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Random Things I Want to Say And Gaming Pick-ups

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So, I Bought a Sword.

This is a relatively cheap wallhanger, but I've always loved Duncan's Katana so I had to have this for $17 even if it's a cheap knock-off instead of anything officially licensed. This is probably the silliest nerd thing I've ever paid money for.      



How I Feel About the Fandom.

I finally found the perfect analogy on how I feel about the fandom and why I'm torn:   Picture a beautiful city, Sunny and full of life and people doing awesome things and street performers showing off all of their trades along the sidewalks and just brightening up everyone's day. A place where even the sunset brings beautiful night and lively night life full of good music and people nursing a solemn mood under the comfort of shadow.   Now, picture this place is surrounded by horrible slums



I Have A Fandom Confession to Make.

I've been thinking about my place in the fandom and community and come to realize something. I did watch the show when I got up the courage, and I did legitimately enjoy it, and still do. I legitimately enjoyed the awesome fan-work and still do.   I feel like I came into this in an academic back in 2011 though. I feel like I was more enthralled with the strangeness and newness of all this and more interesting in learning about the community than being a part of it, and lead me to wear a bit o



Anyone Else Remember the Redwall Cartoon?

I LOVED as a kid and watched it everyday I could on IPTV(the local public TV channel), I just downloaded Season 1 an watched the first episode tonight. It was enjoyable and the story and writing seem to have held up fine. I will admit the animation hasn't aged well though. It's that weird of kind of "just okay" where I wouldn't call it bad, but I'd also hesitate to call it good.  



Fedora Shaming Is Getting Boring and Obnoxious.

It was amusing at first in a stupid sort of way, but now it seems like the "catch all" slur where people just tack anything and everything they don't like on to it:   Feminists apply it to MRAs MRAs(or anyone that doesn't like feminism) apply it to male feminists Christians tact it on anti-theists Tumblr anti-Christians apply it to Christians(I know this makes no sense but I've seen it happen) Everyone throws at bronies Some people through it at Gamers and Anime fans People outside of 4C



Tumblr is Scary

http://www.reddit.com/r/TumblrInAction/comments/20cvaj/anon_nails_why_sjws_are_harmful/     This little thread on Reddit(I was linked to it earlier) paints a terrifying picture and gives me some understanding of what's been going on with the fandom lately. The story in the picture mirrors what many of the SJWish people have done with the fandom perfectly. They've re-wrote the story in their minds to remove everything good about bronies and enhances the bad to insane levels to justify hate.  



I Don't Know What to Think of the Fandom Right Now.

I'm sitting here not knowing what to think because I've been doing research on things to finally gain peace of mind about everything and so many of the people I would have respected to some level before have been revealed to me as massive hypocrites and assholes with no excuse or much to be defended for.   I'm at some sort of peace now because I see where I stand clearly, but I don't know if I like it because these people claimed to stand for all the things I love about this fandom and turned



Is Lesbian Horse RPG Any Good?

I was just asking because I found out the creator put a DWM poster in the game and I'm trying to decide if playing a game that immortalizes bullshit fandom drama in such a way is worth it. I'm not an asshole here but that whole mess is something that should just die and think inserting that kind of author tract in something that was in production long before this mess ever happened was kind of a dick move on the part of the author.   Look, I'm sorry if I sound like a douche but the person tha



Intro To Computers Class Sucks.

This class should be renamed "3.0 credit hours a day of kissing Bill Gates Ass" because that's what is feels like. It's like being in some weird tech-head church that worships Microsoft as God.   The good news is, the Anti-Bronies on Tumblr are getting so annoying they're getting almost as high on some people's shit-list as us and some sites that used to be anti-brony are switching sides out of spite and disgust at how bad the hate is getting.   "He who fights monsters", huh?



Screw You, Intro to Computers.

This is the kind of shit the teacher doing my intro to computers course assigns on shortish notice. I have to finish this by 12:30AM Monday plus take the quiz.  



Get To Know Me Better

Yeah for pointless bandwagon because I'm bored.   Right, I'll post what I can think of, and if anyone has any questions for me that can ask away:     * My religion is Christian(loosely, because I'm more spiritual and base it more on faith than dogma)   * I live in a place in the middle of Iowa(which is considered the gaming capital of the world, maybe some of you can guess)   * My taste in music varies, but it tends to be Country(either modern countr



I Think I Figured Out the Appeal of Fandoms.

I was just sitting here thinking about some things and it struck. I finally figure out the massive appeal of being in a fandom.   It's almost a form of escapism. It's a way for those of us that may have to deal with harsh criticism for our interests and choices in entertainment to break from a sometimes cold, cruel and judgement world, if only for a few minutes. It's comforting and warm to be around people like yourself, and be accepted as part of the team for your oddities instead of mocked o



My Online Courses Are Set

Can't start cracking at it until I pick up the textbooks(my "tab" took a while to clear and become chargeable) but it looks like I'm all setup and ready to go.  



So, I Guess I'm A College Student Now...

I went out and talked to Indian Hills Community and now I'm enrolled in online courses(pending the financial help goes though). I'm going in for a diploma in Micro Computer Specialist and so far I have Photoshop I, Flash 1, and Illustrator on for my first set of courses. Maybe Intro to Computing if I can get in this go around.



Suggest Me Some Good Anime

It's bee a long time since I watched a new anime, so I figured I ask for suggestion. Here's some of what I've enjoyed in the past:   Saber Marionette J Rouroni Kenshin Yu Yu Hakusho Yu-Gi-Oh(first generation) Gatekeepers 21(I think this one might be kind of obscure because it's only six episodes long and I found it in a Dollar Store bargain bin) Cowboy Bebop



About the Wii Mini?

So, I was doing some research and it seems like a horrible waste of money to me:   *It has no Gamecube Backwards compatibility   *It has no internet at all, so no WiiWare or VC, nor any online play   *No SD card slot, so no memory expansion or modding   *It seems it can't even display 480p anymore due to not supporting component(I mean composite, damn me always mixing those two up) cables, so you're stuck with 480i.   All that, and it still costs $100, which I can get a older model Wii



The Sound of my Childhood

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KixtoapKDVI   Seriously, the SNES was the first console I ever owned, and SO MANY of my favorite games started with those little jingles.



Everyone Needs to Hear This Song Again

This song, just this song. It's telling that three years later and it's still be commenting on and has very few bad comments(which are all drowned out by the optimistic cheering of everyone else)   Something about it makes me think back to when I first become a brony I feel that warm and fuzzy feeling I did when I discovered the community and show for the first time and became a part of it.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LH8Ri2VULHo




This is the best brony song I've ever heard, it actually gives me chills listening to it. It's also sad though because the guy that made it seems to have dropped off the face of the earth(even though this was supposed to be the first entry in a whole FOE music project)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXGLHBacYbo



My Wii Cords Came

I finally got the Wii Composite cords I ordered, so I went a head and got it setup and loaded some homebrew apps(including one to play Doom, just because)      



This is Hard to Believe.

I don't know if any of you watch TGWTG, but one of their contributors(JewWario) recently took his own life. I've only seen a couple of his videos, but he seemed like a nice guy and I'm sure he'll be missed. Here's the VBlog/Tribute Angry Joe did:  



Remember How I Said I Was an MGS Fanboy?

Here's all the Metal Gear Stuff I could find in my house(I have a couple PSP games somewhere as well). Really All I'm missing is the two NES games the Gameboy Game, and the PS2 version of Substance(all of which I'm keeping an eye out for)  



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