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Derpy Is Not Offensive

I just finished up the youtube video on Derpy I said I was going to make, so without further ado here it is.  



Any Suggestions For This Derpy Video I Am Making?

Despite my displeasure with Derpy being censored and my issues with her haters though I am trying as best as I can to say what I feel needs to be said but without making this video a total hate fest. Some of the things I am going to say are going to sound a bit harsh but I want to see if anyone has any suggestions so I get my point across with minimum misinterpretations and misunderstandings. I don't usually talk to much about my own hobbies in youtube videos but I feel that the Derpy situation



Autism Speaks Is A Scam

This is a youtube video/rant I just posted today on Autism Speaks and how they are exploiting this issue for their own gain.  



Customers, Customers, Customers Everywhere!

So it has been a couple of weeks since Easter though you wouldn't know that if you were one of my fellow coworkers, soon after business slowed down a bit as it always does after a major holiday (except for the day after which for some unknown reason was ridiculously busy) but because some jackass thought it was a brilliant idea to have inventory day the Tuesday after Easter it didn't even matter. The store always looks like shit after a holiday and I am often stuck will enough back stock to feed



I Am Seeing A Shrink

As those of you who have been paying attention to my blog posts may know I have been going through quite a lot of stress lately and honestly have been unhappy for quite a while. Don't worry I am not going to kill myself if that is what your thinking, I may have some depression but it isn't nearly as bad as what I have gone through before. I have thought about it for almost a year now, and because of my situation where my employer has put me in the checkstand as a backup checker against my wishes



Winter Write Up

Okay ladies and gents it is time for another work related rant, for those of you who have been keeping track of my blogs for the last several month I have against my wishes been made a backup checker in addition to my duties as a dairy clerk and really really suck at it. I suck so bad that I have gotten over 4 write ups so far, 3 of them warnings and 1 of them a formal write up which is a lot more serious. My most recent write up was last Saturday due to a mistake I made on a WIC check. WIC (Wom



That Was a Craptastic Week

Okay ladies and gents it is story/rant time this time about last week and a little chunk of this week. First lets fast forward to the Sunday before last, I go celebrate my cousins birthday with my family, have some cake eat some Mexican food and have a pretty decent time but I start to see some little signs that I may be getting the flu. The next day I feel like I got hit by a mack truck I rarely ever get sick but when I do it is never just a normal flu it is always Bronchitis a few years ago I



Much Ado About Clopping

So the other day someone started a thread on cloppers and apparently I didn't know this but someone who I will not name has said in the thread that cloppers are not bronies. I wasn't aware that we had an election to vote for someone who would decide once and for all who is and isn't a brony, I mean come on guys why didn't any of you tell me this? I went to the store and bought with money out of my own pocket cyanide to go into the punch for our big party and nobody will even tell me who our fear



Character Analysis #4 Pinkie Pie

Time for another character analysis this time on Pinkie Pie you can see the others here   http://mlpforums.com/blog/456/entry-3070-character-analysis-1-applejack/   http://mlpforums.com/blog/456/entry-3310-character-analysis-2-rainbow-dash/   http://mlpforums.com/blog/456/entry-3340-character-analysis-3-rarity/   Silly, random and always ready for a party Pinkie Pie's upbeat, extremely hyperactive friendly attitude has made her one of the most popular ponies in the show. Pinkies random a



Character Analysis #3 Rarity

If you haven't already you can see analysis 1 and 2 on Applejack and Rainbow Dash here   http://mlpforums.com/blog/456/entry-3070-character-analysis-1-applejack/   http://mlpforums.com/blog/456/entry-3310-character-analysis-2-rainbow-dash/   Rarity much like Rainbow Dash is another character many people either love or hate but while she has her share of fans she consistently ranks toward the bottom of most popular ponies in the mane 6. This is because many people find her extremely annoyin



Character Analysis #2 Rainbow Dash

Okay folks it is time for another character analysis this time on Rainbow Dash for those of you who haven't already seen the first one on Applejack you can see it here.   http://mlpforums.com/blog/456/entry-3070-character-analysis-1-applejack/   Rainbow Dash is without a doubt the most polarizing of the mane 6 characters she is one those characters that people either love or hate, I have seen just as many comments about Rainbow Dash being best pony as I have seen of her being worst pony. Rai



I Hate To Be a Neighsayer But

So I watched the season 3 finale the infamous Twilight alicorn episode and I wanted to like it I really truly did as I have said before Twilight Sparkle is now tied with Applejack and Luna for best pony but it was the worst episode of not only this season but the entire series as a whole. While there has been the occasional episode that has disappointed me and the Chrystal Empire two parter is a good example of that largely because of the sad lack of character development for King Sombra who had



Humans, Ponies and Spinoffs Oh My

Okay everyone rumor has it that there is going to be an MLP spinoff with humanized ponies called Equestria Girls and it has a lot of you here freaking out alot of the reactions can pretty much be summed up by this.     So assuming for the sake of this blog that this rumor is in fact true, we are panicking over what exactly? I will admit that the premise of the show seems a bit cliched to me as the high school thing has been done to death but how many of us here honestly thought we would b



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