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From the Journal of Frostbite II

[The notes are messy, as though the author has just learned to write.] I am afraid. Even now, months after my acquaintances companions friends freed me, the Collective keeps showing up in my dreams. In them, we I'm searching, and empty, and existing as someone I don't even recognize. And the worst part... is that it feels natural. It feels like that's how we I'm meant to be. My voice is not my own. My thoughts are not my own. And I wake up, and I can't tell which is real life and which


Cagey in Ponyfinder

Ponyfinder Excerpt

Snippet from Sycofear's Ponyfinder campaign. Scene featuring Skylight Scintillate, Dynamo Pad, Caramel Ripple, Forest Storm, Mango, and Frostbite. Takes place in the far future of FiM; Diamond Tiara is the mayor of Ponyville and had an affair with Apple Bloom. Lots of drama. Author is half asleep at the time of posting. And only remembers what was typed in the chat during the game.     In the waiting room of Canterlot Castle, the bedraggled band of adventurers finds Snips an


Cagey in Ponyfinder

From the Journal of Frostbite

[It's a leather-bound book, tucked in the back of some minor possessions left at Canterlot Castle. The hornwriting is rushed with sharp penstrokes.]   First night away. The princess requested more ponies for this mission than I expected. They all look cheerful, relaxed, and chatty, like they’ve done this before, and they probably have. This is probably run of the mill for them. They know what they’re doing. That’s why they look at me like – that. They can see right through me. The


Cagey in Ponyfinder

Fimfiction Speed-Reviews

I figured I'd do mini-reviews on book-length fanfiction, just to keep my thoughts all in one place. Note that I'm not a critic, nor a gifted writer, and I'm not even sure of all my opinions here, because it's been a while since I've read most of these. Anyway, let me know what you think of these stories, if you've read them. Anthropology was a lot more predictable and cliche than I was expecting, and it did not feel well thought-out. There were a lot of unexplained plot devices. I liked the


Cagey in Fimfiction Thoughts

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