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The place where you can read everything interesting that happens in the world.

Entries in this blog

Finest is back?

I have a weird feeling I want to start being an active user on the forum again.   Run everyone, it's 2011 all over again.



Streaming for St. Judes

http://www.twitch.tv/cronathecritic Will be streaming Cave Story + at 3pm central time for St. Judes Research Hospital. I will be receiving no money from this stream (if any), but I will be granted 10 hours of community service towards college. If you don't want to watch the stream but donate to a worthy cause, here is the link. https://fundraising.stjude.org/site/Donation2;jsessionid=60D779B07886BC6858DC341EE1796F08.app294a?idb=1803526275&df_id=2660&2660.donation=form1&FR_ID=20860



I can't play Survival games

Let me rephrase. I cannot KILL people in survival games. I recently bought DayZ and Rust. In both of these games, I have a lot of fun. But there is one part of these that literally make me hurt inside.   I cannot kill people. I seriously cry when I am shooting or attacking someone, and my heart beats seriously fast. I do not understand why. I just can't.   Something is wrong with me, and I am trying to figure out what. I can kill people in any other game, but not this one. It just feels... s



I feel so uncomfortable

I don't know what it is, but I can't seem to settle down back on the forum. I've been here for what seems like forever, yet everything is so different. I feel like an old person who is not ready for the changes around him. Scared of things being different.   I know most of the mods are old members, but they are too busy with their jobs on the forum to post like in the old days. There are so many new people, I find it difficult to feel like I still belong. I know I still have the "honor" of the



Gravity Corner

Howdy folks. Been a while since I've been here. If you've wondered why, it's because my computer busted a while back, and my phone is a pain     But I'm here today to show my special friends something Lately, I've been feeling pretty empty Looking for a sense of accomplishment I have finally found my perfect source Running a Facebook page. That page would be called : The Gravity Corner.   What this page will be is a special place to be entertained and simply feel at home. I am plann



My stupid moden

My internet constantly resets, so I can barely do ANYTHING online.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g27n6-6S7xI&feature=youtu.be



Feld0's world

I really am extremely stupid, but after seeing his site, I cannot get this out of my head xD (Someone animate this pl0x)   Lalala lalala   Feld0's world! (Feld0's world)   Lalala lalala   Feld0's world! (Feld0's world)   Feld0 loves his forum site!   And Wii U too!   That's Feld0's WORLD.   BANNED.     Reference: http://feld0.com



An old brony's Fanfiction- Our Last Goodbye's

Well, before we start off, lemme explain what the story is about. "What if we died right now, but we were able to have communication with our loved ones? What would we say? What would we do? This is the question Pinkie has to ponder. "   Enjoy reading!   *** I awoke with a start. Sweat covered my pink coat, which put a pungent odor into the air. My chest was rising and falling with such a great force that if Gummy was on my chest, he’d be sick by now. I raised myself off of whatever



Yet another poem.

Why do we hurt so much, Why is there such pain? How do people commit evil as such, What is there to gain?   Is there satisfaction in seeing me cry, Or joy in seeing me writhe? I just feel the need to die, Into the depths of pain I dive.   The promises you broke, The things you said you would do. did it all just go up in smoke, Like people said it would.   I was told not to play with your flame, To stay away from your light. So am I really to blame, Now that your lies shine brig



Crona's Featured Artists!

This is a post to commend the best works I have seen on the forum to give them the views they deserve. Starting off, we have kenniks drawing of Cloudcasher!   Kennik's Cloudchaser artwork    



A follow up to the lesson I learned

This morning, I found out that the girl I was "so madly in love with" and broke up with two days ago had already found another guy. Quickly.   Apparently, he calls her "his little butterfly." And since I wrote that long life lesson yesterday, she decided to show me by changing her username on every site she uses to it!   Welp, we talked this morning. And I was not a happy camper. But instead of blowing a gasket and letting her hurt me, I decided to say:   "I can't talk to you anymore for



Time to man up: Life lesson learned.

I thought I was depressed. But today, oh today, I have seen something that blew my mind. I have realized that I I have wasted my life for the past few years. Not because of the people I met. But because of my actions. I've tried to pretend to be sad to get attention I thought I needed. I've been such a huge fool. Life is all about learning from mistakes. I beat myself up so bad because of the way I thought, that I lost sight of what's important in life. My eyes are WIDE open now. These are the



Oh look, a Non-Emo post! (A welcome back post, read if you want someone to critique your works!)

