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About this blog

I decided to watch the series again from the beginning and blog about it. Nobody will care I'm sure. :lie: But it will be fun and I could definitely use some ponies in my life every day. I'll try to watch one episode every day and the two parters together.

Entries in this blog

Games Ponies Play

The beginning of this is so disorienting! I thought the disk was messed up and restarted it several times.  That mare got a nice vacation out of the deal.        



Apple Family Reunion

The 100 moons thing has always bugged me. I don't believe it's been over eight years since Twilight moved to Ponyville and Applebloom is eight years older. So I would guess that maybe they're counting four moons per month:  Making it just over two years.   When it aired I was looking carefully at the photos for any sign of "the parents". No Bright Mac and Pear Butter. But it was sad and nice how the shooting stars represented them. Fruit bats fly in impressive rainbow formati



Just For Sidekicks

Rarity wasn't very generous with that little gem.     I laughed when Winona was being dried flat. This is the first time we see gems used like money but it's complicated to determine the value of a gem. Seems like they're mostly used as tips and gifts.



Wonderbolts Academy

Not a favorite episode of mine but I guess it was a good message. Pinkie was Twilighting.  And I laughed when Fluttershy was embarrassed that she needed to be rescued. She frequently forgets she has wings. 



Sleepless in Ponyville

Of course this DOESN'T take place in Ponyville. 99 buckets of oats on the wall.  And I guess Sweetie Belle's voice is changing cause she's way off key here. This was a really sweet episode for Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. And Rarity camping  You knew we had to see that sometime in the show.



Magic Duel

First time we heard the word "alicorn" on the show. I wonder if it's actually made from alicorn(the stuff unicorn horn is made of). I really like this episode because it actually surprised me. It was really clever how they used illusion.  



One Bad Apple

At the beginning we see Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo starting to get their powers. First time I watched this I really hated Babs because I hate bullying in general but this time I could see how uncomfortable she was at first.  



Too Many Pinkie Pies

Such a funny episode but also one where Pinkie is more serious and quiet. I actually like times like that just as much as when she's acting zany and crazy.     



The Crystal Empire

I've never understood why it's a Crystal Empire when it seems to be just a city. Pinkie in a Fluttershy costume  It's weird that when ponies wear a helmet their hair sticks through the top. That's not how a Roman helmet(called a galea) works. In this episode and the wedding episode we saw Cadence glide but not actually fly. For a long time I thought she was handicapped. It would have been interesting if she showed up in a Scootaloo episode to make her feel better. But Cadence did f



A Canterlot Wedding

One of the most epic episodes, of course.  Watching it the first time I knew that Twilight would bust in making wild accusations with no proof. And "Cadence" would cry to get out of it.  But Chrysalis's transformation took me totally off guard and I really loved her design. I heard it actually scared some kids. I like when kids shows don't play it safe. And I really want to see what kind of an epic bachelor party Spike would throw! There must be a good fan fiction about that somewhe



MMMystery on the Friendship Express

Okay, that cake would have fallen over on the train and obviously should have been assembled when they got there. Applejack wanted it the most. She should have gotten a bite.  But I guess the writers rightly decided that was really dishonest. Pinkie sleeping was so cute!  So were Pinkie and Twilight in hats.  I've said before it would have been better and funnier if the other three just took little bites and then Pinkie took a huge bite in her sleep.



Hurricane Fluttershy

Fluttertree  Also what's with ponies crashing through trees? That would REALLY hurt and probably kill them. This is the first and I believe only time we saw a pony film strip.  There was no need to be nervous about telling her her score, really. Just tell her she slowed down at the end. Try it again. The animals in the pony masks were kind of creepy. 



Dragon Quest

Great cute Spike episode.  Well Rarity's costume was...interesting.  And apparently eight legged dragons are a thing. I've always wondered if dragons are silicon based, diving into lava, eating gems. But then it doesn't make sense how they can live on carbon based food. Pee-wee was cute and it was cool for Spike to have a pet. But in the comics Spike eventually returned him to his parents and I guess that part's canon since we never saw Pee-wee again.



It's About Time

I have something really important to tell you and I have no time to waste so I have to tell you that I have something really important to tell you and I have no time!  So Twilight's going to stand there for days? At least get into bed. Also she's scared of mice?  Come on, she's braver than that. Who says "Happy Tuesday"? Spike and all his ice cream were really funny.   



Putting Your Hoof Down

I've really never been crazy about this episode. Fluttershy got so mean. When people say "assertive" they usually just mean loud and obnoxious. Just saying no quietly like she did in the end never really works when somebody's being loud.



Hearts and Hooves Day

So many great jokes in the song  Then a funeral.  People say Rainbow Dash's roommate from the last episode died. That's a really simple love potion recipe. I remember when I first saw the episode I had an idea for a story: Derpy crashes through a rainbow, then a cloud, stirring it with her pegasus feathers, then it rains love potion all over Ponyville. Random shipping chaos ensues.  I'd pretty much forgotten the story of the prince and princess. Theories were flying when the episode



Read it and Weep

Jeez, that hospital has some tight security!  Why were Applejack and Fluttershy right there in town?  Okay, so Rainbow couldn't fly when she left the hospital. Meaning she couldn't get home. So what she should have done is ask Twilight if she can spend the night then read the book when she falls asleep. 



The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000

One of my favorite songs  Things that didn't make sense: Why did they think they could make more than the machine? The argument was about quality. Why did they suddenly lose the farm? They never bet it. I know some people don't like Applejack's lesson but I thought it was funny.   



The Last Roundup

When this episode aired Derpy stole the show and then there was the big controversy. I watched both versions and both voices were good but I'm sure we all like hearing her name. She's had I don't know how many voices since. The thing with the cherry sorting was a famous scene from an I Love Lucy episode. And Cherrychangas were invented in this episode. http://cookfiction.com/recipes/cherrychanga.html I've made them. They're delicious.  RARITYCATCHME!!!     Unfortunat



Baby Cakes

I hate when a show explains something that should be common knowledge. There's no way these could be the first foals born to a different race.  When the episode aired there was a lot of talk about "Mrs. Cake is cheating." but that doesn't make any sense. If the father was a unicorn why would one baby be a pegasus or vice versa? Not to mention it's a kids show. Anyway... Changing diapers with your mouth???  Why did they only ask the mane six to babysit? There must be many other choi



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