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For Kyroneaing. Usually shows my Tumblr Posts.

Entries in this blog

Double Rainboom: My Thoughts

So, normally, I’d take the time to write up an extensive review, give you a great deal of thoughts about the plot and its various intricacies, as well as all of that good stuff.   But for once, I can’t, because there’s nothing to analyze. The sad truth with Double Rainboom is that it has no plot to speak of. The characters are mere shadows of their true selves, barely present at all. When they speak, they sound like one dimensional stereotypes. There’s a completely unnecessary and absurd cross

Queen Cassie

Queen Cassie

Magical Mystery Cure: A Second Take

So, in my original thoughts on the finale, I talked about why I felt it was a strong episode. Having since rewatched the episode, however, I have been having some serious second thoughts. There were a number of issues that nagged at me when I watched through it the first time, issues that become much more glaring on rewatches to the point that I can't quite set them aside. It's frustrating because there are a number of things I really like about this episode; the quality of all of the songs is e

Queen Cassie

Queen Cassie

Magical Mystery Cure: My Thoughts

So, my thoughts on this episode. Let's go through all of the things it did and why I feel as a whole this episode was above average, though not stellar.       First, this episode had two principle ideas that arguably could have benefited from being fleshed out into a two parter. The first idea is that of cutie marks being rewritten. The second was Twilight Sparkle's coronation.   Because both of these ideas could have fit whole episodes easily, the pacing was a sprint. The episode needed t

Queen Cassie

Queen Cassie

I Just Moved To Portland, Oregon.

So, I have finally fulfilled all of those countdowns, and have moved. Where to?   Portland, Oregon. This nice not so sunny city has been doing nothing but miserable cold rain ever since I got here. The plane flights all day weren't so fun either--one jet nearly crashed into the terminal twice, the other was super cramped and loud as hell--and delayed at that.   Still, it's been pretty exciting. The worst thing about it all? My new roommate.   First off, this guy is bald. Like, really reall

Queen Cassie

Queen Cassie

A Poem About Pansexuality.

This is a poem I wrote in class less than an hour ago...we were supposed to use a poem by Thomas Lux as a guideline to help make someone fall in love with a word. My poem ended up...diverging from that intent a little bit. I was trying to make it about the word pansexuality, but instead it ended up turning into a mixture of pansexuality and genderqueer nature. I really liked the way it ended up, though, and while I couldn't read it in class due to feeling it was...too personal to share there, I

Queen Cassie

Queen Cassie

Missing You - Reading on Youtube

So, a while back, I wrote a submission to Thirty Minute Pony Stories called Missing You. That story was then edited, with the help of a friend, for publishing on FIMFiction.   http://www.fimfiction.net/story/40631/1/Missing-You/Missing-You   Said fic was somehow picked up by someone to be read on Youtube.     I'm really amazed by the fact that someone was willing to read a story I wrote, and so I wanted to link it here so that more people got to see it. This guy is pretty damned good

Queen Cassie

Queen Cassie

Writing Exercise: Common Objects

For my final semester of college, I'm taking a creative writing class just for the sake of taking it, as well as to stretch out my Pell Grant. I wanted to take it in order to see if I couldn't improve my writing at all, or at least learn a bit more about what good writing is like.   This is one of the exercises I was supposed to do for homework. The exercise was called Common Objects, and I was essentially supposed to make a list of a few objects around me, then write a story around them treat

Queen Cassie

Queen Cassie

Issues With Debates On Government Policy

This is a crosspost of something that actually won't appear on my Tumblr until tomorrow, but because of the nature of the blog system here I can post it immediately without it being lost. (Unlike how Tumblr tends to function, with its dashboard feature.)   I was listening on the way home to a debate on the Intelligence Squared segment of NPR last night, where you have Oxford-style debates on political issues. This was the first time I had ever listened to such a debate and I found it absolut

Queen Cassie

Queen Cassie

Kyronea's Blog: What's Going To Happen Here?

So, here's the thing. I am not good at running a personal blog...I'm rather terrible about it, actually. My Tumblr has mostly been full of randomly reblogged stuff instead of anything actually interesting, so I won't be using the RSS feed from it as I originally intended to do.   What will actually happen with this blog is me posting a few neat tidbits from time to time, probably some random news about myself or something else that might potentially be interesting. I'm not used to keeping jour

Queen Cassie

Queen Cassie

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