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FIM Episode Initials/Abbreviations

Dark Qiviut


Sometimes to spare some time, we like to write initials or abbreviations for various episodes. If doing it do much, they clutter, yet they are done so we don't have to write the same title as a whole over and over again.


So I'm putting out a list of the episodes followed by their initials or abbreviations. Most are what I've seen, but some of them are my own. You're free to use them if you wish or create your own to improve the list. Enjoy! ^_^

  1. Friendship Is Magic: FIM or FIM1/2
    Part 1: FIM1
    Part 2: FIM2
  2. The Ticket Master: TTM
  3. Applebuck Season: AbS
  4. Griffon the Brush Off: GtBO
  5. Boast Busters: BB
  6. Dragonshy: DS or DrS
  7. Look Before You Sleep: LBYS
  8. Bridle Gossip: BG
  9. Swarm of the Century: SotC
  10. Winter Wrap Up: WWU
  11. Call of the Cutie: CotC
  12. Fall Weather Friends: FWF
  13. Suited for Success: SfS
  14. Feeling Pinkie Keen: FPK
  15. Sonic Rainboom: SR
  16. Stare Master: SM
  17. The Show Stoppers: TShS (to differentiate the episode from The Smile Song [TSS]), ShS
  18. A Dog and Pony Show: AD&PS
  19. Green Isn't Your Color: GIYC
  20. Over a Barrel: OaB
  21. A Bird in the Hoof: ABitH
  22. The Cutie Mark Chronicles: TCMC (Pay attention to the "T" in the beginning)
  23. Owl's Well that Ends Well: OWtEW, OW, O'sWtEW, or O'sW
  24. Party of One: PoO or Po1
  25. The Best Night Ever: TBNE

  1. The Return of Harmony: RoH or RoH1/2
    Part 1: RoH1
    Part 2: RoH2
  2. Lesson Zero: LZ
  3. Luna Eclipsed: LE
  4. Sisterhooves Social: SiSo, SiS, or S2
  5. The Cutie Pox: TCP
  6. May the Best Pet Win!: MtBPW!
  7. The Mysterious Mare Do Well: TMMDW, MMDW, or MDW
  8. Sweet and Elite: S&E
  9. Secret of My Excess: SoME
  10. Hearth's Warming Eve: HWE
  11. Family Appreciation Day: FAD
  12. Baby Cakes: BC
  13. The Last Roundup: TLR
    The Last Roundup (edited): TLR-E
  14. The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000: SSCS6K or S6K
  15. Read It and Weep: RiaW
  16. Hearts and Hooves Day: H&HD or HaHD
  17. A Friend in Deed: AFiD
  18. Putting Your Hoof Down: PYHD
  19. It's About Time: IAT, I'sAT, or IaT
  20. Dragon Quest: DQ
  21. Hurricane Fluttershy: HF
  22. Ponyville Confidential: PC
  23. MMMystery on the Friendship Express: MotFE, M3, or MMM
  24. A Canterlot Wedding: ACW or ACW1/2
    Part 1: ACW1
    Part 2: ACW2

  1. The Crystal Empire: TCE or TCE1/2
    Part 1: TCE1
    Part 2: TCE2
  2. Too Many Pinkie Pies: TMPP
  3. One Bad Apple: OBA
  4. Magic Duel: MD
  5. Sleepless in Ponyville: SiP
  6. Wonderbolts Academy: WA
  7. Apple Family Reunion: AFR
  8. Spike at Your Service: SaYS
  9. Keep Calm and Flutter On: KCaFO, KC&FO, or KC
  10. Just for Sidekicks: JfS
  11. Games Ponies Play: GPP
  12. Magical Mystery Cure: MMC

  1. Princess Twilight Sparkle: PTS or PTS1/2
    Part 1: PTS1
    Part 2: PTS2
  2. Castle Mane-ia: CM-ia or CM
  3. Daring Don't: DD't
  4. Flight to the Finish: FttF
  5. Power Ponies: PoP
  6. Bats!: B! or Bats!
  7. Rarity Takes Manehattan: RTM
  8. Pinkie Apple Pie: PAP
  9. Rainbow Falls: RF
  10. Three's a Crowd: 3aC
  11. Pinkie Pride: PiP or PiPr
  12. Simple Ways: SW
  13. Filli Vanilli: FV
  14. Twilight Time: TT
  15. It Ain't Easy Being Breezies: IAEBB or IAE
  16. Somepony to Watch Over Me: StWOM or StW
  17. Maud Pie: MP
  18. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils: FWtSBT or SBT
  19. Leap of Faith: LoF
  20. Testing Testing 1, 2, 3: TT123
  21. Trade Ya!: TY!
  22. Inspiration Manifestation: IM
  23. Equestria Games: EG
  24. Twilight's Kingdom: TK, T'sK, TK1/2, or T'sK1/2
    Part 1: TK1 or T'sK1
    Part 2: TK2 or T'sK2

  1. My Little Pony Equestria Girls: EqG or EQG
  2. My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks: EqG-RR, EQG-RR, or RR
  3. Music to My Ears: MtME
  4. Guitar Centered: GC or G-C
  5. Hamstocalypse Now: HN
  6. Shake Your Tail!: SYT!
  7. Pinkie on the One: PotO
  8. Player Piano: PLP or PLPi
  9. A Case for the Bass: ACftB or CftB

  • Brohoof 4


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I've seen The Mysterious Mare Mare Do Well often as MMDW. You can add that as an abbreviation. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I've seen The Mysterious Mare Mare Do Well often as MMDW. You can add that as an abbreviation. 

Done! :)

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