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About this blog

I decided to watch the series again from the beginning and blog about it. Nobody will care I'm sure. :lie: But it will be fun and I could definitely use some ponies in my life every day. I'll try to watch one episode every day and the two parters together.

Entries in this blog

All Bottled Up

Okay, there must be a hundred rooms in the castle. Why are they practicing magic in the map room?  Has anybody done an escape room? I t sounds really fun but they're expensive. They learned when not to sing a song! 



Celestial Advice

Man, Discord is really getting on my nerves.  The way Starlight was talking in the dragon lands  This is the only time I remember seeing ponies using a magic circle. That was interesting.  Celestia said she knew about the rest of the mane six when she sent Twilight to Ponyville. Which means she planned the whole thing.  



To Where and Back Again

We all know ponies forgive fast. Except when they don't:  but Starlight's village really forgave her fast and completely. I had to look up what Trixie was mumbling. "Of course, Princess Celestia... I'd love to perform for peanut butter crackers..."  Discord was genuinely intimidating in this episode. Really shows how much he cares about Fluttershy. I thought the hive was cool looking. Basically exactly what I expected a changeling hive to look like. And the changelings looked awes



Where the Apple Lies

Of course it was funny to see Applejack lying and Big Mac talking a lot.    I've always heard apple juice is just filtered apple cider so I was thinking juice season and cider season would be the same thing but I found out it's a lot more complicated. In some places cider is just the juice from apples that are picked earlier. So that would make more sense. But apple juice is usually also pasteurized. So it would not start going bad as soon as it left the farm. Also outsid



The Fault In Our Cutie Marks

That filly found a "Spiny backed ponysaurus". That doesn't make her an archaeologist, she's a paleontologist or maybe the pony equivalent of an anthropologist. An equipologist? And Gabby is cute.  



Buckball Season

I didn't realize Ponyville had their own colors.   It was cool to have snails doing something other than being comic relief. Never seen Fluttershy make a face like this before! 



The Times They Are A Changeling

When Spike sang the song they were all still scowling at him. I thought it was going to be like at the end of Pinkle's "You gotta care, you gotta share song".    Thorax reminds me of the character Drizzt Doúrden in the book I'm reading. He's a dark elf that grew up in their evil society but never belonged there and wanted to be like them. It's a Forgotten Realms book, The Crystal Shard by R. A. Salvatore.



The Cart Before The Ponies

That writing there, at first I thought it looked like Arabic but looks like it says "tools of the trade". Carving a block of wood like that into a cart? In one day??? That's crazy. I think it was inspired by a cub scout pinewood derby. I did some of those as a kid and yeah, the parents do a lot of it.  Derpy's car was awesome.   



Spice Up Your Life

I've never tried those little frou-frou bites of food. They might be good but I would need about twenty of them.  But this episode really made me want Indian food! 



Flutter Brutter

The parents house seems so sold for a house in the clouds. Fluttershy was really mad in this one. Dropping P bombs!  We know pony ages don't make any sense but it doesn't seem like Zephyr is that old, to have moved in and out of his parents' house a lot. ages  



The Saddle Row Review

Making copies of yourself seems like a good idea lol.  Only thing I can tell you about clothes is whether it's clothes or not.  Me too.  I never saw what the problem was with the music. It worked with the boutique. It was a good episode showing the mane six all being themselves.



No Second Prances

Lol, I don't blame Starlight. If I had magic I'd use it for everything too! Oh come on, Fluttershy's scared of a manticore now?? Cranky was really funny. 



Gauntlet of Fire

I thought the dragon lord was cool looking. But I wonder where he got that huge armor. I thought in the end Spike would help Ember win even though he could win but he actually won. He should be the dragon lord.



On Your Marks

So they were strongly implying that Treehugger was posing naked.  I thought Applebloom learned that she couldn't dance in The Show Stoppers.   



The Gift of Maud Pie

Sweet episode but as usual I'm thinking about practical solutions.  Rarity could have probably sewn a pouch like that in about five minutes. It was funny when she was imitating Pinkie but she could have gone farther.



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