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If this fandom couldn't get anymore insane, they have a dating site now, really? Just really?      



You thought it was.

You thought you where using an Android Tablet:   Nope! It's just Chuck Testa (An emulator)



TF2 event

Yo guys! If you've got TF2 installed, I'm planning on getting together with a few friends of mine sometime next week, where we all team up and work together on the same server. So if you're interested, just add me on steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/youpleb and if you want, I'll be using skype also, for easier communication, my skype name, btw, is samthe-legoman.   Also keep up with this blog for details. It may change!   Until then, Let's Have a go at it!   People in with me so far:



Is it true?

So a bunch of friends of mine IRL have been talking about this new show called "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", and they're saying it's pretty good, but I don't believe what I see until I have proof, is it true that there is a show called "My Little Pony" that's any good? Because I need to watch it if it is.



Why we haven't seen Blueblood in forever

Because Rarity is a vampire, and she bit his neck to see if he truly had blue blood, unfortunately, she was disappointed to learn his blood was red, and the transformation into a vampire failed miserably, so he bled to death and Rarity burnt the body.   That's why.



Logic much?

>Has rainbows and unicorns in it   >Has magic in it   >Must do with MLP   >WTF logic   Yeah if you didn't hear, in Hat Simulator 2007, they made some hats that look like unicorn heads with the mane and horn on it and a shitstorm is a brewin' because:   1. Rabid Bronies can't shut up   2. Rabid Anti-Bronies can't shut up   Seriously, and the people who created these hats don't even have anything to do with the fandom and one of them, they're steam profile is loaded to th



What bugs me most about this fandom

*Incoming rant, note this is rabid bronies I am talking about, not you guys, you're all awesome *       The large amount of people in the fandom that have the diaper fetish, or the scat fetish, or the vore fetish, seriously, wtf? by diaper, I mean drawing Rainbow Dash or Rarity in a diaper, fuck no. The large amount of misogynist Bronies. It's so bad, it's quite funny, considering the fact that some of them treat women absolutely horribly, yet they're watching a TV show for little girls. Ye



Why Tumblr is better than Facebook

Tumblr: Good and witty meme guaranteed to be funny long after the fad dies.     Facebook: Omg?!?!?!?!?! Tumblr made a new meme? Its not funny!!!!!!!!!!111111111!!!!1   *2 hours later* OMG guise, chek out my rage comic I submitted to 9gag!!!!!111111*



Big shock in the MLP Tumblr community

Well, I hate to break it to you, but a well known artist on Tumblr, under the name of Homurrako, who worked on 2 blogs, "Art of the Pony" and "Ask Stoner Trixie", had died on Saturday of a sudden heart failure at the age of 15 years old.   Read more here: http://www.illinoishomepage.net/story/candlelight-vigil-for-deceased-teen/d/story/u5iuDka1hEKmg5vpl9X1hg   and here: http://fuzz3sam.tumblr.com/post/62753289296/askpiratedash-toonboy92484-here-is-my   RIP and godspeed to you:  



I found this while I was checking my Tumblr

So I'm at college today, screwing off in my free time, so I decided to check my tumblr and one of the blogs I followed posted this:     Apparently, there was a girl on that uber shitty and obviously fake "reality" TV show "Toddlers and Tiaras" and her name was Rainbow Dash. Yes, you heard me, Rainbow Dash. She's 4 years old, born in 2009, so that was long before the Brony fandom came about to be, however I find it wrong to name your child after a character, if I had kids, I'm not going to g



I'm a bit curious, am I the only one who never played Pokemon growing up?

It's just a simple question, because I never played it, or got interested in it, plus, even if I did get into it, my parents would've gotten upset, because I have the typical "I heard somebody say that was satanic so don't get into it, read a Bible instead" parents.   I just am wondering if there are any other people who never played Pokemon. :/   In b4 lol u have no childhood comments.



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) part 2

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The Church of GabeN.

For GabeN so loved the games he sent his only son, Gordon Freeman to die for their sins. They may now face the gates of Steam as we have been delivered from the evils of origin and video game sins. Give us our daily deals GabeN, for it worthy of you to give us the blessing of your deals 2ever.   Regards, Pope John Freeman I.



How not to be a noob at: Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT)

Hmm, so you like mystery games huh? Well that's what TTT is, so grab a shotgun, get with a buddy and trust no one, because this is TTT.   First off, What the hell is Trouble in Terrorist Town? Well it is a gmod gamemode that requires counter-strike: Source files. If you have both, you're good to go, just find a server and have fun.   I will now explain the premise of the game, there are 3 groups, traitors, innocents, and detectives. These 3 subgroups are chosen at random at the beginning of



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