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Are men people too?



Alright so im actually REALLY pissed right now.

I don't want to bring the source into this, because i respect the hell out of her, and don't want to start drama regardless, but i DID make this journal to vent, so i feel i should at least make some sort of post on this.

Im probably not going to be able to make as strong a point as i would like without refrencing it, but again, people should feel free to post, so i don't want to drag her post in here and act like she doesn't have the right to say it.

Alright, so to begin, i just want to say ive always thought that on gender discrimination women have a lot of unfair nonsense they have to deal with that should NOT happen to them, but at the same time any time something bad happens to a man it doesnt matter. And thats not just when a man is discriminated, but in fact regardless of the subject matter. A man's pain is funny, and a women's pain is unfair, right?

Women go through so much shit that shouldn't happen, but people, please don't think that means men get a free ticket to life. I know from experience that as a man, you have to hate yourself. Women are told to feel bad about stupid shit like their weight, but if a man is fat not only should he feel bad, but its not society telling him to feel bad, he needs to know that his weight just makes him a flawed person. He isn't being beat on by society, he is just a bad person. He is just worthless, and he isn't "Overweight", or "Over the normal weight", he is just fat. Did anyone read my saying "if a man is fat" and get offended by it? Would you have been more offended if i had said it like that regarding to women?

And then if i could talk about pain tolerance. Before i begin, i am in NO WAY saying that the forms of pain i am about to use as examples are similar in how much they would hurt, i just want to go over a few things i have noticed. I OF COURSE understand that were talking different levels, my point is about how people react to different people being in pain.

Have you ever seen a women talk about the pain of childbirth, who you know for a fact has never had sex? Someone who hasn't experienced it at all talking down to men as if their lives are easier because they havent felt it, even though the speaker has not either? And if you said anything regarding the pain, even something to agree with them, you know you are going to be attacked for even mentioning it.

You ever see a guy get kicked in the balls? You ever see a women downplay the pain? Ever see anyone raise an eyebrow to them insulting a high level of pain they would never feel? Of course not. And you know what else, its funny. When you see the guy get hit, you better believe people are laughing. And he isnt taking a prat fall, he is collapsing from real pain. HILARIOUS. And you know why?

Because men aren't people. Thats what i wanted to get down to. There are humans, then, on a lower level, there are men. Men are taught that not only are they inferior in intelligence, and are only good enough to lift heavy objects, but if a man ever implied that he had an advantage in that field it would be sexist. Even in the first few grades you hear things like "Girls get the brains, men get the brawn", but if a guy says he is stronger than girls, i don't think i have to tell you people would be mad.

You ever hear about the whole, "Men aren't in touch with their feelings" stuff? Most of it is not because men aren't capable of feeling, its because we are taught to say that. If a man thinks he is a person, or his pain or struggles matter, he is either too weak to handle being a man, too lazy to improve his life, or whining when, as everyone knows, only women are discriminated against, and only women feel pain.

Again, i do not mean to downplay what women go through, it is HORRIBLE what they have to deal with. Just don't think that means men don't have issues of their own.

Again, i won't post the example i saw, but i realized that in this post about someone treating men poorly (which i admit, the men were definitely at fault in several of the scenarios), if you replace "boy" with "girl", "he" with "she" and so on, and had a man post it, people would be FURIOUS. The man would be a monster. Because its not ok to treat people like that, its only ok to treat men like that.

  • Brohoof 8


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I know what you mean, and I agree. It's an absolutely awful double standard in our society. 


There are movies with scenes where women force men to have sex with them. In all examples I've come across, nobody raises a fuss about it. I don't need to tell you what would have happened if the gender roles were reversed in that movie.

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm really out of touch with this gender thing, so of my opinions ever come across as rubbish, it's because they might be.


But .. if I've understood any of it thus far, I kind of thought the ideal we're aspiring to in modern times is to eliminate gender as a factor in judgement at all. To make it insignificant. That from X date forward, people would be judged on their effort and virtue.


At least, this is what I think I've heard.


What I've seen is different. What I've seen is that people say this, but then in practice they reinforce the importance of gender in every complaint they have about a word or an act that may or may not be sexist. In trying to get revenge for injustice (real or imagined), the implication that undermines that ideal is that gender still matters. That equality isn't really possible; all that's possible is to weigh down some people, and give lighter loads to others (metaphorically speaking).


I don't wonder why feminists are widely viewed as a joke now. It's not just the hyperbole of some of their writing, it's the hypocrisy inherent in it that people can't take seriously. An extremist with a point can gather an intelligent audience. An extremist with no sense at all will only appeal to idiots.


If someone has a legitimate grievance about gender-based favoritism, I don't mind hearing the complaint, provided their proposed solution is a move toward real equality and not just bashing the other side some more.

  • Brohoof 2
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It's not just us men that think this either, I've seen women you used to identify as feminists forsaking the label because of that the movement is turning into and being associated with.   

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Yes, by its definition fenimism is actually a very good thing that stands for equality. But as im sure most of us Bronies are aware of, when some people join a movement or group, and then loudly represent it in an unfavorable way, the entire group is blamed. The group stands for something great, the people are great, and if they had their way it would be great, but if the idiots are loud enough that is all people will see.

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