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Happy Easter!

Today Christians all over the world commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And, for once, it truly is all as this year the Orthodox and Western calendars coincide.   Due to the pastel colors and Easter Bunny theme, Fluttershy and Angel are probably the most popular MLP subjects for Easter fanart. After a brief search, I like this one in particular. Note the cutie mark decorations of my three favorite ponies on the eggs.   http://s1332.photobucket.com/user/switchpoint/media/7651349f-



Did Fluttershy win?

"Congratulations on your victory in Thrashy's unofficial March Madness conclusion, Applejack. You rock! But in all the turmoil surrounding the end of the official tournament, it seems to have been overlooked that I received the most individual votes in the four way battle."   Poll numbers ALL CHARACTERS (23 votes [8.52%]) Applejack (87 votes [32.22%]) Fluttershy (88 votes [32.59%]) Rarity (24 votes [8.89%]) Pinkie Pie (48 votes [17.78%])   Actual scoring. A



I am leaving the forums

Effective immediately, I am no longer a moderator or a member in MLPF. I plan to return, but that won’t be possible until July 28.   Why? I am 12 years old.   Yes, I faked being an adult for over a year. I’ve been told my writing is very good for my age (thanks!) and, truth be told, it’s not that difficult to fool people online. What accounts for my knowledge of stuff dating back decades? My parents. I personally enjoy things like older wrestling and cartoon videos and I constantly



Remembering the Metrodome and Candlestick Park.

The sports world saw the departure of two legendary arenas this year. The Metrodome in Minneapolis and Candlestick Park in San Francisco. Both edifices are steeped in legend and lore. Both spent most of their lives hosting both baseball and football games (in recent years the SF Giants and Minnesota Twins moved into new baseball only parks). Both have countless memorable moments. But due to time and space constraints, I'm going to share just one from each here.   If you're a fan of American F



500 Kilometer Wide Asteroids Are Not Your Friends

If you're easily disturbed by doomsday scenarios, you may want to move on to the next blog. I am not responsible for any loss of sleep or nightmares this might cause.   Here's an amazing simulation from the Discovery Channel of what it would look like if earth were to be impacted by an incredibly large asteroid. Long story short, it would be game over. Earth's entire biosphere would be sterilized by something this big.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2RGt-qGFkg   The one thing I disa



Remembering my Dad.

In December of 2009 I went to Florida to spend the holidays with my parents and an aunt. It was fun for all of us, a typical family gathering with a mixture of eating, sightseeing, and playing Wii. Yes, even old people like Wii. ;P We also went to watch the film Avatar at the town center movie theater. After Christmas, my aunt and I drove to her home in Georgia where she lives with her adult children and grandson for New Year’s Eve. We had fun checking out some more sights in Atlanta but the wai



From Love to Despair: What is going on in the Forum?!

Why is it that when something happens in this forum, it happens to a whole bunch of us at the same time? I almost wish we could go back to the love bug days from just a few months ago. Members were pairing off left and right. That was such a joyous and wonderful time by comparison. Everybody seemed so happy then, even if some of those relationships proved to be short lived. It’s only natural to be disappointed if things don’t work out or the girl of your dreams turns you down. It sucks,



My trip to Boston and the Red Sox victory parade.

Red Sox win the World Series and the ride to Boston   After Koji Uehara tossed the final pitch of Game 6, my roommate and I erupted in jubilation and sent Drift running for cover. Anyway, I called out of work and hopped a train to Boston on Friday. The Amtrak ride along the Northeast Corridor and Connecticut shoreline is always scenic. But today the ride was especially gorgeous. The New England countryside was ablaze with color as the trees were preparing for winter and the clouds had a delig



Celebrating One Year as a member of MLP Forums!

Let’s set the mood with some fitting music, shall we?     One year! When I first arrived, I couldn’t imagine that I’d be here today with over 1,300 posts, 2,000 brohoofs, and a friends page filled to capacity. Dare I say I might even be getting...popular? The day I joined, work was canceled due to hurricane Sandy. If I wasn't stuck at home with time on my hands, I might not be here now. My only wish is that I joined sooner. I've only been onboard since Season 3. Too bad I missed the l



Wingnut's PMV of the Month Archive.

Regular visitors to my profile page may have noticed the feature I've had going since the start of June. For anybody who missed a few, here is a repository of every PMV of the Month I've had to date and this will be updated going forward.   June - Here's a fun PMV that shows Fluttershy overcoming adversity and her own phobias. She's so cute when she gets tough. The song is Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) by Kelly Clarkson.     Sniff. Stronger got deleted...I really liked that vid. And



Where were you on September 11, 2001?

Most of you were in class on that fateful day. But because I'm so old, I was at work. I was at a low-rise government building on the outskirts of Philadelphia. When the first plane hit the World Trade Center, we all thought it was an accident. It wasn't until the second collision that we knew we were under attack. One of my coworkers asked to go home. Some of us questioned her wisdom as her travel path took her on transit right through downtown Philly. Everybody was afraid a plane might hit one



Why is Fluttershy so popular?

I've written many posts and blog entries on our favorite pink-maned pegasi. What is there that I haven't already said? I good deal, actually. Yesterday I watched this fascinating review by TheNinjaDC on Youtube.     While most of his commentary focuses on Fluttershy herself, he goes even further in explaining why characters like her make such compelling stories. In short, Batman is cooler than Superman for the same reason Fluttershy is more popular than Applejack: We expect AJ and Superm



Ten things I love about Canada!

