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My friends



Flutterdash: We’ve had our differences, and I know I bother you sometimes, but I really like you. Best Fluttershy fan by far. J

Vinyl Scratch: You’re a great guy, and your posts are some of the few I truly enjoy. Keep it up, dude.

A CrayZ Cat: Didn’t get to know you very well, but you hang out around status updates, and anyone like that is awesome.

Allen: God.

AppleGearRising: I wish we’d been better friends. You’re awesome. I liked you ever since I knew you. I love your avatars, especially your current one. They’re all really cute J

Aquila: It didn’t work. I have more enemies than ever before. Still, that’s more my fault than yours. It’s not really your fault at all. Thank you. You’re pretty amazing at reading people. You can pretty much read my mind. Also, it seems some of that talent has seeped into Ghostie. You’re a good admin. I wish we could’ve been better friends.

Artemis: You used to be a really happy person. Now, you treat me like I’m an enemy. I’m guessing that I’m misreading you, but that’s how it’s seemed for a long time. A long time ago, a lot of members really disliked you. They told me all sorts of bad things about you, but I didn’t listen. I never do, until I meet the person. I’m glad I never misjudged you. I hope you can be happier as a normal member.

Adorkable: You are, in my opinion, the best staff member, in terms of being a staff member. Always there, always happy, and a fan of Twilight. ^^

Afterwards: x Ghostie

Baltoist: The manliest fourteen year old I’ve ever seen, with the possible exception of Dusty. You’re awesome, man, no matter how much trouble you get into. J

Batbrony: Fan of Derpy. Love it. Love your status updates, too. They’re all really funny. Keep it up, man J

Brechard: BRECHIE <33333 Even if I do turn out to be straight, you’ll be an amazing friend. If not, then you’ll be an amazing partner. I love you, Brechie. I was really disappointed when I learned that you had a boyfriend. Now, I’m happy that you do. Love ya, man J

Champ: Champ, you are the best furry I’ve ever known. You’re loyal. Very loyal. One of the few Faded Champions not to turn on me. Plus, you actually gave Madoka a chance, which is awesome. You’re an amazing friend. I thought you were one of the “Too good for everyone else” people at first, but you’re not. You’re a great guy.

Chigens: You’re awesome, but you never gave me a chance. That bothered me a lot. Please give people a chance.

Chikorita: You’re awesome. Funny, cheerful, everything. You go on status updates sometimes, mostly to comment. I really like reading them. J

Citrus King: Never got to know you that well, and you’re slightly infamous, but I find that the infamous people are the best. J

Codelyoko: You’re a great person. We used to talk a lot more on Steam and stuff, but not anymore. Your Doctor Who gifs are awesome; I use them a lot. Nice job J

Comet Starflash: Never got to know you, but PinkiePartyPie says you’re awesome. J

Tangent: You have a lot of really bad shit happening to you all at once. Even so, you manage to get through it. That takes a lot of strength. /)

Dusty: One of my best friends for a really long time. Ever since you joined, actually. Open to all political discussion, and not the least bit stubborn. A great friend. Thank you for always being there J

Daring: Daring, the PC gamer. I know how tough it must be to have a bad arm and be a follower of Gaben. I hope you’re able to get some surgery or something, because once that’s gone, I can’t think of anything else that really gets you down. One of my oldest friends. Thank you.

Dark Qiviut: Buffalo man. I’ve heard a huge amount about you, but never really spoke. I wish we had. J

Dawnbreaker: You’re one of the few people whose posts I’ve seen. I really love them. J

Delernil: You’re awesome. I wish you stayed as active as before L Also, the group hasn’t been the same without you.

DiscordedBrony: The person everyone hears about but never sees. I know a lot of people who really like you J

Doc Volt: Selfies <3

Dsanders: I wish we’d been better friends. I hope someday you’ll add me on Skype.

Eureka: The daughter of Discord, father of Jessie’s girlfriend. You’re pretty awesome.

Faded Skies: You saved my life. It means a lot to me. Plus, you’re an awesome Luna fan. Now go and take a shower :3

Feld0: Thank you for making this site. Thank you a lot.

Felix: Always the rebel. Love it.

FlashGear: I wish you hadn’t left, man. You were awesome L

Flipturn: Ditto. You were a great person. L

Flooter: No.

CD: Great admin, and always able to avoid BNSFW points. Impressive.

Silver Essence: Awesome Madoka fan. Keep up the awesomeness. J

StatesTheOblivious: Great guy to talk to, though I only did that a long time ago. Still, you’re awesome. J

Flutter to the Shy: Where’d you go? Champ’s lonely ;_;

Frostie: Never really got to know you, but you seem like one of the few mature people in our group. Plus, a sports fan. J

Bronydash: Love ya, man. Really. You’re awesome. Nearly banned quite a few times now, but you’re still freaking awesome. *hugs*

Geeks: Great friend. I’m glad you gave me a chance to show you who I really was. Thank you. We should talk some more J

Ghostie: Our relationship is like… an elevator. It goes up, then down, then up, then someone cuts the ropes and it goes falling to the floor, nearly crashing, but before it hits, Superman saves it. Recently, there’s been a high level of Kryptonite in the air. I love you a lot. I have so much else to say, but none of it can be put into words.

