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About this blog

I decided to watch the series again from the beginning and blog about it. Nobody will care I'm sure. :lie: But it will be fun and I could definitely use some ponies in my life every day. I'll try to watch one episode every day and the two parters together.

Entries in this blog

My Little Pony A New Generation

The Animation I thought the animation and pony designs were great.  But I really thought the pony mecha Sprout built could have been more interesting. A giant steampunk pony robot, how cool could that have been? One thing bugged me. That was that cutie marks were only on their right flank. Hopefully they fix that for the series   Voice Acting The voice acting was really good too. I wonder if these celebrity voice actors will stick around for the show though. I hope Alphabit


Fluttershutter in MLP

The Ending of the End

Pretty much everything's been said about these episodes already... One thing that really sticks out to me is all Twilight's annoying lecturing.  But despite the problems this episode is still epic and got a few tears with all the friendship stuff. And it had some great references.  The battle at the end where everycreature showed up was awesome. So much better and more believable than when The Fall of Skywalker ripped it off. And yeah, donuts are the perfect way to celebrate th



The Big Mac Question

It's weird that they do that whole interview format. So was Big Mac supposed to eat all or most of those desserts before he got the message? That wouldn't be too good.  Good advice for anyone.  Granny Smith dreamed Star Trek. "And Discord was there. He was pretty much the same."   



Growing Up Is Hard To Do

This episode came too late. The CMC have traveled plenty and by themselves. "I thought trains just took you where you wanted to go."? Five year olds should know better. Of course no mention of Sweetie Bell's parents. They seem to cease to exist when it's convenient. But cute tornado puppy and Dorothy pony. 



Daring Doubt

Groom Q. Q. Martindale So maybe J.K. Rowling really is a wizard? A.K. just blew her secret identity to that fan. That diverse cat pack àgain  Why did Cabaleron put the necklace on when he knows it forces him to tell the truth? Rainbow Dash needs the deluxe spa package. 



Rainbow Roadtrip

So generally a road trip is on a road and the story is about the trip. This trip was in the sky and the story started when they got there.  Grading papers is not fun.  Cute spider  Terrorized face  This was a cool little special to show them all interacting with some new characters.



Dragon Dropped

It was great to see Rarity appreciating Spike. And going overboard as usual.  It's pretty silly that the fashion designer can't pick out colors and gems for herself. Mane-iac costume 



She Talks To Angel

This episode really acknowledges the predator/prey thing. All these animals would be killing each other irl. Rabbits don't eat carrots in nature and according to what I've seen you're not supposed to feed them to pet rabbits much. "I want to marry Discord." Everybody went crazy when they heard that line. Personally I thought it was just Angel being a smartass even though it turned out to be true.



2, 4, 6, Greaaat

I can see why people don't like this episode. Dash really seemd like kind of a jerk. I guess it was just that she likes buckball so much. But she has done cheerleading before:   I got kind of annoyed with them saying "over and over and over again" over and over and over again.  Zecora wasn't very helpful with the rhyming, meaning her rhyming is just a natural thing zebras do. 



The Last Laugh

Loved the Willy Wonka references and having Weird Al on the show again.  Imagine having a wet blanket for a cutie mark.  I'd sure buy a ventriliqwoopie cushion! So cute!   



Between Dark and Dawn

That turtle was really cool looking.  Luna and Celestia playing superheroes is awesome.   I agree with Dash. Why? But don't argue with swans. They're freaking dinosaurs. Helmets with the horn sticking out don't seem like a good idea. Goth Celestia  Sunburned horn.  Yeah I think about horns too much. Scared of chickens... You actually see the sun and moon in the sky together a lot. This was a fun episode with lots of cu



The Last Crusade

Yeah I feel that Scootaloo has pretty crappy parents. There's no job that somebody else can't do and when you have a kid they should be your priority.



Student Counsel

Technically there's no such thing as a spring solstice. Spring has an equinox.   There are lots of flowering sticks.   swoon 




I'm cute and lovable!!!  This thing is called an ophiotaurus. I love when MLP introduces me to new mythological creatures. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's wondered what a chair designed for a centaur would look like, am I? This doesn't really work, it's just a human chair. Yeah, I'm probably the only one. 



She's All Yak

I looked up Amity, it means "Friendship between nations." Makes sense but I can't help thinking of the Amityville Horror.  Yona is awesome as usual and you can see that Sand Dollar likes her.   



Common Ground

This is seems like a really grown up episode. A guy trying to get along with his girlfriend's kids. Snails has also grown up a lot, from the goofy school pony to a scheming junior Flim Flam. 



The Point of No Return

G1 Starsrwirl figure  That food fight looks pretty awesome. They obviously wanted to do a paintball type thing without using actual guns. This was a perfect Twilight episode. The horrors of an overdue library book!!!  But whatever the episode says I like perfection. I mean, it's just perfect.



Sparkle's Seven

Detective Rarity is so cool.  Pinkie in space! Spike is the king.  Typical heist story with that last second twist but it was so much fun.  



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