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These blogs carry various editorials, articles, and essays.

Entries in this blog

Fanfic idea: an Equestria Girls rewrite (part 15: King Arion's Mirror Spell)

In two parts, I wrote about Princess Celestia and Luna telling the Mane Six and Sunset Pie Shimmer about King Arion and him writing the mirror to forge trade without traveling long-distance and threatening other's lives. Here, I forged a draft of King Arion's spell, which describes how it's made and who's permitted to access the portal.   Authored by Arion, Holy King of the Unnamed Land of Bridlemartis   The Mirror of Transport, Preamble   From the plentiful rainforests of the

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Why Mighty No. 9's Trailer Stinks

Trigger warning: If you have photosensitive eyes or suffered any photosensitive seizure (symptoms), then the explosions of color and rapid movement from the video game trailer may bother you. Watch here at your own risk. Cross-posted from: Canterlot Times on Tumblr. A few days ago, Mighty No. 9 was released after several years of development hell. After so many people were excited, the release of the game felt more like a thud than a cheer. But that’s not what this is about. On Ma

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Buffalo Man's Tops and Bottoms of Season 6, First Half

A few months ago, I posted my tops and bottoms of season five. Please read if you have the time.     Season 6’s first half has concluded. As a result, time to list the tops and bottoms up to this point, each of which may change once the season finale (likely) airs in the fall. Because we’re only twelve episodes in, the lists/categories are much shorter, and the full list is subject to change.     Episodes   Bottom-3 episodes:   3: No Second Prances   If not counting Manehattan Mys

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Muddle Your Moral: A "Spice Up Your Life" Analysis (Revised)

Author's Note: After publishing it, I felt dissatisfied with what I wrote, so I revised it. This revised analysis was originally published in Canterlot Times on June 14. Spice Up Your Life is way, way better than Flutter Brutter, but there is a fatal issue in this episode: the moral’s execution. There are multiple morals in this episode, including how not to let others decide your decision for you and to think for yourself. The overall moral is dealing with criticism in multiple ways.

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

"Flutter Brutter" Quick Review

Finally done with the episode. It was a complete chore to sit through. Fluttershy and Dash were great. Twilight, Spike, Opal, and Rarity were good in their limited roles. The moral itself about how to stand and confront your fear of failure is very admirable, and I appreciate its mature tone it was trying to relay.   But it screwed up a ton on three major points: Zephyr, the moral, and the "freeloader" implications. Zephyr is a colossal asshole. Stereotypes are one of the show's biggest flaws

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Buffalo Man has a Discord account! :D

Recently, I signed up to Discord. For those who don't know about it, the voice-over IP app is similar to Skype, but with some more streamlined settings and still growing. It's gaming community-centered, but you don't have to be a gamer of any kind in order to join Discord. Here's the website: https://discordapp.com/   Please PM me if you want to be in my Discord contacts there.   P.S.: To my Skype friends/contacts, I'm not leaving Skype. I'll still be on there and won't decrease my usage.

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Fanfic idea: an Equestria Girls rewrite (part 14: two chapter summaries)

Back with two planned chapters of my EQG1 rewrite!     Chapter 12: I’m On My Way   Sunset Pie Shimmer chose to return to Canterlot via the early-morning express, so she kissed each of her family on the cheek, laid down her diary and supplies on the bedroom table with a note on top, and left. Written was as follows:   Mama, Papa, Solsty, here’s my diary. Write to me and Pinkie-Mommy in the other world by using the magic quill. After each message, the diary will glow and flicker. I’ll wri

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Comedy and Dialogue: A Short "The Saddle Row Review" Analysis

That's what I wrote yesterday. Now that it's processed somewhat, let me dissect two storytelling aspects in TSRR: the comedy and the dialogue. Even though FIM isn't a comedy show, FIM always has a diet of comedy. Whether the joke works or fails — a.k.a., the objective quality of the joke — depends on the logic behind the joke, the effort put into it, the element of surprise, and not sacrificing the characterization to make it work. In short, your joke must make sense. In Saddle Row, a

