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Quite the Stellar blog

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How I'd Rewrite "Castle Sweet Castle" (S5e3)

In my view, Castle Sweet Castle was an... okay episode. I was vaguely dissapointed by it. For me, it could've been more, and more importantly, it could've been a Twilight episode with more sympathetic characterization of Rainbow Dash (keeping tons of her trophies in her house seems in character for her; dumping them on someone else, not so much) and Rarity, as well as a more focused plot.   I think a lot of it was the Spike subplot, which ate up time for more Twilight in the plot. The Ticket M



Stellafera Plays Sims 3: As it Turns Out, Similarly to Rarity

Was finally able to reinstall it a few weeks ago, and I've been having lots of fun.   Meet Cynthia Malarky. She's your yoga girl. Vegetarian, artistic, excitable, over-emotional; all in all, very adorable. Cynthia, channeling my inclinations a bit, is a stylist and makes over sims for a living.       She met her wife, Julienne, as one of her clients at the salon.       Julienne is a snob, and a workaholic, and also a fantastic cook and somebody who generally has common sense.



The wacky adventures of those creatures that devour your nightmares

THE TALE OF TWO CREATURES THAT DEVOUR YOUR NIGHTMARES   so I was sitting playing Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance when all of a sudden there was a dream eater named the mothafuddin 'Me Me Bunny' and it's description said "it knows bun-fu" and I was all RIKU NEEDS A BUNNY AND HE NEEDS IT TO BE NAMED XION   because I had a naming theme where Riku named all his dream eaters after Sora-related things and Sora named his after Riku things   (that is why I named my Meow Wow 'Highwind')   well



My Headcanon For How The CMC Afforded Train Tickets

Applebloom: "Heeey, Spike." Scootaloo: "Sweetie Belle tried to sabotage Rarity's work last night and she's the only pony who knows how to make things right." Spike: "That's terrible!" Scootaloo: "Don't worry, if we hop on the train, we'll be able to get there just in time to save Rarity's career." Spike: "Oh, phew. Good luck!" Apple Bloom: "Mm-hmm. But we just don't have the money for train tickets-" *winks at Scootaloo* Scootaloo: "Oh, but doesn't Spike have some gems lying around? Eno



Hello People Everywhere Can You PLEASE STOP DOING THIS?

"Do you have any OCD like habits?"   "Rarity's OCD about her art makes her not generous"   "I suppose I'm kinda OCD!"   Instead, how about   "Sometimes I feel so stiff and sore! We're all a little arthritic, huh?"   "When my leg falls asleep, I totally get what it's like to be in a wheelchair."   "Urgh, I've got a lump on my face. Stupid cancer."   If you're going to trivialize serious problems that haunt people and hurt their everyday lives, go all the way.



DF and Stella Watch Total Drama: The Adventure Begins

Part 2 (LAWYER APOCALYPSE)     Some on this site may have noticed that DashForever has become a fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender this summer. Well, what happened was that I basically strongarmed him into watching it with me, it was fun, and I figured we could do the same sort of thing with a different show later.   That show... is called Total Drama. I found it this summer, watched it, and then strongarmed DF into watching it too, commentating via private messages.   And as of



Fun Times On Omegle

Omegle's a great site. Of course, you have to sift through the perverts and disconnects, but sometimes anonymity gives you a treat:     And sometimes answers to seemingly serious questions can be downright hilarious:  



The Art Of The PMV

Stellafera how do you do it? I wish I had such abilities. I wish I knew how to make PMV's.   All of the above are real comments I have gotten about my PMVs. First of all; PEOPLE STOP DEVALUING YOURSELVES. Second of all, it's made me think about this particular niche in the brony community. While there is PMV Today, on the whole it is sorely lacking in any resources or guides. So I decided to make my own, and will be using one of my more intricate videos in order to demonstrat



Preview of My Next PMV!