1. The alphabet, from Eh? to Zed, and peculiar suffixes like "-our" and "-re".   2. What other country honours their most popular sport on their five dollar bill?   3. Toronto, the coolest city on the Great Lakes!   4. Athletes and entertainers like Bret Hart, Russell Peters, and countless hockey players.   5. Fellow forum members such as Feld0, NewCalamity, Ashley, Norman, and NostalgicPony. Zoop, Kyronea, and DashForever are in Oregon, but they may as well be in Canada too! I know



10 thoughts from my trip to Bronycon.

1. The first time I walked into the dealer room, wow, talk about sensory overload!   2. The number one impromptu chant was Fun! Fun! Fun! Also frequently heard were Gak! And Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows! But, surprisingly, no Stomp, stomp, stomp, stompeez!   3. I can’t believe Fluffle Puff is so popular that when her panel was held people had to be turned away.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUV5WHF5PgM   4. Walking through the convention center with my new Fluttershy plu



Are you going to Bronycon too? And news about exploding houses.

With less than a week to go, is anybody reading this also going to Bronycon? Wow, it's hard to believe it's right around the corner. I still have to get packed. I also need to gather my train and hotel info. But it'll be fun to finally hang out with some of you in person.   And the part about the homes that blow up? This happened just today in South Philadelphia: http://abclocal.go.com/wpvi/story?section=news/local&id=9188531 The really eerie part? I recently lived in one of those homes!



Some thoughts on Equestria Girls: It was flawed, but fun.

There is so much criticism leveled at this movie and rightfully so. I don't have time to hammer out all of its shortcomings here. Most of you are already aware of its flaws. If you're interested, there are two very effective reviews you can read which explain them at length.   Dark Qiviut wrote several blog entries before http://mlpforums.com/blog/91/entry-4814-mlp-equestria-girls-is-a-developmental-nightmare/ and after http://mlpforums.com/blog/91/entry-5625-my-little-pony-equestria-girls-rev



Ten reasons I'm going to Bronycon instead of Botcon this year.

Why am I going to a My Little Pony convention for the first time this year instead of a Transformers event once again? Read on...   1. Baltimore, being 100 miles from home, is a lot easier (and cheaper) to get to than San Diego.   2. I've been to eight Botcons already. Although it has grown, I see a lot of the same faces every year and it's getting boring. Time for something new.   3. This year's Botcon exclusives are Machine Wars toys. Yawn.   4. There are no Edgar Allen Poe histo



Observations of an older Brony.

You know you're getting old when...   News stories that used to be about Generation X are now about Generation Y.   You're one of the only fans of G4 that has first hand memories of when G1 ponies came out.   Your favorite oldies station is now playing '80s music on a regular basis.   When you're asked to name a bad video game that you loved anyway, you say Atari 2600 Pac-Man.   When you go out drinking with fellow fans after a day at Bronycon, you're the only one the bartender do



My weird fascination with shopping malls.

Do you like indoor shopping malls? Me too! But not for shopping or even window shopping. Instead, I enjoy observing them as gathering places. Their place in relation to surrounding residential and commercial development as well as the regional transportation network also intrigues me. For many suburban communities for a very long time, they have served as the defacto Main Street. I should note that the term "indoor" mall includes places like Horton Plaza in San Diego. Most California malls were



Why I Like Baltimore.

I’ve always been fond of Baltimore . Starting in the '90s I would take regular trips there once every year or two. Although somewhat overshadowed by larger neighbors like Washington, Philly, and New York , Baltimore is a cool city in its own right. From Fort McHenry to the Washington Monument (yes, Baltimore has one of its own) this city is packed with history. As a railfan, I enjoy riding the Light Rail, Metro Subway, and MARC trains just for the heck of it. Baltimore is also home to the B&



My Five Point Reviews. The method to Wingnut’s madness!

March Madness is what they call the NCAA basketball tournament for the national championship. But I had a bit of March Madness of my own when I cranked out five reports on five ponies in a rather short time frame. I started out small, but the last three on Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, and Rarity each began to take on a life of their own once I started going on them.   Some of you said my reports were well done, especially the three big ones at the end. My points probably looked random to most



Why am I writing Five Reasons reports for all six ponies?

Typing out big posts about Fluttershy is a labor of love to me. Anybody can ramble on and on about their favorite pony. But if you aspire to do anything greater with your writing than just adding comments to message boards, Yahoo news, and Equestria Daily, you need to know how to write outside of your comfort zone. That is why I took on the challenge of composing these reviews on ponies I don't identify with as well. I also wanted to follow the lead of others who have done great, in-depth apprai



Character comparison: Applejack and Eleanor the Chipette.

Has anybody had an “Omigosh that’s Applejack!” moment when watching another program? Well, I have finally identified who I think is Applejack’s soul twin. Her name is Eleanor and she hails from the 1980s Chipmunks series. Along with her sisters Brittany and Jeanette, they are known as the Chipettes. You may know them from the recent live action movies. But it is only in the '80s cartoon that Eleanor's Applejack-like character is clearly defined.   Eleanor shares so many traits with AJ it is do



A message to Fluttershy's detractors...and supporters.

Welcome to my humble abode. My short time in this community has made me realize that Fluttershy is one of the most polarizing ponies in MLP:FiM. It seems like the majority of people either really like her or greatly dislike her. There aren't too many people in the middle. In fairness, some of them cite inconsistency and the use of her for comic relief. That doesn't reflect on Fluttershy but on the inattentiveness of the writing staff. Unfortunately, those effects are still felt and it's easie



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