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These blogs carry various editorials, articles, and essays.

Entries in this blog

Fanfic idea: Equestria Girls rewrite

After all the vitriol I gave to EQG and Rainbow Rocks, betcha didn't see this one coming?   One of the most important overall concepts of Friendship Is Magic is subversion. Feminine concepts that were written to fit gender roles of men and women are reversed to empower the characters, which empowers the audience in return. Equestria Girls and Rainbow Rocks had absolutely none of that. Each fall for the same high school cliches and accomplish them really poorly.   So after posting this, I be

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Grown REALLY tired of beating this dead horse

Do I need to say this again? FIM is not exclusively "for little girls" like G3, G3.5, or Tales. It's a show for EVERYONE and is written for EVERYONE! The same demographics as Disney's animated films, Pixar, and Harry Potter. Saying FIM "it's for little girls" when it factually isn't is an insult to every single person who watches and adores this show.   In fact, it's also a major insult to Faust herself. Don't believe me? Read this famous screenshot of a reply by Faust to an anti-brony:  

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Concrete thoughts on IDW writer's Ted Anderson's firing

Equestria Daily reported on the Anderson dramaseen on Round Stable, MLP Forums, /mlp/ (Horse-News), and so forth, and the news has spread around the fandom that writer Ted Anderson has since been fired as of yesterday.   What I have below are concrete thoughts on the drama and Anderson's dismissal. They were on here and EQD combined and tidied.     Anderson doesn't deserve any sympathy for what he did, and he completely deserves to be fired.   David McGuire is a bit more obscure (in my p

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Thomas & Friends Short Reviews: Series 18, Episodes 3 through 7

Due to time constraints, my reviews for Flatbeds of Fear, Disappearing Diesels, Signals Crossed, Toad's Adventure, and Duck in the Water will be much shorter.   If you want to read my other S18 reviews: Thomas the Quarry Engine (old, U.S.) Old Reliable Edward (U.K.) Not So Slow Coaches (U.K.) Duck and the Slip Coaches (U.K.) Flatbeds of Fear:   Strengths: The three strikes were used effectively. They were obvious, but developed the story nicely. The animation gave the audi

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

"Duck and the Slip Coaches" Review/Analysis (Official/Revised)

My previous review of Duck and the Slip Coaches was "unofficial" because I wrote it as an essay without formatting it in my journalistic list. This is the official review for the episode. Most of the content remains the same, while others will be altered and added.     Duck the Great Western Engine is a character with a tumultuous TV history. Back when he was introduced, he immediately became one of the most popular characters because of his capability to arrive on time while maintaining

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

"Duck and the Slip Coaches" (Unofficial) Review/Analysis

Thomas the Quarry Engine has some easy competition for best S18 episode!   This episode features a rather important element on the old Great Western Railway, the slip coaches. Duck describes exactly what slip coaches are and why they were very useful on the Sunshine Line. What made it clever was the sepia flashback: Instead of HD, it was in SD and sped up to make it look like a genuine tape.   James's role as antagonist works to perfection once more. He remains in character, yet has motives

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

"Not So Slow Coaches" Review/Analysis

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvoENvK14N4   Like what I wrote in my review for Old Reliable Edward, UK users might not be able to watch it.   Ever wish to see Thomas's coaches, Annie and Clarabel, become a very central role in an episode? Last season, Brenner presented them as motherly figures in Thomas' Shortcut as they warn him of his carelessness along his branchline and worry along the way. On the morning of August 26, 2014 (British time), Thomas's most faithful coaches take part in Pau

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

DQ's letter grades for Thomas & Friends (Series 17-Present)

If you reviewed this page to see my grades for various FIM media along with the three-parter analyzing the ten worst and best FIM episodes (Part 1; Part 2; Part 3), the standards I put on them apply here. Each grade you see listed beside each episode and aforementioned movie specials will determine the episode's overall quality (at least through my own observations). No explanations given, but if you want, I'll be glad to do it.   Also, this blog will cover the TtTE episodes from Series 17 and