Well, my girlfriend and I broke up yesterday morning. Instead of moping around like a sad little prick, I have decided to start doing crap with my life again. Since I am bored at home anyway, I have decided to get back on the forums and try to make a difference with the creative bronies once more.   Oh yes, I have such a life my friends! (joking).   A little note:   I will be bringing back my old way of critiquing, which can be harsh at times, but I will give you my honest critique to get



A look into my troubled mind.

I'm not sure why I make my life so public here. Maybe because I feel safe I really don't know. But here goes.   I've been in an off and on depression for years. Usually when I find something that fixes it, it kills me even more. Currently, my girlfriend and I have been in a dilemma. She has been neglecting me for months. It is an excuse, as she easily talks to all her other friends, and has plenty of free time. It's been going in for a month. And the rate at which I'm dropping deeper into




We were supposed to be happy, That's how the story goes. We were supposed to live in peace, That's how our dreams unfold.   Tell me now, When did that change? The time when the fire died, When our love was just the past.   Excuses small and flat, Yet lies are large and round. You never cease to quit, When will they ever stop?   You said you weren't like the rest, That you'd always be by my side. My heart feels empty now, Please tell me how you're here.   You say that things will commence



From: Treasure Island Monologue: Ben Gunn

Hey guys! Well, I am trying out for "Treasure Island" in a few weeks, and I'm practicing this short monologue for it. Tell me what you guys think of this! I'm going for an insane pirate. This is a monologue directly from Treasure Island as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMn-CFwrfZI   Source: Treasure Island Monologue: Ben Gunn



Growing up is weird.

I gotta say, growing up is sure weird. We are forced to face so much living life, and we know there will be more and more bad things to come. It makes me laugh a bit that all my troubles a few years ago were about what games I was going to play. Now, it's contemplating if life is worth it, and if I should commit suicide.   I haven't been depressed for many months now, but the thought has always been in my mind. Like, I sometimes think that life may truly not be worth all of the pain we will f



Crona Plays: Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga

Heading off into our new adventure can be quite the experience, can it not? In this intro episode, we learn the trades of the game, get a few items, and start off with our story.     Will we be able to save the Princess? Only time will tell.   http://youtu.be/5UmQ6m7AGUY   Just a small heads up. The reason I deleted my other videos is because I got tired of trying to be someone I'm not. I can't be someone like Pewdiepie. It's not me at all. I've decided to clean my slate, and start over o



Games to commentate on?

Hey guys. Well, I've been searching for a few games to do a "Let's Play" on, and was wondering what you guys would want to see. Anything on Gamecube, Ds, or any retro system. (From gba down)   I can't decide what to do on my own, so I'd like ya'lls suggestions. Looking forward to what you guys suggest!



New Series: Rpg creation

Well, seeing how I have been extra bored as of late with loads of free time on my hands, I have decided to put my past history of making games into action once more. I'm going to be spending much of my free time working on a new idea of mine for a game. I have a brief outline figured out, and what the game will play like.   First of, it will be a Fantasy type of Rpg (due to popular demand of votes). It will play off like an Earthbound game, with a similar fighting style (with hopefully unique



So what, you lied?

Just posting up my poem into my Blog as well, don't mind me~   ~Just writing this out of betrayal. Everytime I got close to saving you, you turned into something you weren't, We finally split into two, My heart ending up burnt. You said you could never love, that I couldn't really be yours. What happened to your mind that made you shove, acting as if to care were really your chores. I was there whenever you asked, around when you were sad. You hid yourself behind your mask, pretend



Nostalgic Memories

I was cleaning out my laptop to make some space for new games, when I noticed a specific folder on my drive.   A folder named "Pony Pictures".   Inside, I found so many pictures I made for the staff, and just when we were screwing around in the free forum.   So, I have decided to upload these old classics. Zoop, you're gonna hate me for this <3   Starting up our list:   50 shades of Mlpforums, starring Zoop And Lady Rarity Pony.   More Zoop:   Some Feld0:   Red trollin



I found out I'm a Magician

I don't understand how this happened, but I found out I am a magician. So, at about 6:30 today, my little sisters kitten got outside through the screen door at the back of the house. My family looked for the kitten for hours, but couldn't find any trace for her.   My little sister stayed up until 11 (which was just a few minutes ago as I write this), and fell asleep, hoping for her kitten to come back home.   Well, I was reading extremely scary creepy pastas until now, and I needed to go to



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