I'm REALLY excited about this one! The song is "Lights", and it's truly a perfect fit for the perfect pony.       As you may have read before, my recent inactivity has been thanks to playing two games of Mafia simultaneously. It's one of the most fun games I've ever played. Both games have me as Vanilla Townie, heheh.



3 OCs, All Who Hate Each Other

Actually, 4, but one of them doesn't quite fit into the hate triangle, and that doesn't make for a snappy title. But yes, I engineered most of these characters specifically to be ponies who would majorly piss each other off, which is probably at least a little unique. I have been playing around with them all in my head for a while (especially my favorites, Moraine and Silent Night), and I thought I would reveal them to the world now. I don't have a particular fanfic or roleplay in mind; I just l



Why I Love Apple Family Reunion: Fangirl Edition

So it's nice to think that Stellafera likes Apple Family Reunion wholly because it's deeeeeep and has character development and whatnot, but that's not true. Contrary to what they forced me to say on that MLP Forums Conspiracy thread, I am human, after all. I don't like things just for logical reasons. Only about half of my appreciation for the episode is cerebral and thoughtful. The other half is APPLEJACK BEING AMAZINGLY AMAZING AT BEING AMAZING. AMAZINGLY.   dsdasdaasdadddsda asdasdasdsdaa



Why I Love Apple Family Reunion: Non-Fangirl Edition

So, I've been thinking. I say that I like Apple Family Reunion a lot, but I've never really said why I liked it before, have I? And, well, part of it is just that I like Applejack a whole lot, and this episode had a whole lot of Applejack. But, seeking more rational answers, I decided to review my third favorite episode in the entire series.   dsdasdaasdadddsda asdasdasdsdaasdadadlldddddddasfsfffsffsafUh, is this thin' on?   First, even without any subtext, this is a solid episode. It has g



A Sneak Peek At My Next PMV

My current PMV in progress uses a technique, pictured below, that makes the video take a long time to finish (I started working on it in between No Good Deed and My Little Switcharoo Episode 2), so I figured it might be nice to give my friends at MLPforums a teaser:     And some bloopers!      



My Shiny New Forum Meme

Because everyone's in a meta mood today and I want to make a forced meme about a joke only I found funny in a random blog post about The Mysterious Mare Do Well. I present to you:   Stellafera Reacts To MLP As Rainbow Dash!   You can use it in response to threads about best episodes...     Best writers...     Or just general Stellafera-isms!        



Why "The Mysterious Mare Do Well" Was A Great Episode

So, I heard you didn't like The Mysterious Mare Do Well. And you heard that I liked it. And you said that it was a bad episode. More specifically, an episode that was bad for Rainbow Dash. Now, if I were the high-flying pegasus myself, I'd say this in response:     However, I'll be a wee bit more diplomatic about it. I find a lot of validity in the claims criticizing the actions of the rest of the Mane 6 here, so you aren't going to see me defending that. My main focus is to argue that no



Stellafera Reviews Littlest Pet Shop: Gailbreak S1E4

Fantastic: Watch This First!   Welcome again (or not) to Stellafera Reviews Littlest Pet Shop, where one of the less well beloved shows on the Hub gets its chance to shine in the spotlight! Today we review Gailbreak, which is a great episode that serves as a much better introduction to the show and most of the characters than the premiere did. Took till episode 4 for a good one? Some waited longer for MLP to start getting good in their eyes. Let's go!   daasds   The episode starts off simp



Stellafera Reviews Littlest Pet Shop: Bad Hair Day S1E3

Decent overall   Welcome again (or the first time, who knows) to Stellafera Reviews Littlest Pet Shop, where one of the less well beloved shows on the Hub gets its chance to shine in the spotlight! Today we review Bad Hair Day, which is only a so-so episode. Let's brush that aside though, as we are just on the fringe of the review, and haven't gotten to the good part (not being one to really start off with a bang). Maybe this one isn't as good as a pony tail, but it does have some highlights w



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