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

"Old Reliable Edward" Review/Analysis

(Be warned: UK users may not be able to watch this episode on YT. If that's true, you can hopefully check it through this Daily Motion page.)   Unlike last year, Series 18 began much later. Kevin's Cranky Friend debuted Series 17 in June 2013, while Old Reliable Edward opened the UK's Thomas season earlier today. And what a better way to start than with Edward's first episode as the central character since Series 16's Salty Surprise. Head Writer Andrew Brenner reintroduces him with a refreshin

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

The ten best AND worst FIM episodes (Part 3 of 3)

Author’s Note: This is Part 3 (#2-1) of DQ's list of best and worst FIM episodes. Click here for Part 1 (#10-7). Click here for Part 2 (#6-3).   Second-worst: Bridle Gossip   Good Gravy Marie, did so much go wrong. Nearly everyone (minus Zecora and Spike) was out of character. None of the Mane Six had any likeable traits, all falling for stereotypes or stupidity beyond what they were capable of, even then.   Applejack: The most grounded of the Mane Six suddenly turns extremely irrational a

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

The ten best AND worst FIM episodes (Part 2 of 3)

Author’s Note: This is Part 2 (#6-3) of DQ's list of best and worst FIM episodes (#6-3). Click here for Part 1 (#10-7). Click here for Part 3 (#2-1).   Sixth-worst: Putting Your Hoof Down   Is it one of the best episodes? Not even close.   Is it bad? Damn right it’s bad.   Is it the worst Fluttershy episode? Hell, yeah!   But is it actually among the three worst episodes in the series? Don’t even try me, because it’s not. There are five worse episodes than this.   So what did it do

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

The ten best AND worst FIM episodes (Part 1 of 3)

Author’s Note: This is Part 1 (#10-7) of DQ’s list of best and worst FIM episodes. Click here for Part 2 (#6-3). Click here for Part 3 (#2-1).   Over here, I listed the grades of every single episode in the show at this point. If you followed it, several grades have changed over the past couple of months since I first submitted it, some for the better, others for the worse. To repeat from there, one of my biggest pet peeves in reviewing is to reduce the episode to a grade or score: Those who

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

"(Male) bronies stole FIM from little girls!" ...Really?

Take it away, Miz! Over the past several weeks, excuses after excuses after bashing after bashing from anti-bronies (and fellow bronies) have been chapping my teeth. First, it was the "it's for kids" excuse, and I wrote a blog calling that excuse (and the general population who uses it) out. Next, it was the bashing of the FIM analysis community (BTW, calling analysts "ANALysts" isn't cute or funny; it's stupid), and I'm seriously thinking of prepping for a defense of that communi

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

"'Rainbow Rocks' Previews" First Impressions

Pluses: Regarding the (formulaic) character designs, there is actually some form of variety when looking at two of the Dazzles. Those two aren't actually wearing any skirts and have other clothes on them to differentiate themselves from the others. The song (both the lyrics and score) up to "Let's have a battle!" chorus was rather catchy and didn't contain a score that was rather bland and bare. Background vocalizations enhanced the sinister mood of the scene. Most of the animation has impr

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Using "autism" as an ableist insult is bigotry.

I posted this in my status and will repeat it here.   I LOATHE it when "autism/autistic" is tossed around as an ableist slur. "Autism" isn't something to laugh at or insult. There are thousands and thousands of people young and old with autism and other mental deficiencies. Many can cope, but others sometimes can't. For the latter, when they struggle, it can be HELL.   When you're using "autism" as a slur, you're resorting to bigotry. You're bullying people by using "autistic" as a pathetic

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

I wrote this too often, and I need to write it again.

The biggest strength of Ponyville Confidential is Diamond Tiara's cunning ability as a tactician. Manipulative to the core with the ability to negotiate. Filthy Rich was shown to be Tiara's father, but this was the first episode to truly represent a part of his personality, yet teetered on the other end of the scale. To not see that portion of her personality since then is downright sad.