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

"Newbie Dash" Quick Review

There's several degrees of mediocre and -20 degrees of awful. Since Wonderbolts Academy, Dash episodes have become Spike episodes. The only difference is Gauntlet of Fire is objectively good. Daring Don't, Rainbow Falls, and Tanks for the Memories are pitiful.   Newbie Dash easily competes with No Second Prances as season six's worst episode and may be the worst one after this season's done with.   What went wrong? Rainbow Dash's sense of maturity is completely nonexistent. One of her best

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

*growls at No Second Prances's climax*

I'm so not sorry here, 'cause I have a huge bone to pick with the climax in this mess of an episode.   Until No Second Prances, Princess Luna's admission to self-harm during Magic Sheep was the darkest scene in the show. A flawed princess couldn't figure out any way to forgive herself, so she created the Tantabus to torment her. To say it's creepy is an understatement.   That changed when No Second Prances aired. Just before her grand event, Starlight and Trixie fell out, and Trixie went int

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Bernie Sanders's statement that Palestinians need and deserve to be treated like human beings resonates with me.

The following is my post in the SandersForPresident forum on Reddit.     I'm Jewish, and I grew up with a proud Jewish ancestry and family. I'm not very religious, but that doesn't make any less proud to be Jewish. But just because I'm Jewish doesn't mean I shouldn't be critical of Israel's actions towards the Palestinians. President Obama's criticisms of Israel were a start, but I didn't feel it was enough. When I watch debates, I see very little, if not no, criticism of Israel's actions.

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Taking a stand against copyright abuse (NOT a prank!)

https://www.takedownabuse.org/#save-fair-use   See that link above? That's a petition to tell U.S. Congress to revisit the DMCA. It was passed in 1998 to cut down on piracy, but when it was passed, YouTube, Soundcloud, Twitter, or DailyMotion didn't exist, and now it's being used by people and corporations to abuse this dated act and censor others. This is your chance to speak out against it and tell Congress to revise this law. The petition takes only about one minute to fill, if not less.  

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Buffalo Man's Tops and Bottoms of Season 5

Season six has arrived, and my blog has been at a semi-standstill lately. To rev it up, why not publish tops and bottoms for last season?     Episodes:   Bottom-5 episodes:   5: The Hooffields and McColts   The offensive parody doesn't respect the (horrible) history of the real-life feud the Hatfields and McCoys once had. People died from their feud with each other, one of them executed for murder. This episode trivialized that conflict and used rural Southern stereotypes to boot. Com

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Review: The Crystalling (Non-Spoiler)

After The Cutie Re-Mark concluded season five and began a near-four-month-long hiatus, season six opened with The Crystalling. Sticking to the show’s tradition, it’s a two-parter, and Part 1’s synopsis is as follows:     Even though my standards have been extremely high, my expectations were fairly in the middle thanks to the official previews. Thankfully, the previews didn’t properly gauge its quality, and it came out much better than I thought.   The best part of this episode happens to

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Fanfic idea: an Equestria Girls rewrite (part 13: chapter summary)

This is Part 13 of my rewrite concept, one chapter only. Chapter 11: Tomorrow Philomena guarded a second entrance to her study, located to the left of the fireplace. Princess Celestia silently looked in her library of documents in a corner room. Currently, only the Royal Sisters could search them unless granted permission by Celestia herself, and a permanent, transparent bubble was placed around them both collectively and individually to prevent any destruction whatsoever. She found several

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Fanfic idea: an Equestria Girls rewrite (part 12: OC summaries)

