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About this blog

I decided to watch the series again from the beginning and blog about it. Nobody will care I'm sure. :lie: But it will be fun and I could definitely use some ponies in my life every day. I'll try to watch one episode every day and the two parters together.

Entries in this blog

Hearth's Warming Eve

Now that's not how you play "I Spy". You're supposed to say letters. But I remember a commentary where they said they don't use real writing in the show because it makes it easier to sell to other countries so I guess that's why. Why did Rarity put her crown on upside down? That was a weird little detail. The worldbuilding in this episode is interesting. Starswirl is mentioned, Celestia(with blue mane?) and Luna are on the flag for some reason. I'm sure it's all been discussed to death



Secret of My Excess

I'm with you, Twilight. I like organizing and shelving books too.  People are always asking why Cheerilee had a pimp hat lol. It's possible to wear a hat with a feather in it without being a pimp. My guess, it was a prop for a school play.



The Mysterious Mare Do Well

That is one stupidly dangerous street! You may be right, silly.  Pinkie forgot to giggle at the ghostie. I know a lot of people don't like this episode for some reason but I thought it was great.



May the Best Pet Win

There's really not a scientific distinction between turtle and tortoise and I always just say turtle.  Never heard of butterfly hypnosis before. \\ Tank is awesome. 



The Cutie Pox

I know some of those ponies are from "the big lebowski" but I've never seen that movie.  I really want to know how the heck ponies are actually supposed to bowl. There are no hoof holes in the balls. "I'm just too impatient to be patient!" Story of my life.   



Sisterhooves Social

Rarity was a pain in the butt in this episode but she never seriously considered messing up Sweetie Belle's picture. I'm sure most of us guessed that it was her in the race. Don't know why Applejack had to hold her breath under the mud the whole time. They probably would have been disqualified if they'd actually won, that's probably why it was written that they lost.  



Luna Eclipsed

Nightmare Night episode! And the first real introduction to Luna.  At first Starswirl was an obscure unicorn, now he's a huge part of the show and everypony knows him. How can it be Pip's first nightmare night ever? The pony with the shark on his butt is funny. What's he supposed to be???    



Lesson Zero

Such a funny episode!  We meet Rarity's fainting couch. Geez, Rainbow Dash is a living wrecking ball!  Celestia seemed pretty mad about nothing considering some of the other stuff that's happened. And, of course, Spike was right.



Return of Harmony

Ah memories!  I started watching MLP around the end of the first season. I remember being so excited and getting up early for the season two premiere and it didn't disappoint! It's really interesting that Fluttershy was incorruptible and Discord had to change her manually. And who could have guessed how their relationship would change at that time?  The Star Wars ending was so epic. It should have ended with Spike roaring. But at least he didn't not get a medal(none of them did) af



The Best Night Ever

The best night ever...is anything ever as good as you imagine?  Spike can't come in cause they're getting dressed. References to ponies being naked always just amuse me.  "Oh Fluttershy you're such a loudmouth!"  Pinkie just does a stage dive without knowing where she's going to land. So Pinkie.  Prince Blueblood is another character we should have seen more of. I know there was a comic where he helped Shining Armor with some diplomatic stuff. I assume Celestia adopted him as a



Party of One

Singing a song five times exhausted Pinkie?  Sad Pinkie. Straight hair.  Of course the whole Pinkie Goes Cupcakes scene is legendary.  Only Pinkie would think friends throw a farewell party when they don't like you anymore.  



The Cutie Mark Chronicles

When Applejack left there was no parents and no sign of Applebloom. I guess you could say she was asleep in the house. "What's a rooster?"  Manehatten ponies are pretty dumb. Fillyshy was so cute!  "You're going down!" "In history maybe!" Great comeback.  Jewels always come out of the ground neat and polished in Equestria. Jeez those exam ponies looked critical. Twilight was only like five years old there.  Then SPIKEZILLA! Maude didn't come to Pinkie's first party. She doesn'



A Bird in the Hoof

Fluttershy in Wonderland I'm sure a lot of us guessed Philomena was a phoenix but it was still a fun episode. The Benny Hill chase was great. I've actually never seen that show but I know it well from classic cartoons.



Over a Barrel

Why does this episode start out with ponies pulling the train? The buffalo were cool. It's a shame they never made another appearance. Salt as a metaphor for alcohol.  I can see why they never got away with that again but it was funny. Then there's the cartoon logic of the pie fight. Well, I guess they could be meant to trip the buffalo up and blind them. Hot pie in your face really isn't funny. So the solution was to chop down some trees, making Applejack bringing another on



Green Isn't Your Color

Problems ponies have: When you really need to pick your nose. Twilight really could have tried harder to get Fluttershy to talk to Rarity without telling any secrets. It always cracks me up when she sticks a cupcake in her eye. 



A Dog and Pony Show

One of Rarity's finest moments.  Does Spike have some kind of pouch? The diamond dogs remind me a lot of Gollum and the whole thing of them popping out of the ground reminds me of a horror movie. I can't remember the name of it. Can somebody tell me???  These people's car broke down in the desert and there were these killers who lived in underground tunnels that kept popping out of the ground and attacking them. They claimed it was based on a true story but anything can be based on



The Show Stoppers

Come on, their song was pretty great! At this time Sweetie Belle's talent was assumed to be singing, Scootaloo's was...scooting, and Applebloom's was remodeling or something. Later changed to potions. But I like the eventual twist that their talent was cutie marks themselves and there are just other things they're good at.



Stare Master

Rarity said the gold silk took forever to make. I was thinking don't worms make silk? So I looked it up: https://oureverydaylife.com/how-is-silk-made-into-fabric-12209883.html Yeah, that's a lot of work.    The girls are a "handful"?    Sweetie Belle's singing is awesome. And her old squeaky voice.  And the first time for Fluttershy's squee.



Suited For Success

That super awkward moment when somebody gives you a gift you don't like. Especially if they made it. Honesty be damned, I say shut up. Come on, Applejack. A pony might be able to go to the gala naked but even I know you don't wear "old work duds". 20% cooler  They never mentioned Fluttershy having an interest in sewing or fashion again. I guess because it's Rarity's thing.



Call of the Cutie

That's what always happens. The one passing the note across gets blamed. Cupcake eating cutie mark - yeah, an eating cutie mark sounds like the thing for me. 



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