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About this blog

I decided to watch the series again from the beginning and blog about it. Nobody will care I'm sure. :lie: But it will be fun and I could definitely use some ponies in my life every day. I'll try to watch one episode every day and the two parters together.

Entries in this blog

The Beginning of the End

Part 1 "You're taking over the kingdom in a few days."  I think Twilight had a right to panic a little. Cadence and Shining Armor didn't put up much of a fight until the others showed up. But Spike's fire and Flurry's blasts were pretty awesome.  Cakewalk  RIP Tree of Harmony  Part 2 Really? All of Equestria is at stake and they spend hours gardening?  Big Mac just smashed that gate! Celestia, Luna, and Starswirl badassery! Then Discord being D



The Best Gift Ever

I really like this holiday special!  The song about how the holidays are stressful is so true. I'm already worrying about Christmas shopping.  And holiday meltdowns are a big tradition. Charlie Brown  Christmas tree!  Fluttershy likes everything!                                                                    Except Holly the Hearthwarmer.  Candles are a lazy gift. Pudding!  Flurryheart looks like Maggie Simpson.  The Reindeer were really great H



School Raze

The students first adventure. And we learn that the tree of harmony is conscious, which makes it disturbing when it's killed. Neighsay reminds me a lot of Severus Snape.  A couple of things seemed weird to me: objects have more magical power than ponies, "when the sun sets on the second day" how can it set if Celestia doesn't have magic to move it?



Father Knows Beast

Another good episode about Spike learning who his family is. I think that's a good lesson for adopted people. I've never understood why so many are obsessed with meeting their birth parents.



Sounds of Science

Flanks Don't Lie. Why isn't there a PMV of that?  Kirin Hobbit hole "Is a kirin stuck in a well?" Lol probably way more people are familiar with that reference than have actually seen a Lassie movie. I really like the Kirin. It would be cool if they'd used them more or if there was a comic with them or something.  



A Rockhoof and a Hard Place

Professor of "Defensive Friendship". Sounds like Defense Against the Dark Arts to me. The dark side of friendship...  .Bulk's scream!  Finally found somepony stronger than him. Stars moved in just a thousand years?  Yeah, if you're going to be a statue you want to minimize the bird decorations.   



The Washouts

Lol I'm sure we would all spy if there was a fan club for us. ANGER ISSUES!!! GET OFF MY BACK!!!  Is this the first time we've seen Spitfire's cutie mark?    



Road to Friendship

I assume most friends fight on road trips.  Those are some dangerous roads!  Snoring and sleep talking should really drown each other out.   




Cute sad Pinkie.  So say we all! So...they told her to stop playing because she was no good but mostly because it was annoying them then they told her to start again. And of course she went way overboard moving away.



The End in Friend

So what do they usually do on their days of fun? Of course it was obvious that Twilight was setting them up but it was good to get a Raroty0Rainbow Dash episode.  



Friendship University

What the heck is this cutie mark supposed to be? It looks like something off of minecraft.  Pulling Santa's beard.  "My name's Eyepatch. I have an eye patch."  That's pretty dumb but it really made me laugh.   



The Hearth's Warming Club

Twilight didn't give the changelings very clear instructions on Hearth's Warming.  Snilldarfest sounds pretty cool.  Blue Moon Festival sounds like most family's real Christmases.     



The Mean 6

Chrysalis said she'd make a new hive of earth ponies, unicorns, and pegasi. Meaning she can transform them somehow?  Starlight is not a happy camper.  Crazy Rarity is so funny!  Great voice work.



Marks For Effort

Don't you hate when characters in a tv show do intentionally bad acting?  That looks painful.  But I like when they show realistic pony problems. So we meet Cozy Glow, the cutest evil villain. She seems more obvious watching it this time. And her cutie mark is a chess piece but we never see her play chess. A reference to how she uses ponies like game pieces.



Molt Down

Spike finally gets his wings!  Stone scales are pretty gross. Peewee grew up awfully fast, didn't he?  



The Break Up Break Down

Life lessons flying in this episode: "This is why I don't like talking. Words can hurt." "Love is about spying in the bushes."  "You no what i do when i have a problem so big i can't solve it? hide from it."  



Non-Compete Clause

The school has been open for 9 months.  . You don't paddle against a river!   -I insist. -I insisted first. Grrr, I HATE when people do that!  If somebody tells you to go first just shut up and go, don't turn it into a battle of wills disguised as politeness!



The Parent Map

I've never had anybody spray cologne on me like that but it looks really annoying. But if it smelled like chocolate I wouldn't mind.  Yeah I don't the thing of putting all those grains in bread either.  Starlight's room     



Horse Play

Onesversary. Reminds me of Bilbo's birthday in LOTR. Twilight's not a princess princess.  The unicorns losing their magic reminds me of the psykers dying to keep the golden throne going in Warhammer 40000. That's a pretty harsh audience.  So she moves the sun for this but not in the movie?  The best Celestia episode even though she acted pretty dumb in parts.



Surf and/or Turf

We get to see the sea ponies being hippogriffs again. There have been several different versions of sea ponies in comics and books. That made me finally look up Under the Sparkling Sea. There's a video of somebody reading it.It's interesting but I prefer the show version.  



The Maud Couple

Maude is very funny.  They've tinkered with the opening before but this is an all new one. Mud Briar is one of the few characters I really don't like. He's not just weird, I like weird, he's so annoying! And he's obsessed with sticks. Sticks aren't even a thing. They're just a piece that broke off a tree!  Pinkie can be incredibly patient for her sister. Crack him open like a rock. 



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