Time for a tiny break in the chapter summaries. In Part 7 of my concept layout, I posted some summaries of OCs at the very top. Some will be reposted with some updates, while others will be reordered and introduced. BTW, depending on how I write out the concept, this list will be updated with notice. The sections of OCs will be divided as primary and secondary, starting with the primary.   Primary OCs:   Dawn Shimmer: Sunset's father. Stay-at-home, helping take care of the house. Reserved in

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Fanfic idea: an Equestria Girls rewrite (part 11: chapter summary)

Ch. 10: Time to Catch Up   That night, Sunset physically carried her sleepy mother on her back back home and gently laid her down on the king-size bed in her and Dawn's room, all the while using her magic to tug the blanket down. Then, she covered Sunrise with the blanket, kissed her forehead, whispered "Goodnight, Mama," and walked out to the living room (where Dawn and Solstice were having vegetarian dinner). After an hour of chatting, eating, and another half-hour playing hide-and-seek with

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

A hobby is not worth sacrificing my health.

I talked about this on here and friends on Skype over the weeks, but I'm feeling pretty resigned.   I don't how many users from the Sonic Stadium Message Board are on here, but longtime users there know how fervent I am when it comes to supporting Sonic. I've been a fan since my dad lent me his Genesis and games (including Sonic 1) since 1991. But these days, my health comes first.   You see, ever since I was a kid, if I played games too long or too many times, my eyes started to twitch. The

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Why Season 5 is my favorite of FIM

For a while, season two was my favorite season, followed by 1, 3, and 4 depending on my mood. (Four's a better season than three, but I found it less fun and enticing to watch beyond a couple of episodes: Pinkie Pride and Testing Testing.) Season five changed that: Cutie Map is the best season premiere. Slice of Life is a wonderful, seriously underrated, hilarious thank-you letter to the fanbase and an excellent 100th episode in its own right. Season featured the best episode for Applejack

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Fanfic idea: an Equestria Girls rewrite (part 10: two chapter summaries)

As always, if you want to read the rest of the concept, click here or the "EGQ Fanfic Rewrite Concept" category link above.     Ch. 8: Reunited   An annoying alarm clock rang at 6 o'clock next morning, and Pinkie immediately turned off the buzzer. She went to check on Sunset, but there was a note on the door instead.   Making breakfast, Pinkie-Mommy.   Love, Sunny   Her feet plopped down the staircase and into the kitchen. All the Pies were at the table eating hearty breakfasts, whil

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Fanfic idea: an Equestria Girls rewrite (part 9: two chapter summaries)

To read the other eight parts, click here or the "EQG Fanfic Rewrite Concept" category link on top.     Ch. 6: Confronting the Past   At an unidentified locale, Sunset Pie Shimmer slept on a separate bed in Rarity's room (which was painted in purple, white, and baby blue), while Rarity slept in the other. But at around 6 o'clock, Sunny's phone rang. Instinctively, she stops the volume. But it rings again, so she picks it up and is surprised to hear Twilight Sparkle on the other line. They

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Fanfic idea: an Equestria Girls rewrite (part 8: two chapter summaries)

One change in the linking process. Rather than editing past journals to post a link to every single blog post about this EQG fanfic rewrite, I put them all under its own category: EQG Fanfic Rewrite Concept. Every single blog post related to it will be linked through it, along with the four following tags: "mlp:fim," "equestria girls," "fanfiction," "fixfic."     Ch. 4: Acquaintance   Apparently, the bus Celestia was on was stuck apparently due to a broken-down car that got stuck in the mi

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Fanfic idea: an Equestria Girls rewrite (part 7: title, story/OC summaries, four chapter summaries)

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6   All six links above are the concept ideas for the EQG1 fixfic. If you haven't seen it, then what I write may confuse you.   Now it's time to lay out the ideas into chapter summaries, outlines, fanfic title (Equestria Girls, of course), and plot summary.   Fanfic title: Equestria Girls   Summary: A mirror tucked away in Canterlot Castle. A former student turned runaway by traveling through the mirror. Her Equestrian family wants her home, but wh

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

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