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About this blog

Pretty much whatever I feel like ranting about. Don't worry, I'm not planning on using this to complain though.

Entries in this blog

Hi, I'm back

Hi. Not sure who remembers me, but I posted here a lot in 2012-14 as "Night Shine." After dealing with some personal issues and losing interest in MLP for a while, I became interested in MLP again over the last year-ish, largely due to reading fanfics. I wanted to share some random musings I had relating various philosophy ideas to MLP, and I thought this the right place to post them. For example, I just made a post contrasting teleological ideas in MLP and Steven Universe. I initially

Night Shine

Night Shine

Two years of Bronydom

Hello, everyone.   Two years ago tonight, I decided to become a brony. That decision caused a massive shockwave of events in my life that brought me through the past two years, struggling against depression. For better (see these examples) or for worse (see these examples), being a brony has changed me.   Bronydom guided me through my phase of teenage rebellion. It provided an escape from depression when nothing else could—even to this day, nothing else works. It helped me discover my values

Night Shine

Night Shine


Hai everypony~!   I'm guessing if you clicked on this you've already seen this episode. So, picking up on my tradition from last year, I am now going to ramble and rant about how awesome this episode is without recognizing any of its flaws!   (For the record, I am afflicted with a peculiar and highly pleasant condition wherein I cannot discern any flaws in an MLP:FiM episode unless they are pointed out to me by someone else, and I am happy that this has not yet changed. )   So, what was S

Night Shine

Night Shine

Re: "The Top Ten Worst Brony Youtubers"

Hello! I just watched a video wherein I disagreed with literally everything the guy said:   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o36wk8QtHVw   I will now present a series of arguments in the form of letters addressed to the guy who made the video, Jabmorenowned, defending the content creators that he attacked from three different philosophical viewpoints (you will probably find one of these much more agreeable than the others):   1) Empiricist: Truth is objective and values are subjective 2) Su

Night Shine

Night Shine

"Puzzle Master": How my own character outsmarted me until tonight, and why it's ironic

Hello, everypony! :3   (By the way, I'm typing as "Night Shine"; if my name is "Puzzle Master" as you're reading this, then just consider this post OOC.)   This might be a bit shorter than usual (is that good, or bad? xD)--I was originally going to post it in a status, but it required too much explanation.   Anywaiz.   Since last November,I have been working on a fanfiction called "The Elements of Disharmony: Necessary Corruption". I wrote out an outline for the entire story then, and it

Night Shine

Night Shine

One year of Bronydom.

Hello, everypony.   Night Shine here, exactly one year after MLP first began to change my life. One year ago tonight....so much has changed in so little time.   Before I became a brony, all that I wanted was to continue playing Minecraft and keep having good grades in school. I didn't really care about art. I didn't really care about the power of friendship, or the experiences it could bring.   Then, in March of 2012, I found out about Bronies. I knew how obsessed I would become with MLP i

Night Shine

Night Shine

Equestria Girls! (I swear I won't fanboy nor rage. :P)

Hello everypony! It feels great to be doing another one of these review thingiez; brings back fond memories of Season 3. :3   Just like I did with the Season 3, I'll list what I liked about EqG instead of what I didn't like so much. I think this is especially good with this movie, since it wasn't exactly the same quality as a story as MLP...>_< Still, just like with Double Rainboom, what the story lacked in character depth, it made up for by making the shallow parts awesome. o3o   Wha

Night Shine

Night Shine

New Stories: Equestria's creation, trippy philosophy, and more.

Hello there! It's been almost exactly a month since I made a blog entry....okay that has no relevance to anything.   Anywaiz.   After making a DeviantART account earlier last night, I realized, "Hey! I have no idea what to do with this!" So, I decided to upload all of my stories that I didn't publish to FiMFiction for various reasons, mostly having to do with the first two not being legitimate fan-fiction stories inspired by the show. These stories are (and i might add more):   1) Sunset's

Night Shine

Night Shine


WHY HELLO THERE!!! 8D   It is mah birfday. AND, I decided about a month or so ago that, as a birfday present from me to you, I would make a ton of new fanfictions and musics and release them ALLLL tonight!   So here ya go!   Teh Stories       Teh Musics       So yeah! What do you think? Does you like? :3   Have a nice night!

Night Shine

Night Shine

An update of sorts: Stories, personal life, and plans for the future.

Hey everypony!   I wanted to post this to give an update on things, after being offline for a week and made a lot of plans and shtuffz. There's good new and bad news.     1. May as well get the bad news out of the way.   Last week sucked for me. After my parents threatened to take away my nocturnality/ponynet access and drove me into depression, we reached a compromise in which I could go on the ponynet on weekends. I guess I'll have to appreciate my time with you all more now. Happy endi

Night Shine

Night Shine

Why Double Rainboom was the coolest thing since sliced muffins.