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

MLP Forums's "Pick a Flaw" Portal

Doctor XFizzle's "Pick a Flaw" series has underwent an extension, from the middle of season 4 to exploring seasons 1 and 2. Multiple people (including myself, ChikoritaBrony, Captchet, etc.) have published various threads and expanded the series for FIM's other seasons.   Rather than merely repeating the same extension into my OP's, I'll be plugging in this portal, which will show all of FIM's "Pick a Flaw" threads and be bumped every now and then, and link the other PaF threads in the bottom

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Thomas & Friends: Series 17 Review

A few months ago, I braved myself to watch some Series 15 episodes and grimaced at just about everything minus the CGI. (The rest, I merely read the summaries.) The characterizations, storylines, character development, and overall writing quality were objectively awful, and there was no way to defend them nor claim I was stating an opinion! Despite not being as observant with railway realism as some of the die-hards, it doesn’t change the FACT how important railway realism is, and Series 15 blew

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Future Review/Analysis blogs

Now that I published my rant on the "it's for kids" excuse along with official reviews for Twilight's Kingdom and FIM's pilot, it's time to release some ideas for upcoming reviews. Note that this isn't a schedule, but a direction to what reviews I'll write next.   Below are lists of FIM episodes I'm considering reviewing. Note that just because they're there doesn't mean I'll do them. But I'll definitely do some of them.   Season 1: Boast Busters Dragonshy Bridle Gossip Winter Wrap Up

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

"Friendship is Magic (Pilot)" Review/Analysis

Haven’t you ever felt like giving a fair review for episodes or movies that were the most nostalgic to you? That’s me as far as Friendship Is Magic, Parts 1 and 2 are concerned: They were the first two episodes I watched, and they officially made me into a brony. They’re not in my top ten, but they’re instilled into me, because without watching it, I wouldn’t have noticed the show. But because these reviews are intended to be thorough and fair, that’s what I’ll do. (But expect me to want to

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

"It's for kids/little girls!" is a STUPID excuse!

Have you ever seen a half-assed excuse used so much, it drives you crazy? Way too many drive me nuts, and one of them is "it's for kids" — specifically "it's for little girls" in and out of the fandom — as an excuse for shortcomings. As far as FIM (and this message board) is concerned, when making an in-depth analysis or review of something, the most common response I get and see is the "FIM is for kids/little girls" excuse. Friendship Is Magic's show and IDW comics are for all ages, enjoyable b

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

"Twilight's Kingdom" Review/Analysis

Do you wish for My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic to end with a great, big bang? It already happened once before in Meghan McCarthy’s A Canterlot Wedding via its sentimental BBBFF, the fantastical comparison and contrast between the real and fake Cadance in This Day Aria, and its action-packed hilarity between the Mane Six and changelings. McCarthy’s résumé of two-parters is extended this season with Princess Twilight Sparkle (the premiere) and Twilight’s Kingdom (the finale). Discounting Test

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

DQ's Final Season 4 Episode Rankings

Author's Note: Initially, this was just a ranking for the first half of Season 4. But as of March 3, it's a personal ranking for Season 4 at large. With Twilight's Kingdom now officially aired, I compiled my final rankings and will link this list back to a review of the entire season.   ———   Like my MLP Micro-Series ranking, I'm ranking the Season 4 episodes as we go along. Here, I'm ranking them from most favorite to least favorite. Unlike my mega-sandwiches, these aren't critiqued objecti

Dark Qiviut

Dark Qiviut

Excuse me while I rant about Nickelodeon's Breadwinners (again)

If I'm allowed to put a swearword in a title, I would, because it needs it.   After re-reading and rewatching angry reviews of Breadwinners, I had the itch to bitch about it again because once isn't enough. I'd stop, but I might've lost a few years of my life, so whatever.   Nickelodeon's Breadwinners really pisses me off! If you think modern Spongebob and Sanjay & Craig are at the bottom of the barrel, you ain't seen nothin' yet. Because Breadwinners is much, MUCH worse!   How bad? T

Dark Qiviut

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