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About this blog

I decided to watch the series again from the beginning and blog about it. Nobody will care I'm sure. :lie: But it will be fun and I could definitely use some ponies in my life every day. I'll try to watch one episode every day and the two parters together.

Entries in this blog

Twilight's Kingdom

Why did Twilight wave from the balcony rather than being with the other princesses. Yeah, she has nothing to do. She's just the one who always saves the world.  I've never liked that earth pony magic is just strength. Applejack is really strong but so is Dash. Pinkie doesn't seem especially strong. It should really be some kind of affinity with plants. Celestia's mane really should have turned pink when she lost her magic. Tirek took Discord's chaos magic here.  Awe



Equestria Games

Mr Thedragon  I wonder how Twilight's spell was detected and who was looking for it. Really you'd think unicorns could cheat at games all the time. Also don't see why it was a big deal. Spike got stage fright and she helped him out. Those are some dangerous arrows.  One misfire could result in numerous deaths.



Inspriation Manifestation

So we actually saw Rarity and Sweetie Belle's parents again here. I thought they were only on the show once. We were all a little disturbed when she turned the mariachis into Octavia and company. Well whatever that was I guess it was fixed in the end. The whole thing makes me wonder how spells work in conjunction with unicorn magic. Rarity doesn't seem to have very strong magic but here she was transforming things at an insane level just by saying a few words. 



Trade Ya!

This episode shows why money was invented.  AJ and Rarity were funny. A lot of the time I think being the "better" person is really just a competition. Don't get me started on when you say go first and the other person stops and tells you to go first.  When Pinkie "threatened" that Filly in that back and forth way it reminded me of Deadpool.  Yeah, and Dash got carried away and sold Fluttershy.   



Testing Testing 1, 2, 3

I love nerdy stuff but studying   Never seen the point of highlighting. Why put stuff that's not important in the book? The boredom dance on the stool was great. And "Ernie's Undercooked Pancakes"  And of course Pinkie the Rapper was awesome. 



Leap of Faith

Return of the Flim Flam Brothers.  Granny Smith is awesome.  And I agree with the message. Just because something's making you feel better doesn't mean it's actually making you better.



For Whom the Sweetie Bell Tolls

Sweetie Belle was a brat in this one. I remember the name "Bitchy Belle" going around.  I was most interested to see what five year old ponies look like. But I give up. Pony ages just don't make any sense.   



Maud Pie

We finally meet Pinkie's third sister hinted at in Twilight Sparkle and the Crystal Heart Spell. I like that the books seem to tie into the series even if the comics don't. Maud is awesome. 



It's Not Easy Being Breezies

I once saw that my niece had a breezy toy and was thinking I wanted one. Now seeing the episode again I ordered some.  Unfortunately I didn't see any mane six breezies. I was wondering if the Breezies spoke a real language. Their accents sound Swedish but one word I recognized was "meine" from German. But I looked it up and it's just gibberish.  



Twilight Time

The kids finally realized Twilight lives there.  And she lives in the library. They can come see her pretty much any time. Then Twilight at the hayburger.  I didn't know you could use a burger as a napkin.



Filli Vanilli

Jackalope  Come on, they've all heard Fluttershy sing before and they obviously know she's shy.   Zipporwhill is cute. She's like a little hummingbird. And this is a super cute Fluttershy episode. 



Simple Ways

Tabitha St. Germain was freaking brilliant in this episode!  I wonder how long Rarity worked to get her hair looking that messy.



Pinkie Pride

That song was so sad.  Weird Al was awesome. I don't know why he stole Pinkie's song. At first I thought he was singing a parody of it.  



Three's a Crowd

Discord's song was the best part of this episode with all the great visual gags.  But he was just being a jerk. It would have been better if he planned it as an adventure where they could bond without them realizing it.



Pinkie Apple Pie

I've been trying to figure out what "fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin" means. I'm guessing it means your forth cousin twice removed is married to somebody else's fifth cousin. Which is not related by blood and barely a connection at all. I think it's far more important that Pinkie and Applejack are friends. Most people rarely see distant cousins.    




I really don't know what to think of this episode. Sometimes you just have to get rid of pests in the real world but this is the pony world. Oh well, Flutterbat!



Power Ponies

Such a fun episode. Lol, have these ever really existed? A hat just to sleep in? Well it's cute anyway. Twilight was the only one that didn't correspond to a real superhero I'm aware of. She just seemed like Twilight. But I know there are some superheros who use magic. I'm not an expert.   Fluttershy as the Hulk was a no brainer but her transformation was just kind of gross.



Flight to the Finish

"Hearts as Strong as Horses" So what exactly is a horse in the MLP world?  In the real world the difference between a horse and a pony is just size. Their routine was okay but I didn't think it was great. So they missed the train. Did Scootaloo really pull them all the way to the Crystal Empire??   



Daring Don't

A. K. Yearling is of course a reference to J. K. Rowling but this reminds me of George R. R. Martin fans. We'd all love to beat down his door and try to "help" get his next book done.  And Twilight's abusing that princess power already getting her address. 



Castle Mane-ia

This one totally reminds me of a Scooby Doo episode Being covered in bees is pointless if you're wearing a beekeeper's outfit.  Rarity was really worried about those tapestries and she had a point. Why leave art to rot? But she kept talking about returning them to the caste. They belong to Celestia and Luna, why not just give them back? I knew it was Pinkie playing the organ the first time I saw the episode. She was the only one who wasn't there.  Then the pony of shadows. They



Princess Twilight Sparkle

New opening The animation really noticeably improved in this episode. The battle between Celestia and Luna was really cool but irrelevant to the episode. Just something fans wanted to see, I guess.  It really wasn't that surprising that the others tried to send Twilight to safety when two other princesses have already been snatched.   



Magical Mystery Cure

Everythings gonna be fine song and then disaster.  Besides "Twilighting" part of Twilight's process is always going into a minor depression before she fixes everything.   After Twilight disappeared and the evidence showed that they had just killed her they just wandered outside? Lol, okay let's get our story straight. Is there a book about being a princess I should read?  Twilight Twilight Those white painted Fluttershy clones were kind of weird. This episode is fun



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