HeartFeltPuma: Great, friendly, warm person. I’ve been in a few PMs with you, and you’re always a friendly person. J

HomuraBL: You’re always looking out for me. Thank you for that. It means something to me. J

Kiwoy: You, my friend, have got the best boyfriend ever.

Jokuc: My five minute boyfriend. You’re awesome. A great staff member, who is willing to put the members first on the forums.

Kyoshi: No matter how depressed you get, you don’t give up. You’re also willing to listen to people, which is a trait not many people hold. /)

Churro: CHURRO <333333333333 I love you, dude. You’re a great friend. I wish you’d talk to me more often, but then again, I never talk to you. I really will try to do that J

Gamie: No.

M’aiq: I think I’m the only Faded Champion that doesn’t hate you. One of them, at least. You’re willing to listen to people with problems, and I like people who can do that. J

Mr. JK: Great streams. Bad moderation.

Noire: No matter how bad things get, you’re still cheerful. I’d never be able to live with what you’re going through, but you just tread on with a smile on your face. It truly is impressive. I think very highly of you.

Lightwing: You’re a great person. The world needs more awesomeness in it.

NiE: You use status updates a lot, and I’m glad I was able to know you. I can see you going places in life, if you choose the right path.

Obsidian Sky: A great Rarity fan, and someone I look up to. You defy all stereotypes of Rarity fans, and give them a good name. Thank you for that.

Otty: A great friend that makes amazing music. Keep it up. Not everyone can make music like you do.

PinkiePieRules: I wish I’d gotten to know you better. You are the caring, innocent brony that people think of us as. I wish we could talk more. /)

Proton: Impressive work on the forums, despite being a member. I really hope you become a staff member or mod soon. You’re making a great difference in the site J

Quirky: I haven’t seen you around as much, but everything you say is still awesome. You have an impressive intuition.

Rising Shine: GAH. Why didn’t we ever talk ;_; I wish I had tried to become your friend. I really do. You’re an amazing guy. Let’s talk on Skype sometime J

Rudy: You’re a great guy. But be careful. Remember what you told me the first time we met. I can’t say anything else. Remember it.

SCS: Wish we could’ve been better friends before your promotions. Even so, you’ll make a great admin.


Sig: Amazing voice. You should do voice acting. You’re also a very warm person to talk to. Thank you.

Cacklefruit: You’re very euphoric, and in a good way. I love everything you do. J

Hugoholic: You have potential. Please unlock it.

Fluttahooves: You changed before you left, so I dunno now.

Sky Chaser: One of the first people I’d met, you’re friendly and supportive. Thanks J

Sky Storm: Seven, six, five. You can be a leader. Lead them.

Stella: I’ve heard a lot about you, but never had any long discussions with you. Still, you’re really helpful, and I see a good future for you J

Sugar Cube: When you became a mod, you were worried about something. Don’t be worried about it. Don’t change it. If you stay the way you are, you may become the best mod there is.

Leafeon: Great choice in best Pokemon. Also, you’re really nice. Like. Really nice. I’ve yet to hear a bad thing about you J

Markz0ne: The class clown. Unravel the words you speak most and remember what they truly mean.

ThereIsNoSpoon: Yes there is.

Vermillion: I voted no. I’m sorry. Still, I’ll soon be out just as much as you.

Wingnut: A very happy person. You bring a lot of joy to the forums J

Zygen: It’s not over.


I am a member of the cactus allegiance. I am a Faded Champion. I am a weeaboo. I am a furry. I am the cubial network.

  • Brohoof 10


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I still recall when we met. I believe the first thing I ever told you was that you were nice and that you were Nietzsche. I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific as to which dialogue exchange you're referring to.

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You confuse the heck outta me sometimes, but you're a great friend xD


(Also, just so everyone knows, I'm not actually a furry, it's a joke)

  • Brohoof 1
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My happiness faded for a multitude of reasons over the past year. Had a lot of things happen and a lot of things happen to me. Such is life. Things are starting to look up for me again though, as burdens are lifted and I find myself with more time to spend with my friends. Everyone goes through trials and anguish at some points of their lives, myself included. Sorry for any negative impact this has had on you. It's my way to internalize whatever heartache and pain I'm going through rather than making it known to everyone or seeking help from my friends. Not always a wise thing to do, but it's how I've been conditioned to handle things for most of my life. Hard habit to break, but I'm getting better with it. It wasn't until helping another friend of mine through a rough spot that I realized how much sharing hardship can bring people closer together.


Yeah, I know people didn't like me for a time, I remember. And there was a time before that, perhaps before you arrived, where I was loved by a bunch of people. And in the time since that dark period you mentioned I've since returned to a state of normalcy. Shit happens here. I don't expect to be liked by everyone, but I'm on good terms with just about everyone who knows me personally. Of course, there are still plenty of people around here who's only sense of satisfaction is derived from being dissatisfied, and are going to hate regardless of anything said or done by me on a personal or professional level. Some people just love to hate things. They're of no concern to me.


But as I said, things have been looking up. Apologies again for seeming distant. That's being rectified, and I'm looking forward to talking with you in person at BronyCon.

  • Brohoof 1
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Nah, you don't really annoy me. :P Sometimes I'm just in a bad mood. ._. But hey, I still like you dude.*hugs* :squee: Take care of yourself, eh.

  • Brohoof 1
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