previous absolute time, gives you a delta time: You can then multiply this delta time with the events and physics of the game. This is very common but have a lot of problems that creep in later. One of those problems might appear out of nowhere, and is the wrapping point.   Consider you have an absolute time of 56670001 milliseconds, and yo


Splashee in Binary Math

Binary Math (Multiplication & SHL)

Before we start with multiplication, it is important to understand that basically every CPU out there has a built in multiplication instruction. Why is this important? Well, because when I started doing research about Binary Math for my blog, I had very limited understanding of how multiplication and division worked, and while division is not supported by low end CPUs, multiplication is. And I can assure you that I cannot disassemble a CPU to figure out how multiplication is done! The C and C+



Binary Math (Subtraction & Negate)

This is a follow up to the previous blog entry (read it first to understand Binary numbers):     Subtracting two binary numbers is as easy as adding two binary numbers. In fact, it is the same. Computers deal with bits, and the number of bits are limited. The smallest number of bits that the computer can access is 8 bits, called a "BYTE" (a wordplay of "by eight"). 8 bits can contain 256 different bit pattern combinations, and that gives us the total numbers we can count using bi



Binary Math (Adding Ones and Zeroes)

When programming games for a computer, either it being a game console, or a PC, it is very handy to understand how binary numbers work. The Ones (1) and Zeroes (0) that control the computer's brain, the CPU, as well as the bits stored in memory or on physical media. While bits are patterns of Ones and Zeroes, and can represent anything such a text, or graphics, it is also used to store and calculate numbers. These numbers are stored in binary form, and the CPU knows how to read them. We humans



A Theme (How to compose music?)

As a request from a member of this forum, that shall go unnamed, I have been assign to teach how to compose music. So why not create a blog entry for that? I am a music composer, whatever that means? It means I am an artist, but with music instead of art, because those are kinda similar, but not. If you are a music composer yourself, or someone who can play music from reading sheet music, you won't be impressed. If you have never before heard music, you might be a little impressed, but



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