Hey all! Before Season 3 ended, I used this blog to do analyses of MLP episodes. Welp, now I'm going to do one on Double Rainboom as if it was just another episode of MLP. Kind of.   So, what was so awesome about this?   Let's start with the obvious.   1) First brony fan episode! *squee* This, truly, wins on principle. The idea, the very idea that we as a fandom could get together and make something just as awesome as our source material shows that we have reached a new pinnacle in creati

Night Shine

Night Shine

A kind of thank-you message.

(Warning: this is a very personal message.)   I don't really know why I'm writing this...but here goes. This is kind of a personal message; something I've never really told any of you before.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G6SR0TYlWw   I was listening to this beautiful song by MandoPony, and it had struck a chord with me...but I really didn't know why. Then just now, about a minute ago, it clicked.   Before I became a brony I was going from fandom to fandom, from place to place and a

Night Shine

Night Shine

My trip to San Fransisco, and other ramblings! xP

HEY HEY EVERYPO-NEIGH! :3   I've decided to actually make an entry to this blog about my "real" life, now that there are no new episodes to review. (By "real" I mean "non-ponynet".) I will be talking in a sense that I assume whoever is reading this actually cares.   I went with my school band and choir on Thursday morning, which was a little bit sketch because I had stayed up 'till like 3:30 Wednesday night as I tend to do. However, this was rectified by the fact that I could sleep on the

Night Shine

Night Shine

Why I believe that Magical Mystery Cure went above and beyond its expectations.

Hello everypony!   Even if I didn't get to watch Magical Mystery Cure when I wanted to (hate you too, sleep!) I still loved it more than any previous Season 3 episode. Why was I not pissed about the length, or the Twilicorn, or the ratio of songs to not songs in the ep? Here are a couple (by a couple I mean a ton) of reasons:     1) The pacing. I seriously expected this episode to feel totally rushed as they tried to put too much story into 22 minutes of screen time, like Keep Calm and Flu

Night Shine

Night Shine

What I liked about Games Ponies Play.

Hiya everypony! Sorry for posting this late. Anywaiz, here's a breakdown of what I liked, specifically and conceptually, about Games Ponies Play:   1) The dual nature of Games Ponies Play and Just For Sidekicks. This is something new that I've never seen before, and MLP has never done before. New formats/styles of episodes are usually fresh and interesting if they're not too much of a change, and this certainly was not a huge change. This style works because in the ending and beginning scenes

Night Shine

Night Shine

Why was Just For Sidekicks SO AWESOME?! /)^3^(\

Hey everypony! I just thought that I'd share what I loved about the newest ep. Sorry it took so long...I'm currently stuck in a hotel room four feet from my sleeping parents, so the last two nights, my attempt to see the newest ep and record my thoughts was a dismal failure. :\ But, tonight I hadz success! x3 That said, what i loved about Just For Sidekicks (and there's a LOT I liked about this ep:   1) We learn what happened to Peewee. I really, REALLY love this kind of subtle exposition. In

Night Shine

Night Shine

(SPOILERS) Spike at your Service Breakdown

Hiya, everypony! Night Shine here with your weekly analysis of what made the newest episode awesome.   1) Spike's servant position expanded on. Spike is in a position as a servant to Twiley, and has no problem with it--rather he enjoys it. Why? In this episode, the answer to this simple question is expanded upon. Interpret it how you will, but I have a couple theories: First, it's his way of showing gratitude. That's really all that he knows he can do well, given that he's never had that bi

Night Shine

Night Shine

Apple Family Reunion, and why it's awesome

Ohai everypony! Night Shine here, and as usual, I'm going to take a look at what made the newest episode awesome.   1) Applejack character development. I've felt for a while, and I'm sure that i'm not the only one, that Applejack has an extremely business-oriented mind....a little too business-oriented. Kind of like Twilight is way too organized for her own good, AJ often thinks of things in terms of output product rather than having a fun time--this is displayed in many episodes; the only on

Night Shine

Night Shine

My thoughts on Wonderbolts Academy.

Hiya everypony!   Sorry that this is so late. I was at a school ski team event and only JUST got the opportunity to watch the new episode. D:   Still, just like last time I wanted to share my thoughts on what worked really well/what I liked about this episode:   1) Confidence vs Overconfidence. This theme is very relevant to Rainbow Dash's character. She is very confident. extremely awesome and has a very strong will, but her fatal flaw is in her ego. Therefore, for her character develop

Night Shine

Night Shine

[Spoilers] Sleepless in Ponyville was the best MLP episode yet.

Hey all! This is my first blog entry evar. Not sure if there are any kind of rules that I'm supposed to follow here, but whatever.   Anyway, here are the reasons why (in my opinion) Sleepless in Ponyville is the best MLP episode yet:   1) They did everything right.   Not really too much deep explanation needed for this. What I mean is that, pretty much, they got all of the not-deep stuff totally right--the humor was funny, the characters were portrayed brilliantly, the story was interestin

Night Shine

Night Shine

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