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About this blog

I decided to watch the series again from the beginning and blog about it. Nobody will care I'm sure. :lie: But it will be fun and I could definitely use some ponies in my life every day. I'll try to watch one episode every day and the two parters together.

Entries in this blog

The Crystalling

Shining Armor and Cadance were so tired. Come on, she's a princess! She must have a nanny! They really should have gotten more into what Flurryheart is and why she's so powerful. We know all the stuff about the competing alicorn mythologies. Annoying.  Hooves in the eyes.  I love this mustache pony!  To block Flurry's beams they would have technically been moving faster than light.  Well, like jedi, maybe unicorns have a danger sense that lets them react before the dan



The Cutie Re-Mark

So there's a sold road in the clouds? How does that work?  Sombre's army had cool armor. \\ It was weird that Nighmare Moon didn't comment at all that Twilight was an alicorn.   I have a love-hate relationship with time travel. On one hand I think it makes everything too easy and meaningless. But it's been in some really good stories.



The Mane Attraction

I don't think AJ playing the triangle added much.  I liked how the unicorns lit their horns at the concert!  This was a great Applejack episode. It would have been great if we'd seen Rara again. Of course she was like Lady Gaga. I don't know much about her but I doubt she's a simple country girl.



What About Discord?

Three days of organizing books. Nerds will understand.  Bob Ross   Overall I didn't like this episode much. Just a bunch of jokes that weren't funny and Twilight trying to figure out why they were funny.   



Scare Master

Ponies tping!  What were they trying to pin to Nightmare Moon in that game? That tea party should actually have been pretty scary to them. Pinkie without friends? Rarity not getting her dress complimented.  I know the cutouts are anime characters. I see Sailor Moon and Rei Ayanami but I don't know the rest.




I really really thought Holder's Boulder was an egg at first and it was gonna hatch. I really wonder about the Pie girls. Maude is the oldest as far as I know. The wiki entries on Maude and Limestone both say they're the oldest. When we first saw Limestone and Marble they were side by side and the same size so I really thought they were twins. But Pinkie said Marble is a few minutes younger than her, making them twins. Or are they triplets? 



The One Where Pinkie Pie Knows

This episode is intentionally similar to "Green Isn't Your Color", where Twilight has to keep a secret.  FOREVER! Glasses on Fluttershy's tail. I'm guessing they thought it would be inappropriate to put them on the rump. which is how you usually do that joke. I could NOT understand the end of this line so I looked it up in the transcript: They were obviously trolling us with Applejack's birth certificate. And I thought the part where Pinkie fell apart at the end was pr



Crusaders of the Lost Mark

I thought redeeming Diamond Tiara was too little too late. The usual way to raise sympathy for a bully, giving them a worse parent. And bossing people around is not a talent I support. So obviously the best part was the end when the CMC finally get their marks.



Rarity Investigates

Of course that whole detective aesthetic has been done lots of times before but it was fun to see it in MLP and Rarity looked really cool. Do you know what I do while I sleep? Because I sure don't! 



Canterlot Boutique

I want to make strawberry cinnamon cilantro cupcakes now.  But I need to buy some stuff first. Twilight has learned the royal wave.  Rarity is an artist, she never likes to repeat herself. The song is good but not as good as "Art of the Dress".



Do Princesses Dream of Magical Sheep?

Tantibus means Nightmare in Latin The mane six's nightmares were fun. Fluttershy wants to be a pet. Rainbow Dash has nightmares about sickening cuteness. And all of the Ponyville getting involved in the dream battle was really cool. Fluttershy turned into Flutterbat and bit. I believe that's the first time she's ever actually fought. It's unfortunate that Pinkie didn't really do much. She probably would have done something awesome. This was a really great episode for Luna.   



Amending Fences

It's cool that they brought in the ponies from the first episode including mentioning Lyra. They sure are a giggly bunch.  Have you ever actually been shushed in a library? I've never seen one as completely silent as they are on tv. Pinkie knows everypony. Twilight is great but she should really be the princess of friendship. At first I thought Twilight was just going to have to accept that Moondancer didn't want to be friends but MLP always ends with friendship.  



Princess Spike

Okay, first thing I saw a pony with a slice of pizza cutie mark. I finally know what my life's purpose is!!  Twilight fell asleep on books, naturally. Good Spike episode. He tried.



Slice of Life

What does "man" mean?? Excellent question.  Those flower ponies faint a lot. What was with the Twilight scepter? We always knew Gummy was deep.  Why do ponies only ever call themselves "friends" until their wedding? Much be some quirk of ponish. This episode was of course a love letter to fans. I've never been a huge lover of background ponies but it was a really fun episode. 



The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone

When Dash imitated Twilight. Somehow it's always funny when they have each other's hair. Yeah, Twilight would have cried when she saw that library.  I had to look up how to spell Armaspi but then I found some mythology I didn't know: I like how they have all different kinds of griffins in MLP. There are so many kinds of dragons in fiction but usually only one kind of griffin.



Make New Friends But Keep Discord

When AJ blew her nose in Dash's tail.  Discord stuck his horns in his ears. Don't know how they got away with that. It's a really bad thing to show kids. I hope that mailpony got out of the CourtsofChaos-Warp-QContinum-whatever. It was kind of stupid that Celestia laughed at Discord's dumb joke. Then Maud got him good! I don't know that much about G1 but now I'd kind of like to find the episode with the Smooze.



Tanks For The Memories

Fluttershy's not a vet and Spike's sure not. Pegasus names can get confusing.  Tank was wearing Rainbow Dash slippers and she was wearing Tank slippers.  A lot of people said this episode was actually about Tank dying but he was in the show again but only briefly for a couple of episodes.



The Cutie Map

The Equalized village reminds me of Camazotz in A Wrikle In Time. The faces Pinkie makes!  We see Sugar Belle for the first time but she looks totally diferent. Starlight has the Lance of Longinus. And Party Favor can make some pretty damn amazing balloon scuptures.   



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