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About this blog

I decided to watch the series again from the beginning and blog about it. Nobody will care I'm sure. :lie: But it will be fun and I could definitely use some ponies in my life every day. I'll try to watch one episode every day and the two parters together.

Entries in this blog

School Daze

Rarity looks so scholarly.  The lessons on the boards were funny. Ponies have a Pinocchio story!  Mental health breaks..I need!   Neighsay is voiced by Maurice LaMarche who did Brain from Pinkie and the Brain. I knew he sounded familiar. "not everything can be fixed with dresses and cupcakes."  Shrimp DO attack. You don't want to mess with a Mantis Shrimp.   Pukwudgies are actually fairy-like creatures in native american myth: https://en.wikipedia.o



Shadow Play

On Ponhenge is says "ᚹᛟᚾᛁ ᚱᚢᛚᛖᛋ"  Fluttershy found some cute little reptiles and amphibians.  But in reality the snakes would eat the frogs. This stuff looks radioactive. I wonder if Pinkie got some new superpowers. Sirens! Starswirl was kind of a jerk and this was a really good redemption for Starlight. Then, naturally, she had to say "I told you so." 



Uncommon Bond

Sunburst packs like Rarity. Starlight has to leave so he can get changed.  I think ponies just don't like to put on clothes in front of other ponies. I'm very funny.  That does look like a pretty fun game. It's a copy of Fireball Island.



Secrets and Pies

Blueberry chocolate pie sounds pretty good to me! Chocolate goes with everything.  Come on, who doesn't like some kind of pie?



Once Upon A Zeppelin

When you get a free vacation you should always be suspicious.  That Cadence mask was creepy. Why didn't they just come get Twilight to see the stars? Their substitute was pretty silly.



My Little Pony The Movie

The movie is nothing groundbreaking but it's fun. I forget how different the animation is until I'm watching it. The magic looks cool but I don't get the point of the bubbles in their eyes. The opening song "Ponies Got the Beat" is silly but it fits. Why is Twilight scared to ask for the princess's help? They're her friends and family. And why did they say no???  Of course we have to get the princesses out of action right away, even Cadence this time, but then Derpy saves Twil



Marks and Recreation

That filly's obsession with circles is a little weird.  Sweetie's one breath speech was pretty funny. Applebloom did that in her first episode. I kind of see Rumble's point. Getting locked into something forever sucks. Like a job. Even if a job isn't technically forever it sure feels like it. 



A Health of Information

Are you sure these are necessary? moving on...   Are pony brains really that small?  And random nerdiness nopony will care about: Here they have two toes, which makes the artyodactyles. Regular horses and zebras are perissodactyles. It seems like a meaningless distinction but they're separated by millions of years of evolution. Flash bees are cool and scary. Getting stung by a bee really does feel like a little electric shock.



Daring Done

That news pony is tiny.   Wow, they finally got rid of the parasprites in Fillyfelphia! Dash is like me. Only thing I've given a crap about in the news lately is Dark Crystal Age of Resistance being cancelled.   I liked the Egyptian ponies. The sphinx was cool but didn't look a lot different from a pegasus.  



To Change a Changeling

Starlight and Trixie are an entertaining pair. Both can be pretty antagonistic but they're good friends. Maulwurf is German for mole. Star-nosed moles are pretty odd looking.   



Campfire Tales

Here come the pillars! We got to see eastern unicorns and Ember's dad. Flyders are cool looking but would be terrible.  



Triple Threat

Spike's turning into Twilight.  Ember is like Hansel and Gretel in a candy house.  And she can't tell the difference between Twilight and Starlight. I never thought about that before. Maybe dragons can't really distinguish between shades of purple. One thing I don't like about the reformed changelings is that they have a wing for a tail. That just looks weird hanging off his rump.  



Fame and Misfortune

I think a walker would make it harder for a pony to walk.  I'd love to have an ice cream fight.  Rarity going nuts!      All the ponies at the end are really a joke about criticisms of the show.  



The Perfect Pear

One of the best episodes!  But it still pisses me off that Grandpare just abandoned his daughter for the rest of her life. They forgave that awfully fast,   Why did Granny Smith go to wash up in the outhouse?  And when they were shocked to learn their mom was a Pear Goldie said a jar of pear butter looks like a jar of apple butter. So they knew their dad was an Apple. Did they think their mom was too? 



Not Asking For Trouble

The yaks remind me of Klingons. It's cool that Pinkie likes them so much. Bringing an alligator to a snowy country is a really bad idea though.



A Royal Problem

This is similar to a story in the comics where Celestia and Luna switched jobs but it that one Luna ended up having to work a double shift so this evened it out. I thought Daybreaker was really cool looking.  



Honest Apple

Applejack learns about being too honest.  I don't think it was Rarity's best decision but then her guitar playing made up for it!  Then everybody wins. Would be nice if the real world was like that.



Hard to Say Anything

When they were all talking at once: Sugar Belle hates making muffin for some reason. Derpy will never be going to that town. When they built the new display case they technically broke into the bakery.  People seem to forget that ponies have FUR. They can't blush and they really really don't want to get covered with fondue.



Parental Glideance

Another episode that doesn't play on my disk!  If I hadn't bought these years ago I'd send them back.  Anyway... We see a lot of "wing hands" this episode. Pasta and potato sandwich.  That's different. So she liked tortoises even as a kid: Great hat : Of course Scootaloo got so mad because her parents aren't around. A popular idea at the time was that she was an orphan.



Forever Filly

It's funny that they have a picture of Big Mac and Cheerilee on their wall. When I saw that I was finally convinced they were a real couple. Then two episodes later  It was nice to see Zipporwill again. I like that this show brings back lots of characters from earlier episodes. I wanted to know what "black box experimental theater" was: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_box_theater  



Fluttershy Leans In

Bunny Parkor! And an unlucky rabbit's foot.  There are some really exotic animals in Equestria. Fluttershy is really bossy in this one. Not that I blame her. Why the heck were they filling filling the river with buckets??? 



Rock Sold Friendship

Maud's speech was so inspiring!  That was a really cool cave. I wouldn't mind living there. Maud and Pinkie are always so cute together.   My dvd is messed up and this episode won't play.  Anybody else have this problem?



A Flurry of Emotions

Babies are dangerous!! Wonder Woman 1984 stole that trash can joke!!  "Alien Alicorns Vs Space Pirates" sounds like something I'd read.  Wow, she drew on a chalk board. There's a big problem.  And Twilight told part of the real story of Grogar!



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